Buxton: Sentinel of the Southern Plains

Where the lush expanse of Irna's southern plains meets the restless embrace of the Azure Sea, the prosperous port town of Buxton stands vigilant. Cobblestone streets wind between bustling market stalls, inns, and harborside taverns. Its docks teem with ships from vast seafaring vessels to humble fishing boats, their sails catching the ocean breeze.

Perched gracefully on a hill overlooking the town, the Lavin Estate represents the long legacy of House Lavin's guidance. Their ancestral manor keeps watch, its towers reaching skyward and banners flapping proudly in the coastal winds.

The People of Buxton


Buxton values hospitality, openness, and vigilance. Its markets and taverns welcome traders of all races and creeds. The town guard keeps watch from their barracks by the sea gate. Children play cheerfully in the streets and alleyways. The Lavins' diplomacy has forged bonds of mutual understanding between Buxton's varied people.


Seafarers revere Avani, goddess of the sea, at a waterside temple decorated with conch shells and nautical motifs. Craftsmen follow Caminus the Smith. Elven immigrants worship Diwani, goddess of stars and dreams, in a grove outside town. The goddess Jusannia and other human deities are also honored.

The Autumn Festival

Buxton's harvest festival celebrates the bounty of the sea and fields. The streets fill with music, dancing, and the scents of delicious foods. Contests of skill and strength liven the revelry well into the night. For one day, all worries are forgotten in joy.

Leadership: House Lavin

The respected House Lavin has shepherded Buxton through ages of change with vision and vigilance. Their lineage unites the strengths of humans and elves into a force that has kept the town strong in the face of storms - literally and figuratively.

Earl Felix Lavin

Earl Felix safeguards Buxton with the courage of his human ancestors and tactical mind. His resolve has secured the shores from pirates and raiders while keeping trade lively. The sea gate stands as testament to his foresight and tenacity.

Countess Eva Lavin

Countess Eva's compassion and elven wisdom bring equilibrium. Her voice carries grace, yet commands authority when needed. She has negotiated prosperous trade routes and alliances. Eva's cultural vision enriches Buxton's spirit.



Buxton was founded by the first Earl Lavin in the early days of Irna's expansion as a fishing village. Its sheltered bay and proximity to the plains' farmlands soon transformed it into a trade port.


As Buxton prospered, House Lavin expanded the docks and invested in fortifying the shores from increasing pirate raids. They sponsored guilds and centers of learning to cultivate commerce and culture.

Current Era

Today, Buxton remains a pillar of House Lavin's legacy. Under their watchful care, the town has become a haven for all people united in enterprise. Buxton's beacons shine bright along the coast, guiding sailors home from afar.


Buxton Shipyards

Owner: Captain Lukas Grey (Human, male)
Constructs and repairs seafaring vessels, overseen by the Harbor Guild.

Plains Farmer's Market

Owner: Adela Tabor (Human, female)
Bustling outdoor market selling produce, grain, and livestock from the rural plains.

The Salty Dog Tavern

Owner: Thom 'Bilge' Tackett (Halfling, male)
Rowdy harborside tavern and inn catering to sailors and travelers.

Lacerta Textiles

Owner: Helina Lacerta (Elf, female)
Weaves and dyes rich fabrics using materials and techniques from across Irna.

Seafoam Bakery

Owner: Alton Fisher (Halfling, male)
Bakes fresh loaves, biscuits, tarts, and other treats daily using local ingredients.

Wanderer's Repose Inn

Owner: Elisa Wrenn (Human, female)
More refined lodging establishment uphill from the bustling docks.

From its hilltop roost, House Lavin continues their steadfast vigil over Buxton and its people, keeping this fusion of land and sea prosperous through the tides of change. Let the winds bring what they may - Buxton endures, its beacons ever guiding the way.

The Lavin Estate: A Tapestry of Heritage and Elegance

Perched gracefully upon a gentle hill, the Lavin Estate offers a panoramic view of Buxton, the intertwining rivers, and the vast expanse of the southern plains. The estate, a harmonious blend of human craftsmanship and elven artistry, stands as a testament to the legacy of House Lavin.


The main manor is a sprawling structure, with high vaulted ceilings and arched doorways. Its walls, made of white stone quarried from the Carpsonic Mountains, shimmer in the sunlight, giving the estate an ethereal glow. The roof, adorned with blue tiles, mirrors the vastness of the ocean, while the intricately carved wooden balconies and trellises showcase elven finesse.


Surrounding the manor are the famed Lavin Gardens. Designed by Countess Eva herself, they are a labyrinth of flora from both the human and elven realms. Majestic oak trees stand sentinel beside delicate silverwoods. Flowerbeds burst with color, from the deep blues of midnight roses to the radiant gold of sunpetals. A serene pond, home to swans and rare water lilies, lies at the garden's heart, with stone benches nearby for quiet contemplation.

The Courtyard

Central to the estate is a vast cobblestone courtyard, where many a feast and festival have been held. A grand fountain, depicting a dance of elves and humans, graces the courtyard's center, its waters sparkling under the sun.


Inside the manor, the fusion of cultures is evident. Vast tapestries, depicting the history of Buxton and the adventures of House Lavin, adorn the walls. The grand hall, with its chandeliers of crystal and silver, has hosted dignitaries from distant lands. The library, a treasure trove of knowledge, houses scrolls and tomes from across Irna. Countess Eva's personal touch is evident in the music room, where instruments from various cultures come together in harmonious symphony.

Servants' Quarters and Stables

To the west of the main manor lie the servants' quarters, designed with care to ensure comfort and dignity for those who serve House Lavin. Nearby, the stables house fine steeds and carriages, their design reflecting the elegance of the estate.

The Watchtower

Overlooking the estate and the town of Buxton is a tall watchtower. Manned day and night by the Lavin guards, it ensures the safety of the estate and serves as a beacon for ships approaching the harbor.

In its grandeur and elegance, the Lavin Estate is not just a residence but a symbol of the unity, prosperity, and vision of House Lavin. It stands as a beacon of hope and a reminder of the legacy that Earl Felix and Countess Eva aim to leave for generations to come.

The Lavin Estate Staff: Pillars of the Household

Steward - Sir Cedric Althorpe

A middle-aged human with a sharp mind and an eye for detail, Sir Cedric oversees the day-to-day operations of the estate. He ensures that everything runs smoothly, from the maintenance of the manor to the organization of grand feasts. He has served House Lavin for over two decades and is a trusted confidant of Earl Felix.

Housekeeper - Mrs. Elara Silverleaf

An elderly elf with a gentle demeanor, Mrs. Silverleaf ensures the cleanliness and orderliness of the manor. With her team of maids and cleaners, she ensures that every corner of the estate shines with pristine elegance.

Head Chef - Master Gideon Bourne

A rotund halfling with a passion for culinary arts, Master Gideon is the genius behind the estate's sumptuous feasts. Trained in various cuisines, he often blends human, elven, and halfling dishes to create unique gastronomic experiences.

Gardener - Lysandra Greenbloom

A young half-elf with a green thumb, Lysandra tends to the vast gardens of the estate. Under her care, the Lavin Gardens have flourished, becoming the envy of many in Buxton.

Captain of the Guard - Sir Rowan Blackthorn

A seasoned human warrior, Sir Rowan leads the estate's security detail. He ensures the safety of the Lavin family and their guests, coordinating patrols and manning the watchtower.

Stable Master - Thrain Ironfoot

A stout dwarf with a love for steeds, Thrain oversees the estate's stables. He ensures the well-being of the horses and maintains the carriages, often working closely with blacksmiths from the town.

Butler - Alun Fairwind

A meticulous half-elf, Alun attends to the personal needs of the Lavin family. From serving meals to relaying messages, he ensures that the family's wishes are met promptly.

Maids and Servants

A team of around twenty individuals, both humans and halflings, assist in various chores around the estate. They clean, cook, launder, and attend to the guests, ensuring their comfort.


A group of five individuals, led by an old gnome named Fizzlewick, maintain the estate's exterior. They repair pathways, trim hedges, and ensure the structural integrity of the manor and its surroundings.

Tutor - Lady Isolde Whitethorn

An educated elf, Lady Isolde is responsible for the education of the young Lavin children. She imparts lessons in history, magic, arts, and etiquette, ensuring that the heirs are well-prepared for their future roles.

Together, this dedicated team ensures that the Lavin Estate remains a beacon of excellence and hospitality in Buxton. Their loyalty and commitment to House Lavin are unwavering, and they take pride in serving one of the most esteemed households in the region.