General Store

Thistlebrook's General Store

Nestled in the heart of the town, Thistlebrook's General Store stands as a beacon of commerce and community. The store, made of sturdy oak with a thatched roof, emanates a warm and inviting aura. A hand-painted sign, slightly faded by the sun, swings gently in the breeze, depicting a full basket beside a bubbling brook.

Inside, the store is a cozy labyrinth of shelves, barrels, and crates, each filled with goods essential for the townsfolk. The scent of fresh herbs, leather, and parchment fills the air. A large wooden counter, worn smooth by countless transactions, dominates one side of the room. Behind it stands the ever-smiling proprietor, Old Man Thistlebrook, always ready with a story or a piece of advice.

The walls are adorned with tools, ropes, and lanterns, while barrels near the entrance are filled with grains and dried fruits. A small section near the back is dedicated to arcane components, a nod to any wandering mage or curious local.

Items for Sale:

  1. Torch - 1 cp
  2. Rations (1 day) - 5 sp
  3. Waterskin - 2 sp
  4. Rope, Hemp (50 feet) - 1 gp
  5. Lantern - 5 gp
  6. Oil (flask) - 1 sp
  7. Bedroll - 1 gp
  8. Blanket - 5 sp
  9. Ink (1 ounce bottle) - 10 gp
  10. Ink Pen - 2 cp
  11. Parchment (sheet) - 1 sp
  12. Herbalism Kit - 5 gp
  13. Healer's Kit - 5 gp
  14. Spellbook (empty) - 50 gp
  15. Arcane Focus (crystal) - 10 gp
  16. Arcane Focus (wand) - 10 gp
  17. Holy Symbol (wooden) - 1 gp
  18. Candles (5) - 1 cp
  19. Soap - 2 cp
  20. Whetstone - 1 cp

Thistlebrook's General Store is the heart of the town's commerce. Whether you're a local in need of daily essentials or an adventurer preparing for a journey, the store has something for everyone. And if you can't find what you're looking for, Old Man Thistlebrook is always happy to place a special order or point you in the right direction.

Store Names

Lancaster's Loom (England)

McTavish Mercantile (Scotland)

Llywelyn's Sundries (Wales)

O'Sullivan's Outpost (Ireland)

Le Marché de Martine (France)

Heinrich's Handelswaren (Germany)

Mercato di Moretti (Italy)

Prairie Provisions (USA)

Ivanov's Imports (Russia)

Tall Pine Trading Post (Native American)

Nordic Necessities (Scandinavia)

Yorkshire Yarns (England)

Dunbar Dry Goods (Scotland)

Gwynedd Goods (Wales)

Fitzpatrick's Fineries (Ireland)

Boutique de Bordeaux (France)

Wolfgang's Warenhaus (Germany)

Bottega di Bellini (Italy)

Frontier Finds (USA)

Ruslan's Reserves (Russia)


Lancaster's Loom

  • Name: Edmund Lancaster
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: A tall, thin man with a meticulous nature. He prides himself on the quality of textiles in his store.

McTavish Mercantile

  • Name: Fiona McTavish
  • Race: Dwarf
  • Gender: Female
  • Description: A stout dwarf with fiery red hair. She has a keen eye for precious metals and gems.

Llywelyn's Sundries

  • Name: Bran Llywelyn
  • Race: Elf
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: A graceful elf with a calm demeanor. He specializes in rare herbs and potions.

O'Sullivan's Outpost

  • Name: Aileen O'Sullivan
  • Race: Halfling
  • Gender: Female
  • Description: A cheerful halfling with a love for stories. Her store is a hub for travelers seeking tales and trinkets.

Le Marché de Martine

  • Name: Martine Dubois
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Female
  • Description: An elegant woman known for her collection of exotic spices and wines.

Heinrich's Handelswaren

  • Name: Heinrich Müller
  • Race: Dwarf
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: A burly dwarf with a passion for crafting tools and weapons.

Mercato di Moretti

  • Name: Lucia Moretti
  • Race: Elf
  • Gender: Female
  • Description: A refined elf with a penchant for art and music. Her store often hosts local musicians.

Prairie Provisions

  • Name: Samuel Redhawk
  • Race: Human (Native American inspired)
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: A wise man with deep knowledge of the land. He offers goods sourced from nature.

Ivanov's Imports

  • Name: Natalia Ivanov
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Female
  • Description: A shrewd businesswoman known for her connections with traders from distant lands.

Tall Pine Trading Post

  • Name: White Deer
  • Race: Elf (Native American inspired)
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: A serene elf with a deep connection to the forest. He offers goods made from natural materials.

Nordic Necessities

  • Name: Erik Olafsson
  • Race: Dwarf
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: A robust dwarf with a love for adventure. His store is filled with gear for explorers.

Yorkshire Yarns

  • Name: Isabella Thornton
  • Race: Halfling
  • Gender: Female
  • Description: A gentle halfling with a talent for weaving. Her store is a haven for crafters.

Dunbar Dry Goods

  • Name: Malcolm Dunbar
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: A jovial man known for his vast collection of grains and dry goods.

Gwynedd Goods

  • Name: Elain Parry
  • Race: Elf
  • Gender: Female
  • Description: A curious elf with a love for books and scrolls.

Fitzpatrick's Fineries

  • Name: Sean Fitzpatrick
  • Race: Halfling
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: A dapper halfling with a flair for fashion.

Boutique de Bordeaux

  • Name: Amélie Renaud
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Female
  • Description: A sophisticated woman known for her curated collection of wines.

Wolfgang's Warenhaus

  • Name: Wolfgang Schneider
  • Race: Dwarf
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: A diligent dwarf with a knack for metalwork.

Bottega di Bellini

  • Name: Marco Bellini
  • Race: Elf
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: An artistic elf with a passion for glassblowing.

Frontier Finds

  • Name: Abigail Boone
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Female
  • Description: A brave woman known for her collection of frontier essentials.

Ruslan's Reserves

  • Name: Ruslan Petrov
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: A rugged man with a vast array of goods from the northern territories.