
Cottbus: The Refuge by the Mountains

Location and Landscape

Nestled between the imposing Ural Mountains to the north and the enchanting Venad Forest to the east, Cottbus stands as a beacon of hope and resilience. The town's layout is a harmonious blend of architectural styles, reflecting its diverse populace. Streets paved with cobblestones wind their way through the town, with buildings constructed from a mix of wood, stone, and other materials, each telling a story of the race that built it.

House Scanlon: The Defiant Protectors

At the heart of Cottbus is House Scanlon, led by the determined Earl Robert and the compassionate Countess Margaret Scanlon. Their residence, a grand structure built with elements from various cultures, stands as a symbol of unity and defiance against House Carna. The Scanlons, through their strategic alliances with skilled dwarven miners, have managed to challenge the dominance of House Carna's gold mines, turning Cottbus into a significant player in the region's economy.

The People of Cottbus

Cottbus is a melting pot of races, each bringing their unique traditions, crafts, and stories. Humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, and many other non-human races coexist here, their lives intertwined by shared experiences and a collective desire for a better future. The town's markets are a riot of colors, sounds, and scents, with stalls selling everything from elven trinkets to dwarven metalwork.

Many of Cottbus's residents are refugees from House Carna's lands, having faced discrimination and persecution. In Cottbus, they find not just shelter but also a community that values them. The town's taverns and communal spaces often resonate with tales of their journeys, songs of their homelands, and dreams of a brighter tomorrow.

Economy of Cottbus: A Melting Pot of Trades

Mining: The Heartbeat of Cottbus

The proximity to House Carna's gold mines has given Cottbus a unique economic advantage. Under the guidance of House Scanlon and their alliance with skilled dwarven miners, Cottbus has developed its own network of tunnels and shafts, tapping into rich veins of gold, silver, and other precious metals. These mines, while not as vast as House Carna's, produce high-quality ore, making Cottbus a significant player in the precious metals market.

Craftsmanship: A Blend of Traditions

The diverse populace of Cottbus brings with it a rich tapestry of crafts. Elven artisans, with their delicate touch, produce intricate jewelry and trinkets, often using the metals mined locally. Dwarven blacksmiths, renowned for their skill, forge weapons, tools, and ornamental pieces that are sought after in distant lands. Gnomes, with their penchant for detail, contribute with clockwork devices and intricate carvings, while halflings offer exquisite pottery and ceramics.

Textiles: Threads that Bind

Cottbus's textile industry is a reflection of its multicultural fabric. Human weavers, drawing inspiration from their diverse backgrounds, produce fabrics ranging from rugged canvas to delicate silks. Elves, with their innate affinity for nature, dye these fabrics in a myriad of hues using natural ingredients. The town boasts a vibrant market where one can find garments that blend the simplicity of halfling designs with the elegance of elven patterns, or the durability of human craftsmanship with the finesse of gnome tailoring.

Trade: The Lifeline of Cottbus

Situated strategically between the Ural Mountains and the Venad Forest, and by the banks of a river, Cottbus enjoys the benefits of both land and water trade routes. Merchants from distant lands are drawn to its bustling markets, not just for its gold and crafts, but also for its textiles and other artisanal products. The town's port sees a regular influx of trade ships, making Cottbus a vital trade hub in the region.

Modern Cottbus

Cottbus, with its rich tapestry of cultures and its defiant spirit, stands as a testament to the power of unity in the face of adversity. Under the leadership of House Scanlon, the town continues to thrive, offering sanctuary to those in need and challenging the might of House Carna. It is a place where hope is kindled, dreams are nurtured, and diversity is celebrated.

House Scanlon: The Beacon of Cottbus

The Family

Earl Robert Scanlon

A tall, broad-shouldered man with a chiseled jawline and deep-set blue eyes, Earl Robert is the very picture of nobility. His raven-black hair, streaked with silver, is a testament to the years he's spent overseeing the growth and prosperity of Cottbus. A shrewd businessman and a compassionate leader, Robert is known for his tactical acumen, both in the mines and in the council chambers. He's a man of few words, but when he speaks, the town listens.

Countess Margaret Scanlon

Elegant and graceful, with a cascade of golden curls and emerald eyes, Countess Margaret is the heart of House Scanlon. Her gentle demeanor belies a steely resolve, especially when it comes to the welfare of Cottbus's residents. An advocate for the non-human races, she has been instrumental in providing them sanctuary and integrating them into the town's fabric. Her love for arts has led to the establishment of various artisan guilds in Cottbus.

Children of House Scanlon

Elaine Scanlon

The eldest, Elaine, inherits her mother's beauty and her father's determination. At 23, she's already showing signs of becoming a formidable leader, often accompanying her father to council meetings and trade negotiations.

Lucas Scanlon

The middle child, Lucas, 20, is the adventurer of the family. With a keen interest in the mines, he often ventures deep into the tunnels, working alongside the dwarves, learning their craft, and understanding the heart of Cottbus's economy.

Liliana Scanlon

The youngest at 17, Liliana is a free spirit. With a voice that can soothe even the most troubled souls, she's a budding bard, often found at the town square, singing tales of old and new.

The Scanlon Estate

Nestled between the Kittatiny hills and overlooking the Spirit Walker River, the Scanlon estate is a sprawling mansion built of white stone. Its high walls are adorned with ivy, and its towers offer a panoramic view of Cottbus. The central courtyard boasts a magnificent fountain, around which bloom flowers of every hue. The interiors are a blend of luxury and comfort, with tapestries depicting the history of Cottbus and House Scanlon's role in it.

Employees of House Scanlon

Master Cedric

The steward of the Scanlon estate, Master Cedric, is a meticulous man, ensuring the smooth functioning of the household.

Lady Gwyneth

The governess, responsible for the education of the Scanlon children, especially Liliana. A scholar from Lahale, she's well-versed in the arts and sciences.

Sir Alaric

Captain of the Scanlon guard, he oversees the security of the estate and is a trusted advisor to Earl Robert.

Mistress Elara

The head cook, known for her culinary skills, she ensures that the feasts at the Scanlon estate are talked about for days.

Various Servants

The estate employs numerous maids, butlers, gardeners, and stable hands, ensuring that the needs of the family and their esteemed guests are always met.