Coleshill: Gem of the Onard Mountains

Nestled within the soaring grandeur of the Onard Mountains, where the winding Haffsa River meets the glittering expanse of Ice Lake, lies the rugged yet thriving settlement of Coleshill.

Though encircled on all sides by untamed wilds, the pioneer spirit of Coleshill has carved order and prosperity from the formidable landscape. Neat homesteads and lantern-lined streets now occupy what was once trackless forest and the domain of wolf and bear. Yet the towering peaks and rushing river waters still hem the town, a constant reminder of nature's enduring majesty.

The People of Coleshill


Self-reliance, resilience, and community are valued in frontier Coleshill. Despite hazards, residents band together, celebrate seasons and successes, and pass down songs and tales of the town's storied past. The wilderness has forged bonds as strong as dwarven steel.


Thulgard, patron of hearths and homes, is revered by many townsfolk. Miners give praise to Chamastle and Darga for mineral bounties. Elven residents honor Raphma and the moon goddess Lunis. Shrines can be found to myriad other gods reflecting Coleshill's diversity.

Founder's Day

This lively festival celebrates Coleshill's founding with feasts, bonfires, bardic performances, and contests of skill and strength. For one day, the rigorous frontier life is set aside for community, nostalgia, and hope for a bright future.

Leadership: Lady Kenani

Coleshill has prospered under the steady guidance of elven noblewoman Lady Kenani. Her fair but firm leadership has united the community and tamed the frontier. Kenani's wisdom has nurtured the settlement through bitter winters and other struggles.

Lady Kenani

A venerable dark elf Matron, Kenani has ruled Coleshill since its frontier founding days. Her compassion and strategic intellect have shaped the town into a paragon of resilience. Even the reclusive mountain folk respect her wise council.



Coleshill began as a remote trade outpost catering to mountain trappers. As the potential for mining, logging, and fishing became apparent, it grew rapidly into a boomtown attracting pioneers of all races.

Early Days

The first years were rife with danger and lawlessness. But Lady Kenani brought order and justice. Her stern but fair rule won over even grizzled frontiersmen. She forged a code to foster community and common cause.

Current Era

Now a proper town with commerce and culture, Coleshill remains rugged yet refined under Kenani's guidance. The call of potential riches still draws settlers to this frontier gem. Coleshill now shines as brightly as the stars reflected in Ice Lake's tranquil waters.


Onard Mining Company

Owner: Chief Overseer Durak Anvilbane (Dwarf)
Supplies precious metals, gems and building stone from their deep mountain mines

Ice Lake Fishery

Owner: Edmund Rook (Human)
A fleet of boats that supply the town with plentiful freshwater fish

Haffsa Sawmill

Owner: Geoffrey Woodsman (Human)
Processes logs hauled from the surrounding pine forests into cut lumber

The Prospect Inn

Owner: Tom Belden (Halfling)
Lively tavern where miners, trappers, and hunters gather after long days

Raven & Boar Fur Traders

Owner: Jonas Ravenwood (Human) and Obrik Boarskin (Half-Orc)
Trades in furs, leathers, and other goods from hunted game

Grey Mountain Guiding

Owner: Sveni Stoneson (Dwarf)
Guides travelers safely through the peaks and provides mountaineering gear

Lady Kenani keeps a matronly eye upon her mountain gem. Under her care, Coleshill continues to endure the wilderness rigors and thrive through frontier ingenuity. As long as untamed promise calls, settlers will heed the siren song of this settlement by the Haffsa.

Lady Kenani: The Drow Matron of Coleshill

Lady Kenani, with her regal bearing and sharp intellect, stands as a beacon of leadership in Coleshill. Her skin, a deep shade of obsidian, contrasts strikingly with her silver-white hair, which cascades down her back in intricate braids adorned with gemstones from the local mines. Her eyes, a piercing shade of lavender, seem to hold the wisdom of ages and the mysteries of the deep caverns from which her ancestors hailed.

Standing at a graceful 5'7", Lady Kenani moves with an elegance that is almost otherworldly. Her attire, while always modest, is made of the finest silks and velvets, often in deep purples and blues, accentuating her Drow heritage. Around her neck, she wears a pendant, a family heirloom, which is said to hold magical properties.

Lovers of Lady Kenani

Lord Thrain

A tall and robust dwarf from the mining community, Lord Thrain is a stark contrast to Lady Kenani in appearance but shares her passion for Coleshill's prosperity. With a beard braided with gold threads and eyes that sparkle with mischief, Thrain brings warmth and laughter to Kenani's life.


A delicate and ethereal wood elf, Elowen's beauty is unparalleled. With flowing golden hair and eyes the color of fresh spring leaves, she complements Kenani in temperament and spirit. A skilled harpist, her melodies often fill the halls of Kenani's residence, adding to its enchantment.

Sir Cedric

A human knight who once saved Coleshill from a bandit raid, Sir Cedric's relationship with Lady Kenani blossomed from mutual respect to deep affection. With raven-black hair, a chiseled jawline, and a demeanor that speaks of honor and courage, Cedric is Lady Kenani's confidant in matters of security and defense.

Lady Kenani's Residence

Lady Kenani's abode is a reflection of her Drow heritage. Built primarily underground, the estate is a labyrinth of corridors and chambers, illuminated by soft, bioluminescent fungi and crystals, ensuring a dim ambiance suitable for Drow sensitivities. The main hall, with its vaulted ceilings, is adorned with tapestries depicting Drow legends and Coleshill's history. A serene underground garden, with luminescent plants and a tranquil pool, serves as a retreat for Lady Kenani.

Employees and Servants


The chief steward, Maelor, an older Drow with a keen sense of organization, oversees the day-to-day operations of the estate. His loyalty to Lady Kenani is unwavering, having served her family for decades.

Lysa and Brevin

Twin halflings, Lysa and Brevin are Lady Kenani's personal chefs. They specialize in blending Drow cuisine with local Coleshill delicacies, ensuring that the table is always a blend of the exotic and the familiar.


A young gnome, Talria is Lady Kenani's personal scribe and librarian. With an insatiable curiosity, she maintains the vast collection of scrolls and books in the estate's library.

Guard Captain Faelar

A seasoned Drow warrior, Faelar leads the estate's security detail. His expertise in both traditional Drow combat and the challenges of the surface world ensures that Lady Kenani's residence remains a sanctuary.

In the heart of Coleshill, Lady Kenani's presence is more than just that of a ruler. She is a symbol of unity, bridging the gap between the surface and the deep caverns, ensuring that Coleshill remains a haven for all its residents.