The Sentient Spire of Frosthaven

Perched on the southwestern hill adjacent to the bustling docks of Frosthaven, the Sentient Spire stands as a beacon of arcane mystery. The tower's current master, Verrell, a wizard of formidable power, is but the latest in a long line of magical occupants. Unbeknownst to most, the tower itself is sentient, having gained self-awareness through millennia of magical osmosis from its wizardly inhabitants.

The Spire, content in its existence, remains impartial to the affairs of its occupants. However, it ensures that its legacy of arcane mastery continues by subtly influencing the selection of its next occupant, always a magic user of considerable power. The tower staunchly resists the attempts of Frosthaven's nobility to purchase it for military purposes, subtly influencing its occupants to harbor a bias against the city's lords. This subtle manipulation often leads to strained relations between the tower's master and the King.


The Sentient Spire is imbued with a multitude of permanent enchantments, remnants of powerful spells cast by wizards whose knowledge has been lost to time. It is said the magic is from five magic generations ago.


The most noticeable enchantment is its ability to manipulate the weather within its vicinity. Regardless of the season, the tower is always surrounded by a gentle spring breeze and partly cloudy skies. During winter, the tower's surroundings mimic a cool fall day, while on the hottest summer day, it remains pleasantly warm. Torrential downpours are reduced to light showers within the tower's enchantment radius. The tower, however, respects the wishes of its occupant and will adjust the weather to match the outside conditions if requested.


The second enchantment is a discreet alarm system that alerts the tower's occupant of approaching visitors. This enchantment can be deactivated, although many occupants, including Verrell, remain unaware of its existence or how to operate it.

Food and Water

The final enchantment is an ever-full pantry and a never-ending well. The pantry magically produces any ingredient the occupant desires, while the well provides an endless supply of fresh, cool water. However, to the disappointment of many wizards, including Verrell, the pantry does not provide non-mundane food items or any alcohol unrelated to meal preparation.

The Accident

The tower bears the scars of a long-ago accident. Around 3100 ME, a group of adventurers brought a godstone to the tower's then occupant, a wizard named Zenon. In his attempts to unlock the stone's secrets, Zenon triggered an explosion that damaged part of the tower. Attempts to repair the damage have been unsuccessful due to its magical nature, leaving the tower with a perpetually weathered appearance.


Verrell, the current owner, has installed a sentient door which he, brilliantly, named "Door". Door is a large, ornate wooden door with intricate carvings and a polished brass doorknob. His “eyes” are two peepholes that allow him to see both inside and outside the room. His “mouth” is a keyhole that moves when he speaks.

Door was created as a guardian and servant. He was imbued with sentience and loyalty to his master. Despite being a door, he has developed a personality of his own, often bragging about his importance and getting offended when anyone insults him.

Door’s life is relatively uneventful due to his stationary nature. However, a significant event for him was when he successfully prevented a group of thieves from entering Verrell’s study. This event boosted his confidence and made him even more of a braggart.

Door has a habit of commenting on the appearance of anyone who approaches him, often complimenting or criticizing their attire. He also tends to brag about his importance in protecting his master’s privacy and secrets.

Door reacts strongly to disrespect, often refusing to open for anyone who insults him. However, he can be sweet-talked into revealing some details, showing a reaction of pleasure when complimented or treated kindly.

Tower Levels

Ground Level

The ground level houses Verrell's laboratory, a grand foyer, a magnificent staircase leading to an open second level, a well-stocked kitchen, a bathroom, and a dining room.

Second Level

The second level is Verrell's private sanctuary, featuring his living quarters, a private bath, and stairs leading to the third level.

Third Level

The top level is home to a cozy study, two guest rooms, and a shared bathroom, offering a panoramic view of Frosthaven and the surrounding landscape.


Verrell the Transmuter (5260 ME - Present)

Verrell, a human male wizard, is the current occupant of the Sentient Spire. Known for his expertise in transmutation magic, Verrell has a particular fascination with the transformation of matter. He is recognized for his creation of "Verrell's Versatile Vessel," a magical container that can transform into any type of container the user imagines. Verrell is a tall, slender man with a scruffy brown beard and piercing blue eyes. He is known for his eccentric personality and his love for magical experimentation.

Elara the Illusionist (5140 ME - 5255 ME)

Elara was a female half-elf sorcerer known for her mastery of illusion magic. She was renowned for creating "Elara's Enchanting Echo," a spell that could create a perfect illusionary duplicate of the caster. Elara was a charismatic and vivacious woman, her silver hair and violet eyes adding to her ethereal beauty. She was known for her love of art and music, often incorporating these elements into her magic.

Thoren the Abjurer (4812 ME - 5062 ME)

Thoren, a male dwarf wizard, was known for his expertise in abjuration magic. His most notable creation was "Thoren's Thaumaturgic Theorem," a complex magical formula that could predict and counteract incoming spells. Thoren was a stout and stern dwarf with a fiery red beard and a keen intellect. He was known for his disciplined approach to magic and his dedication to magical research.

Lysandra the Diviner (4754 ME - 4799 ME)

Lysandra was a female human wizard known for her mastery of divination magic. She was renowned for her creation of "Lysandra's Luminous Lens," a magical artifact that could reveal hidden truths and secrets. Lysandra was a wise and mysterious woman, her long black hair and dark eyes adding to her enigmatic aura. She was known for her quiet demeanor and her uncanny ability to predict future events.

Gavriel the Evoker (4184 ME - 4754 ME)

Gavriel was a male elf wizard known for his expertise in evocation magic. His most notable creation was "Gavriel's Glowing Grasp," a spell that could create a hand of pure energy capable of manipulating objects from a distance. Gavriel was a charismatic and adventurous elf with a passion for exploration and discovery. He was known for his daring exploits and his love for magical experimentation.

Ilyana the Enchanter (3923 ME - 4177 ME)

Ilyana was a female gnome sorcerer known for her mastery of enchantment magic. She was renowned for her creation of "Ilyana's Irresistible Invitation," a spell that could compel others to follow the caster's commands. Ilyana was a charming and vivacious gnome with a knack for persuasion and manipulation. She was known for her playful personality and her love for social gatherings.

Oren the Dimensionalist (3791 ME - 3920 ME)

Oren was a male halfling wizard known for his expertise in conjuration magic. His most notable creation was "Oren's Opulent Oasis," a spell that could create a pocket dimension of comfort and luxury. Oren was a jovial and generous halfling with a love for good food and company. He was known for his hospitality and his love for magical innovation.

Valsa the Visionary (3760 ME - 3790 ME)

Valsa was a female human wizard known for her expertise in divination magic. Renowned for her crystal ball that allowed her to witness events across the world and planes. She recorded her visions in a massive tome that became vital to historians. A tall, slender human woman with pale blue eyes. She often wears elaborate robes embroidered with arcane symbols and peers through her crystal ball.

Pyrus the Pyromancer (3281 ME - 3758 ME)

Pyrus was a male elf wizard who specialized in evocation magic. Created everburning fire pits that continued burning eternally. Also devised the flame whip spell used by many evokers since. A haughty elf with fiery red hair styled in long braids. He is fond of flashy displays of magic and wears ostentatious robes lined with magical flames.

Zenon the Supreme Arcanist (2911 ME - 3280 ME)

Zenon is a male wizard known for his mastery of all schools of magic. Despite the unfortunate accident with the godstone, Zenon is renowned for his creation of "Zenon's Zephyr Zone," a spell that could control the wind and weather. Zenon is a wise and dedicated wizard with a thirst for knowledge and a passion for magical research. He is known for his scholarly demeanor and his dedication to the study of magic.

Gellia the Transmuter (2745 ME to 2902 ME)

Gellia was a female gnome who studied the transmutation school of magic. Famous for experiments that allowed her to alter her form. Once transformed into a dragon for a decade before returning to gnomish form. A cheerful gnome with curly gray hair. She loves experimenting on herself and others, wearing whatever form suits her whims.

Vaeros the Conjurer (2711 ME to 2744 ME)

Vaeros was a human male conjuration wizard. Excelled at summoning creatures from other planes to serve him. His favored minion was a vicious yeth hound bound to his service. A bald, middle-aged human surrounded by summoned monstrosities. His dark eyes glimmer with sinister intent and his robes are stained from his vile experiments.

Tharivol the Illusionist (2222 ME to 2707 ME)

Tharivol was a male elf who master the illusionist school of magic. Created uncanny illusions that were indistinguishable from reality. His most famed illusion was an illusory tower that stood for over a year. A playful elf with a mischievous smile. He delights in trickery and wears stylish, eye-catching clothes. Illusions constantly surround him.

Elandrin the Ascendant (1987 ME - 2221 ME)

Elandrin, a male high elf wizard, was the grand architect and original occupant of the Sentient Spire. Known for his unparalleled mastery of all schools of magic, Elandrin was a figure of legend, his name echoing through the annals of arcane history.

Elandrin was a tall, regal elf with silver hair that cascaded down his back and eyes that shimmered like sapphires. His presence was commanding, his aura radiating an almost tangible sense of power and wisdom. He was known for his calm demeanor, his words carrying the weight of centuries of knowledge and experience.

Elandrin's magical prowess was unmatched. He was renowned for his creation of "Elandrin's Eternal Echo," a spell that could manipulate time and space, allowing him to glimpse into the past and future. His "Elandrin's Elemental Embrace" was a spell that allowed him to control the elements, bending them to his will.

Elandrin's most significant achievement, however, was the creation of the Sentient Spire. Using his vast magical knowledge, Elandrin constructed the tower and imbued it with powerful enchantments. He laid down the weather modification enchantment, ensuring the tower was always surrounded by pleasant weather. He installed the alarm system, providing an additional layer of security for the tower's occupants. Finally, he enchanted the pantry and well, ensuring they would never run out of food or water.

Elandrin was a visionary, his contributions to the magical community leaving a lasting legacy. His tower stands as a testament to his power and wisdom, a beacon of arcane knowledge that continues to inspire wizards for generations to come.