House Slvanna


Unlike many houses in Irna and around the world, House Slvanna is one of the few houses that the nobility and family is passed through the first born daughter. Males from other noble houses who elect to marry into the Slvanna house renounce their family names to take on the Slvanna name. This usually leads to marriages being second or third males in other families, or men who are disgraced in their own families. House Slvanna understands this and works it to their advantage frequently. The family has both human and elven lineage in it. The family name is Slvanna, which is also the name the queen assumes as her only name upon rising to the throne. No queen may rule for more than two centuries and the new queen is picked from the court's most renowned ladies.

Queen Slvanna

Queen Slvanna is a fetching woman with all of the grace and elegance her elven heritage provides to her. At noble events, she wears her striking blue and red gowns laced with pearls. She is several centuries old and in her last decade as ruler of the House. She is 5'10" and 145 pounds. Her eyes are a deep emerald and her hair a silky silver, braided on the sides into a single braid on the back. She seems to float as she moves when she's in public. Privately and around Marwen, she dresses down in a simple elven gown. She always has the Slvanna crest on.

The Queen was known as Holly Jofir before ascending to the throne. Her husband is Hass Jofir, also an elf, from the Bellree Forest, like she is from. The two formed early on as a power couple in the court and were able to leverage their individual talents to secure her rise to power. Holly spent considerable time honing her knowledge of Irna, the politics around Dort and visited the Crown often.

Holly is an accomplished wizard before assuming the throne, she continues to practice and grow in strength as a magician. Although running the kingdom has taken considerable time from her, she's reliant upon her husband to deal with the more mundane aspects of rule. Holly's goals for the Slvanna kingdom is to be ready for the upcoming war with Oshala.

Prince Hass Jofir

Prince Hass is a fit man with a tremendous presence and a stoic attitude. He typically dresses to match his wife, Queen Slvanna. Either in the royal red and blue or the laid back at home elven clothes. He is just as old as Queen Slvanna coming in at 6'2" and 170 pounds. His eyes are sandy brown and his hair is also a light brown, he wears is long with a short ponytail. He is not as graceful as Queen Slvanna, but still moves with an unearthly grace. He always wears the Slvanna crest, often on a brooch.

Hass Jofir comes from the high elves in the Belltree forest and met Holly early in their lives and saw each other as a way to asend to power, coming from powerful families with many allies, both Hass and Holly made the needed diplomatic connections, traded favors and worked for a century to line up being promoted to the crown. While Holly was the external face of the couple, Hass was a behind the scenes guy who ensured loyalty and made the less public dealing happen.

Hass is an accomplished druid and still makes time to be one with nature and has grown to a very powerful druid, second only to Seamus Dirtfoot in Irna. Running the kingdom with Holly has taken primary attention for Hass and he and Holly are preparing the kingdom for war.

Princess Haleth Jofir

Haleth is a stunningly beautiful woman, especially when she's stationary. She is quiet clumsy otherwise, tripping and falling frequently. She plays it off with a giggle and a joke, but she's envious of her mother's almost angelic grace. She tries to avoid wearing her station's colors, but will for formal events, she believes the blue and red clash with her yellow eyes and golden hair. When she's permitted to dress as she likes, she wear a mid-calf length simple gown of natural colors, greens and browns. She is 5'9" and 130 pounds. She keeps her hair short, much to the chagrin of her mother. Haleth is just under 100 years old.

Haleth is the daughter of Hass and Holly a couple decades before Holly became queen. She is their only child. Haleth has watched her parents make it to the crown and sees all of the politics, games, deals, treachery and nasty side to politics. Being raised to adulthood before her parents making it to the crown has given her some freedom to be herself at times, she still lives within the capitol castle and spends her time in court. While she's taken a few lovers, she's not settled down to the one she wants to be with for her first marriage. Her lack of grace has cost her some relationships. While she giggles and jokes about it, she is really bothered by it.

Haleth doesn't really have a profession or has worked towards anything, she's a member of the court and helps her parents out at specific times. She doesn't have an issue seducing men that her parents need to make deals with so they can "win". Since her beauty is beyond most people, she finds it easy and doesn't understand why the other ladies on the court have issues with it. Sometimes her mom will ask her to pay attention to a specific guy, sometimes she just takes it on herself to do so.

Sir Jonath Jofir

Jonath is a sturdy half elf man in his 80s, middle-aged. He walks and moves with purpose and intent at all times. He considers small talk and meaningless conversation a waste of time. When he talks it is always meaningful and purposeful. He is always wearing the crown's colors regardless of the outfit or situation he is in, he is very proud to be part of the Queen's rule. He has his hair shaven on the sides and back of his head with only some top hair, usually spiked up in tuffs. He likes to highlight his pointish ears. His hair is black and his eyes are brown and he is 5'10" and 200 pounds, built like a tank.

Jonath is one of Holly's sister's trysts with a human offspring. From his earliest time, all he wanted was to work in the castle with the queen. He, being in a large elf population, always wanted to be more like them. Most of the elves were indifferent towards Jonath, but he was teased for being half human and he learned to shut out responding to them. As time progressed, he became more and more reserved in order to not draw attention to himself. While he's seen elven maidens he wanted to be with, he's never had the courage to ask any of them.

Joanth is a warrior who leads the Queens personal guard. He hand picks the soldiers who will work on any given detail and he is always the vanguard where ever the queen goes. He manages the security, the guards, the less obvious protections as well. He takes his charge very seriously. He would die for the queen in a heartbeat.

Gavric "The Shadow" Blackwater

Gavric Blackwater, known as "The Shadow," is a man of mystery and discretion. He is the spymaster for Queen Slvanna, a role he carries out with a quiet efficiency that has earned him his nickname. Gavric is a human in his late 40s, with a lean, wiry build that belies his strength. His hair is a salt-and-pepper mix, kept short and neat, and his eyes are a piercing ice-blue that seem to miss nothing. He is always dressed in dark, unassuming clothes that allow him to blend into the shadows.

Gavric is the eyes and ears for the queen, gathering information and ensuring that any threats to the family are dealt with swiftly and discreetly. He is fiercely loyal to the crown, a loyalty that was earned through years of service and a deep respect for the traditions of the Slvanna family.

Seraphine "The Serpent" Voss

Seraphine Voss, known as "The Serpent," is the master of whispers for the queen. She is an elf in her early 200s, which is middle-aged for her race, and her age gives her an air of elegance and wisdom. Seraphine is tall and slender, with long silver hair that she wears in intricate braids. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and they always seem to be smiling, as if she knows a secret that no one else does. She is always dressed in luxurious, flowing gowns in shades of green and silver.

Seraphine is responsible for managing the public image of the royal family. She is a master of manipulation, using her charm and wit to sway public opinion and ensure that the family is always seen in the best possible light. Despite her seemingly friendly demeanor, Seraphine is not to be underestimated. She is fiercely loyal to the Jofir family and will do whatever it takes to protect their reputation.