House Orn


King Alden Orn

King Alden Orn is a man of average height and build, standing at 5'10" and weighing around 170 lbs. He has a receding hairline with salt and pepper hair, cut short and neat. His eyes are a cold, calculating blue, and his face is often set in a stern, unapproachable expression. He is in his mid-50s but carries himself with an air of someone much older due to his hunched posture. He is often seen in richly embroidered robes of deep blues and purples, adorned with gold and silver accents, a sign of his wealth and status.

King Alden is known for his cowardice, often avoiding conflict and confrontation at all costs. He is quick to pass the blame onto others and is known to be cruel, especially to those who dare to cross him. His rule is marked by fear and intimidation, and he is not well-liked by his subjects.

Queen Elara Orn

Queen Elara Orn is a woman of striking beauty, even in her mid-50s. She stands at 5'6" and has a slender, graceful figure. She has long, wavy auburn hair that she often wears in intricate braids and styles, and her eyes are a piercing green. She has a sharp, angular face with high cheekbones and a thin, cruel smile. She is often seen in extravagant gowns of rich reds and golds, adorned with precious gems and jewels.

Queen Elara is as cruel as her husband, if not more so. She is manipulative and cunning, often using her beauty and charm to get what she wants. She is known to be harsh and unforgiving, especially to those who fail to meet her high standards. Despite her cruelty, she is a master at playing the part of the benevolent queen, often fooling those who do not know her true nature.

Prince Reginald Orn

Prince Reginald is the eldest of the Orn children at 30 years old. He stands at 6'1" with a lean build, has short, neatly styled black hair, and cold blue eyes like his father. He often wears dark, richly embroidered clothing. Reginald has adopted his parents' cruel demeanor, often lashing out at servants and underlings. He is manipulative and cunning, using his position to his advantage. Despite this, he is deeply unhappy and struggles with feelings of inadequacy and fear of his parents' disapproval.

As the eldest, Prince Reginald is the heir apparent to the throne. He is heavily involved in the political affairs of the kingdom, often representing his father in council meetings and diplomatic negotiations. He is also responsible for overseeing the kingdom's military forces, a role he takes very seriously.

Princess Catherine Orn

Princess Catherine is the middle child and 27 years old. She is 5'5" with a slender figure, long auburn hair like her mother, and piercing green eyes. She often wears extravagant gowns of rich colors. Catherine has developed a cold, detached demeanor as a defense mechanism against her parents' cruelty. She is intelligent and cunning, but also deeply resentful of her family and their reputation. She often dreams of escaping her family's control and making a life of her own.

Princess Catherine is often tasked with managing the royal household, a role traditionally assigned to the women of the royal family. However, Catherine has also taken a keen interest in the kingdom's finances and trade agreements. She often assists her older brother in diplomatic negotiations, using her intelligence and cunning to secure favorable deals for the kingdom.

Prince Edmund Orn

Prince Edmund is the youngest of the Orn children and is 15 years old. He is still growing, currently standing at 5'7", with a lanky build. He has messy black hair and bright blue eyes. He often wears simple, comfortable clothing, preferring practicality over extravagance. Edmund is quiet and withdrawn, often retreating into books and studies to escape his family's cruelty. He is intelligent and kind-hearted, traits that make him the black sheep of the family. He dreams of a day when he can leave his family behind and use his intelligence for the good of others.

Being the youngest and still a minor, Prince Edmund is currently focusing on his studies. He is being tutored in various subjects, including history, politics, and military strategy. However, Edmund has shown a particular interest in the magical arts and spends a lot of his free time studying magic under the kingdom's court wizard. He dreams of becoming a powerful wizard and using his magic to help others.

Fizzwick "Fizz" Quickfoot

Fizzwick is a gnome of small stature, even for his kind, standing at just 3'2". He has bright red hair that sticks out in all directions and a wide, malicious grin that rarely leaves his face. His eyes are a bright, mischievous green, and he is often seen in his colorful jester's attire, complete with a hat adorned with bells. Despite his cheerful appearance, Fizzwick is known for his cruel sense of humor and his willingness to carry out the king's orders to mock and humiliate guests.

As the court jester, Fizzwick's job is to entertain the court. However, he also serves as the king's tool for humiliation and mockery, often targeting guests at the king's command.

Lady Rosalind of House Veridian

Lady Rosalind is a woman of striking beauty, with long, wavy blonde hair and soft blue eyes. She stands at 5'6" and has a slender, graceful figure. She is often seen in extravagant gowns of rich colors, adorned with precious gems and jewels. Despite her beauty, there is a sadness in her eyes, a testament to the abuse she endures from her husband and his family.

As the wife of Prince Reginald, Lady Rosalind's role is primarily ceremonial. She is expected to accompany her husband to court events and diplomatic functions. However, she also takes an active role in managing the royal household, often working alongside Princess Isolde.

Thorgar "The Butcher" Ironfist

Thorgar is a burly dwarf with a height of 4'5" and a muscular build from years of physical work. He is 75 years old. He has a bald head, a thick, bushy black beard streaked with grey, and a large scar running across his face, a souvenir from a past altercation. His eyes are a cold, steely grey that have seen too much and give away nothing. He is often seen in a leather apron, stained with the evidence of his gruesome work, and heavy boots.

Thorgar is employed by the Orn family as the castle's torturer, a role he performs with a chilling efficiency. He runs the castle prison, ensuring that prisoners are kept in line and extracting information when necessary. Despite the gruesome nature of his work, Thorgar is a professional, viewing his work as a necessary evil. His reputation as "The Butcher" is well-known and feared among the castle's inhabitants.

Lord Percival Orn

Lord Percival is a short, rotund man standing at 5'4" and weighing around 220 lbs and is 52 years old. He has a round face, small beady eyes, and thinning hair that he often combs over in an attempt to hide his balding. He dresses in outlandish clothes, favoring bright colors and extravagant patterns. He is mean, envious, and has a certain cunning about him despite his lack of real power.

Percival is a minor noble, with no real responsibilities or power. He spends most of his time scheming and plotting, always looking for ways to increase his status and wealth.

Percival is a cousin of the king. He has always been envious of the king and queen and resents his position as a minor noble. He is married to Lady Priscilla, a union that is more of a business arrangement than a loving relationship.

Lady Priscilla Orn

Lady Priscilla is a short, plump woman standing at 5'2" and weighing around 200 lbs and is 50 years old. She has a round face, small, sharp eyes, and curly hair that she often dyes in outrageous colors. Like her husband, she dresses in outlandish clothes, favoring bright colors and extravagant jewelry. Priscilla is slightly crazy, often seen talking to herself or laughing at inappropriate times.

Like her husband, Priscilla is a minor noble with no real responsibilities or power. She spends most of her time gossiping and causing trouble, always looking for ways to stir up drama and chaos.

Priscilla is also a cousin of the king. She is married to Lord Percival, a union that she deeply resents. She shares her husband's envy of the king and queen and is always looking for ways to undermine them.