Harmony by the Venad - The Town of Asalune

Perched on the edge of the mystical Venad forest, the scenic town of Asalune stands as a testament to unity and collaboration between cultures. Timber-framed buildings in the human style mingle with flowing elven architecture along the calm banks of the Erham River. The gentle current and susurrus of the ancient trees create a soothing natural symphony that resonates through the very soul of Asalune.

Founded originally as a logging settlement, Asalune's fate took a historic turn when the Elves of Venad intervened to protect their sacred forest. What began in mistrust and conflict transformed into an innovative alliance. Under the guidance of House Molly, tree farming allowed the town to balance its timber needs with preserving the venerable woods.

The People of Asalune

Cultural Aspects

Asalune embraces cooperation between races. Elves and Humans form the majority, but Halflings, Dwarves, and bird-like Aarakocra all contribute to the town's rich cultural tapestry. Laughter and storytelling are woven into daily life. The Elves share ancient lore, the Halflings irreverent wit, and the Aarakocra mysteries of the sky. Courtesy and dignity are paramount.

Religious Aspects

The Elves revere Raphma, goddess of arcana, in the forest groves. Humans worship Thulgard, patron of hearths and homes, at the temple in the town square. Caminus the Smith is honored by craftsmen of all races.

The Summer Fair

Every summer, the streets fill with revelry for the Summer Fair. Elven minstrels perform amid garlands of flowers, Halfling chefs cook sumptuous fare, and nights end with human-led dances around great bonfires. This celebration of unity and the turn of seasons draws joyous crowds from all over.

Governance: House Molly

The honorable union between human Lord Edgard and elven Lady Hussa Molly represents the ideal of cooperation Asalune was founded upon. Their wisdom and balance have maintained the concord.

Their son Markus, a promising youth combining the best of both worlds, is proof that old divisions can be overcome. He reminds the people that they are strongest together.

Lord Edgard Molly

Lord Edgard governs with patience and virtue. He ensures all voices are heard and works to reconcile opposing needs for the good of all Asalune's people, be they elf, human, or otherwise.



Asalune was established as a logging camp to fuel expansion in Irna. The settlement grew rapidly as timber was harvested from the Venad. But the Elves protested the deforestation of their sacred woods.


Tensions erupted into skirmishes as Asalune's loggers pressed deeper into the forest. The Elves responded with guerilla tactics, sabotaging the camps. Each side distrusted the other.


Weary of bloodshed, Lady Hussa brokered talks between the logging concerns and elven emissaries. After months, they struck an accord - logs would come from tree farming rather than deforestation.

Current Era

United in purpose, Asalune has since flourished. Elves and Men work together, blending styles and sharing knowledge. Under House Molly's steady guidance, the town has become a model of cooperation.


Langtree Lumber Company

Owner: Elder Eamon (Elf, male)
Oversees ethical tree farming and logging operations.

Erham Boatworks

Owner: Anders 'Sparrow' Erikson (Human, male)
Renowned for crafting sturdy yet nimble river boats.

Silverknot Jewelers

Owner: Daena Truestring (Elf, female)
Creates finely wrought elven jewelry using gems from the Venad's depths.

The Dancing Oak Inn

Owner: Willa Fairbanks (Halfling, female)
Cheerful inn and tavern run by Halflings, popular for its hospitality and music.

Swiftwing Couriers

Owner: Cha'atckli (Aarakocra, male)
Messenger birds and elite Aarakocra deliver letters and small goods with unrivaled speed.

Greenhaven Apothecary

Owner: Jonas Grundstrom (Human, male)
Crafts potent curatives using the Venad's rare herbs and fungi.

Asalune remains a town devoted to harmony between mortal races. Through compromise and understanding, mighty bridges have been built. And under House Molly's guidance, the future remains bright for this jewel on the Venad's edge.

House Molly: The Union of Two Worlds

The Family

Lord Edgard

A tall, broad-shouldered human with a chiseled jawline and deep-set blue eyes, Lord Edgard carries himself with an air of authority. His dark hair, streaked with silver, is usually tied back, revealing a forehead marked with the lines of deep thought. Edgard is known for his diplomatic skills, having brokered peace between the loggers and the elves of Venad. He wears a pendant, a gift from Lady Hussa, which symbolizes their union and the harmony of Asalune.

Lady Hussa

Ethereal and graceful, Lady Hussa embodies the elegance of the elves. Her almond-shaped green eyes sparkle with wisdom, and her long, silver hair flows like a shimmering river down her back. Always seen in robes that mirror the colors of the Venad forest, she is a skilled mage, often using her powers to aid the growth of the cultivated trees. Her love for Edgard is evident in the gentle way she looks at him, a union that transcends racial boundaries.


The young Markus, with his hazel eyes and a blend of his parents' features, represents the future of Asalune. At 20, he's inherited his mother's grace and his father's determination. His hair, a mix of silver and dark brown, often falls over his eyes, which he pushes back with a characteristic gesture. Markus is known to be an adept learner, showing interest in both human strategies of governance and elven magics. He often roams the Venad forest, learning the secrets it holds.

The Estate

The Main Manor

Situated at the heart of Asalune, the Molly Manor is a blend of human architecture and elven aesthetics. Stone walls at the base rise to timbered structures, with vines and elven runes decorating the exterior. The manor overlooks the Erham river, with balconies that provide a panoramic view of both the town and the Venad forest.

The Gardens

Sprawling gardens surround the manor, filled with both common and magical flora. There's a special section dedicated to tree saplings, representing the future trees of Venad. A serene pond, home to colorful fish and frequented by birds, adds to the tranquility.

The Tree Tower

A unique structure, this tower is crafted around a living tree. It serves as Lady Hussa's personal space, where she practices her magic and meditates. The top offers a vantage point, often used by Markus to gaze at the stars.



The chief stewardess, Elara, a middle-aged halfling with a keen sense of organization, oversees the daily operations of the estate. Her meticulous nature ensures that everything runs smoothly.


A retired soldier, Thandor, now serves as the head of security. His loyalty to House Molly is unwavering, and he trains the guards to protect the estate and its inhabitants.


An elven botanist, Lirelle tends to the gardens, ensuring that the plants thrive. She shares a special bond with Lady Hussa, often assisting her in magical rituals related to nature.

Other Staff

The estate also employs a team of cooks, maids, gardeners, and stable hands. Many of them are locals, representing the blend of cultures in Asalune. They are treated with kindness and respect, a reflection of House Molly's values.