Bultihrm: Jewel of the Carpsonic Mountains

High in the rugged eastern range of the Carpsonic Mountains, where icy peaks pierce the heavens and deep valleys plunge into the belly of the earth, sits the remarkable mountain town of Bultihrm. Hewn seamlessly from the very stone of the mountains, this community stands as a testament to dwarven ingenuity, resilience, and skill.

Founded generations ago by the ancestors of House Bultihrm, the town has grown into a labyrinth of intricately carved tunnels, vaulted chambers, and soaring halls. Tapestries lining the smooth walls depict tales of Bultihrm's storied past in vivid threads, while rhythmic clinking of pickaxes serves as a constant reminder of its lifeblood - mining the riches of the mountains.

The People of Bultihrm

Economic Aspects

Bultihrm's economy is dominated by mining and craftsmanship. Vast networks of mines producing gems, precious metals, and iron and coal for smithing run deep beneath the surface. Skilled artisans turn raw materials into wondrous objects to trade with nearby towns. The dwarves' stonework and metalcraft is unparalleled.

Cultural Aspects

Bultihrm dwarves value dedication to craft, clan loyalty, and reverence for tradition. Elders are consulted as respected advisors. Even the youngest dwarflings help with tasks like gathering stones. Artisans sign their work proudly. And tales and songs of ancestors are kept alive through oral tradition. Strength and resilience are prized attributes.

Religious Aspects

Most dwarves follow Chamastle, the Hearth Father. The towering central temple is an awe-inspiring feat of masonry. Darga, Mother of Gemstones, has some worship from miners seeking her blessings of bounty. And the Forge Father Caminus is honored by smiths and metalworkers, who craft small emblems of his hammer.

Leadership: House Bultihrm

The town has been stewarded by House Bultihrm since its inception many generations ago. Their lineage is interwoven with its history and prosperity. Stern yet fair, House Bultihrm has ensured Bultihrm remains a paragon of dwarven values and industriousness.

Lord Gvant Bultihrm

Current lord of House Bultihrm. Robust, proud, and resolute as the mountains themselves. His keen leadership has spurred new depths and discoveries in the mines and new heights of craftsmanship from the town's artisans.

Lady Margent Bultihrm

Gracious and wise wife of Lord Gvant. Her gentle counsel is sought by all from the greatest miner to the smallest child. Her stories of the heroics of ancestors past inspire dwarves to live up to their proud legacy.



Bultihrm was founded after rich gem deposits were discovered in the Carpsonic peaks. Clan Bultihrm led an expedition to mine the minerals and establish a new dwarven settlement in the surface world.


As the mines expanded, so did the town. Master masons excavated great halls, homes, guildhouses and temples from the rock. Smiths forged new tunnels and infrastructure to support more dwarves. Bultihrm soon became a center of craft and commerce.

Current Era

Today, Bultihrm remains a source of great dwarven pride. The mines unearth new treasures to this day, and dwarven goods from steel to jewels are traded far and wide. Both above and below ground, the song of pickaxes echoes as new halls and deeper depths are carved from the ancient mountains.


Gorund Mines

Owner: Chief Foreman Durin Rumnaheim
The deepest and most prolific mines, producing many gems and precious metals for smithing and trade.

Bjorbin Forgehouses

Owner: Guildmaster Fjorg Larsson
Cluster of blazing forges where skilled dwarven smiths ply their craft forging metal items.

Khazad Engravers

Owner: Master Engraver Kajal Onyxvein
Patiently etch intricate patterns into jewelry and other items, renowned for detail.

The Clanging Hammer Inn

Owner: Fjola Greybeard
Lively inn and tavern run by dwarves, often with boisterous singing.

Gearfall Waystation

Owner: Einkil Kjaduson
Offers provisions, repairs, and hearty accommodation for travelers through the mountains.

Moria Apothecary

Owner: Apothecary Ginnar
Stocks tonics, poultices, and other curatives made from mountain plants and minerals.

Tirelessly hewing their homes and livelihoods from the unyielding mountains, the dwarves of Bultihrm remain devoted to their traditions and ideals. House Bultihrm has guided them well through storms and struggles. As long as stone and ore remain, their resolute spirits will endure, shaped as perfectly as the rings and curves of their tunnels. Bultihrm's light continues to shine like a jewel in the mountains.