Tavern & Inn

The Wandering Wyvern Inn & Tavern

Nestled at the heart of countless small villages across the realm, the Wandering Wyvern Inn & Tavern stands as a beacon of warmth and respite for weary travelers. Its familiar wooden façade, adorned with a hand-carved sign depicting a gracefully curving wyvern in mid-flight, promises comfort and camaraderie within.


The inn is a two-story timber-framed building, with walls of wattle and daub. Moss-covered shingles form the roof, which has a gentle slope and a brick chimney that constantly emits a thin wisp of smoke. A stable adjacent to the inn offers lodging for mounts and beasts of burden. The windows, framed with wooden shutters, glow with amber light in the evenings, casting a welcoming ambiance to those outside.

The Tavern:

As you push open the heavy oak door, the rich aroma of roasted meats, freshly baked bread, and the tang of ale fills the air. The tavern occupies the ground floor, with sturdy wooden tables and benches scattered about. A large hearth dominates one wall, with a roaring fire that crackles and dances, providing warmth to the patrons. Above the fireplace, the mounted head of a wyvern – the inn's namesake – watches over the room with glassy eyes.

To the side, a long wooden bar runs the length of the room, behind which the barkeep, a rotund and jolly individual, serves drinks and shares tales with the patrons. Shelves lined with bottles of varying shapes and colors, from local brews to exotic spirits, stand behind him.

The Inn:

A wooden staircase, worn smooth by countless footsteps, leads to the upper floor where the guest rooms are located. Each room, though modest in size, offers a clean bed with a quilted blanket, a small desk with a candlestick, and a window that overlooks the village. The walls are adorned with simple tapestries that muffle sound, ensuring a peaceful night's rest.

For those seeking more privacy, there are a couple of larger suites with their own fireplace and a plush sitting area. These rooms are often reserved for nobles or wealthier patrons passing through.

Special Features:

  • The Wyvern's Nook: A small, semi-private alcove in the tavern where secretive meetings can be held. It's separated from the main area by a thick curtain.

  • The Cellar: Beneath the tavern lies a cool cellar, where barrels of ale and wine are stored. Rumors speak of a hidden tunnel here, though its existence is a closely guarded secret.

  • The Bard's Stage: A small raised platform near the hearth where traveling minstrels and bards often perform, filling the tavern with music and tales of distant lands.

The Wandering Wyvern Inn & Tavern is more than just a place to rest one's head. It's a hub of activity, where stories are exchanged, deals are brokered, and friendships are forged. Whether you're a hero seeking your next quest or a merchant concluding a day's business, the inn welcomes all with open arms and a full mug.

Cultural Names

The Stag's Hearth (England)

Thistle & Thorne Tavern (Scotland)

Dragon's Breath Inn (Wales)

Emerald Isle Rest (Ireland)

Le Loup Marin Tavern (France - "The Sea Wolf Tavern")

Eichenbaum Lodge (Germany - "Oak Tree Lodge")

Luna Marina Inn (Italy - "Harbor Moon Inn")

Golden Frontier Tavern (USA)

Bear's Den Inn (Russia)

Whispering Pines Lodge (Native American)

Nordic Nook Tavern (Scandinavian)

The Siren's Song Inn (Coastal regions)

Raven's Roost Tavern (Nordic/Scandinavian)

L'Ancre Dorée (France - "The Golden Anchor")

Sternenlicht Lodge (Germany - "Starlight Lodge")

Il Rifugio del Marinaio (Italy - "The Sailor's Refuge")

Prairie Wind Inn (USA - Midwest inspiration)

Eagle's Eyrie Tavern (Native American)

The Frostfire Tavern (Scandinavian)

Celtic Crossroads Inn (Celtic regions)


Eleanor Ashford (England)

  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Female
  • Description: A refined woman with a sharp wit, Eleanor inherited the inn from her parents and has maintained its reputation for excellent service.

Fergus MacTavish (Scotland)

  • Race: Dwarf
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: With a fiery red beard and a hearty laugh, Fergus is known for his storytelling and the finest dwarven brews.

Branwen Llyr (Wales)

  • Race: Elf
  • Gender: Female
  • Description: Graceful and mysterious, Branwen's inn is a haven for travelers seeking ancient elven songs and tales.

Sean O'Leary (Ireland)

  • Race: Halfling
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: Sean's infectious cheer and knack for playing the fiddle make his inn a favorite among travelers.

Amélie Duval (France)

  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Female
  • Description: Elegant and sophisticated, Amélie's inn is renowned for its gourmet cuisine and fine wines.

Heinrich Müller (Germany)

  • Race: Dwarf
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: A master brewer, Heinrich's tavern is a destination for those seeking the richest ales and stouts.

Giovanni Bianchi (Italy)

  • Race: Elf
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: With a passion for music and dance, Giovanni's inn is always alive with melodies and merriment.

Clara Redwood (USA)

  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Female
  • Description: A former adventurer, Clara's inn is adorned with relics from her travels, and she's always eager to share tales of her exploits.

Anastasia Ivanova (Russia)

  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Female
  • Description: Stern but fair, Anastasia's inn is a warm refuge from the cold, known for its hearty meals and strong spirits.

Takoda (Native American)

  • Race: Elf
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: Takoda, meaning "Friend to Everyone," runs an inn that's a gathering place for various tribes and travelers.

Ingrid Bjornsdottir (Scandinavian)

  • Race: Dwarf
  • Gender: Female
  • Description: Ingrid's inn, nestled in the mountains, is famous for its mead and traditional dwarven feasts.

Lucas Dubois (France)

  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: A former sailor, Lucas' tales of the sea are as enticing as the fresh seafood served at his inn.

Matthias Vogel (Germany)

  • Race: Dwarf
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: Matthias is known for his jovial nature and the lively festivals held at his tavern.

Isabella Romano (Italy)

  • Race: Elf
  • Gender: Female
  • Description: Isabella's inn is a romantic spot, famous for its moonlit dances and elven wine.

Ethan Stone (USA)

  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: Ethan, a former gold prospector, has adorned his inn with trinkets from his adventures.

Nikolai Petrov (Russia)

  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: Nikolai's inn is a fortress against the cold, where guests gather around the fireplace for warmth and stories.

Liluye (Native American)

  • Race: Elf
  • Gender: Female
  • Description: Meaning "Hawk Singing," Liluye's inn is a serene place, with melodies of nature always in the background.

Erik Olafsson (Scandinavian)

  • Race: Dwarf
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: Erik's tavern, carved into a mountain, is a testament to dwarven craftsmanship and tradition.

Madeleine Boucher (France)

  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Female
  • Description: Madeleine's inn, with its fragrant gardens, is a favorite among poets and artists.

Lars Andersen (Scandinavian)

  • Race: Dwarf
  • Gender: Male
  • Description: Lars, with his deep love for the sea, has decorated his inn with maritime relics and often shares tales of the northern seas.