
Aysgarth: The Harmony of the Plains

The Landscape

Spirit Walker River

The gentle murmur of the Spirit Walker River provides a constant, soothing backdrop to Aysgarth. Its waters, clear and sparkling, flow from the distant mountains, winding their way through the town before joining the mighty Hafsa. The riverbanks are adorned with colorful pebbles and stones, often used by the locals in their crafts.

Kittatiny Hills

To the east of Aysgarth rise the Kittatiny Hills, their green slopes dotted with wildflowers and herbs. These hills are a favorite spot for the town's children, who often play hide and seek among the rocks and crevices. The hills also provide a vantage point, offering a panoramic view of the vast plains stretching beyond.

Architecture and Buildings

Aysgarth's buildings reflect its rich cultural heritage. Constructed using local materials, the structures have a distinct native flair, with intricately carved wooden beams, thatched roofs, and walls adorned with tribal patterns. Totem poles, representing various tribal legends, stand tall at the town's entrances and central squares.


Hunting is the lifeblood of Aysgarth. The vast plains surrounding the town are home to a plethora of creatures, and the skilled hunters of Aysgarth are adept at tracking and capturing them. The town's markets are a riot of colors, with stalls selling hides, furs, bones, and various crafted goods. Artisans sit by their stalls, weaving intricate patterns on cloths, carving bone trinkets, or crafting jewelry from the teeth and claws of their prey.

The People


The majority of Aysgarth's population, the humans here have deep ties to the land. Their sun-kissed skin and earth-toned clothing reflect their close relationship with nature. They are the primary hunters, often venturing out in groups, their bows and arrows silhouetted against the horizon.

Dwarves and Elves

While fewer in number, the dwarves and elves of Aysgarth have made significant contributions to the town's culture. The dwarves, with their expertise in metallurgy, craft tools and weapons, while the elves, with their deep connection to nature, often serve as herbalists and healers.


In Aysgarth, the half-orcs have found a home. Shunned elsewhere, here they are embraced, their strength and resilience admired. They often work as guards or take on the more challenging hunting expeditions, their presence shows Aysgarth's inclusive spirit.

In Conclusion

Aysgarth, with its blend of cultures and races, stands as a beacon of unity and harmony. Nestled between the Spirit Walker River and the Kittatiny Hills, it is a town where the past's traditions meld seamlessly with the present, creating a tapestry of life that is both vibrant and serene.

Aysgarth Governance: The Council of Elders

The Council

Aysgarth's heart beats to the rhythm of its tribes, and at its core is the Council of Elders, a revered group of wise individuals representing each tribe that trades or resides within the town. Their collective wisdom, born from years of experience and deep understanding of their people's traditions, guides Aysgarth's destiny.

Kiowa Tribe: Elder Takoda

A tall, imposing figure with a calm demeanor, Elder Takoda represents the Kiowa tribe. His deep-set eyes have witnessed many seasons, and his voice, though soft, carries the weight of his tribe's history. Takoda was instrumental in adopting Stodir Hasgrad into the Kiowa, recognizing the dwarf's potential and the bridge he could build between the tribes and other races.

Lakhota Tribe: Elder Niyol

Elder Niyol, representing the Lakhota tribe, is a woman of few words. Her wisdom is often conveyed through stories, and her decisions are deeply rooted in the tribe's traditions. She wears intricate beadwork, each bead symbolizing a story or lesson from the past.

Chayton, the representative of the Navara tribe, is a skilled negotiator. His tribe's traders are known throughout Aysgarth, and Chayton's insights into commerce and trade have been invaluable to the council.

Yuchi Tribe: Elder Aponi

Aponi, a healer by profession, brings the Yuchi tribe's knowledge of herbs and natural remedies to the council. Her gentle nature is balanced by her firm beliefs in the sanctity of nature and the importance of sustainable practices.

Cheyana Tribe: Elder Kohana

Elder Kohana of the Cheyana tribe is a historian, preserving the tales and legends of Aysgarth's tribes. His vast knowledge provides context to the council's decisions, ensuring they honor the past while looking to the future.

House Hasgrad

The Family

Chief Stodir Hasgrad

Stodir Hasgrad, a dwarf with a heart as vast as the plains, found his destiny intertwined with the Kiowa tribe. His stout frame, fiery beard, and piercing blue eyes make him a distinctive figure. Rejected by his clan, Stodir's journey led him to the Kiowa, where he not only found acceptance but also rose to prominence. His foresight and wisdom, especially during challenging times, cemented his position as the tribe's chief.

Lelani Hasgrad

Lelani, a radiant woman of the Kiowa tribe, is Stodir's beloved wife. Her raven-black hair, deep brown eyes, and sun-kissed skin tell tales of her life on the plains. A widow when she met Stodir, Lelani's strength and grace captured the dwarf's heart. Her two children from her previous marriage, Kaya and Takoda Jr., have embraced Stodir as their own.

The Estate

Nestled close to the Spirit Walker River, the Hasgrad estate is a harmonious blend of dwarven and Kiowa architecture. Stone walls, carved with tribal patterns, encircle the compound. Within, a central courtyard houses a communal fire pit, around which the family gathers for meals and storytelling. The main dwelling, built from logs and stone, stands tall, its roof adorned with intricate carvings depicting the family's history.

The Employees


Mika, a young halfling with nimble fingers, serves as the family's cook. Her culinary skills, blending Kiowa traditions with flavors from afar, are legendary in Aysgarth.


Nahuel, a human from a neighboring tribe, is the estate's chief groundskeeper. His knowledge of the local flora ensures the estate's gardens are always in bloom.


Sunki, an elf with a keen eye, is responsible for the estate's security. His silent footsteps and sharp senses ensure that the Hasgrad family is always protected.

In Conclusion

House Hasgrad stands as a beacon of unity in Aysgarth, an example to the power of love, acceptance, and understanding. Under Chief Stodir Hasgrad's leadership, the town continues to thrive, its future as bright as the gold that adorns the chief's attire.