
Darwen: The Coastal Gem of Irna

Nestled on the southernmost peninsula of Irna, where the Andonia Sea meets the Rhodian Ocean, lies the bustling town of Darwen. With its strategic location, Darwen serves as a bridge between cultures, goods, and traditions.

The People of Darwen


Darwen values openness, enterprise, and joy of life. The streets resonate with dwarven songs and sea elf tales. Fishing boats sail out at dawn, returning laden with the ocean's bounty. The diversity of residents creates a spirit of celebration, excellent food and drink, and hospitality.


Oceangoers revere Avani, goddess of oceans, in a temple by the docks. Dwarves honor Chamastle, the hearth Father. Elves worship Raphma, goddess of dreams and stars, in the cove groves. Followers of various human gods have shrines scattered throughout town.

Fishing and Trade

The gentle waves of the Andonia Sea and the vast expanse of the Rhodian Ocean provide Darwen with a bountiful fishing industry. The town's fishermen, with their expert knowledge of the tides and currents, bring in daily catches that are the envy of many neighboring towns.

But fishing isn't the only trade that thrives here. Due to its proximity to Funta, Darwen has become a major port for imports, especially non-perishable goods. The town's docks are often lined with barrels of exquisite wines and rare liquors, waiting to be distributed throughout Irna.

The Dwarven Brewmasters

In the heart of Darwen, there's a district that resonates with the rhythmic hammering of dwarven craftsmanship and the rich aroma of brewing beer. The dwarves of Darwen, though a minority, have made a significant mark with their unparalleled brewing skills. Their beers, known far and wide, are not just beverages but a celebration of their rich heritage and meticulous craftsmanship.

Leadership and Governance

At the helm of Darwen's affairs is the enigmatic sea elf, Althidon. With his deep connection to the waters surrounding Darwen and his diplomatic prowess, Althidon ensures that the town remains prosperous and harmonious. Assisting him in the governance and ensuring the well-being of the town's residents is Lord Kathin, a figure respected and revered by all.

The Melting Pot of Cultures

While humans form the majority of Darwen's population, the town is enriched by the presence of sea elves and dwarves. The sea elves, with their tales of the deep and their melodious songs, add a touch of mystique to the town. The dwarves, with their hearty laughter and brewing skills, bring warmth and camaraderie. Together, these diverse communities make Darwen a mosaic of traditions, stories, and flavors.



Darwen began as a modest fishing village catering to coastal traders. But its ideal location soon transformed it into a hub for commerce and culture. Ships from across the seas docked here to trade exotic goods and tales.


As word of Darwen's resources spread, dwarven brewmasters brought their iconic ales and beers. Elven merchants founded guilds to share their crafts. Under Althidon's steady guidance, Darwen blossomed into a haven of opportunity where diverse cultures mingled.

Current Era

Today, Darwen remains a thriving port town where land and sea mingle. Althidon keeps a fatherly eye upon his adoptive home, ensuring its beacons of hope, joy, and song ever shine bright along the shores for wanderers near and far.

Mayor Althidon: The Enigmatic Sea Elf of Darwen

In the heart of Darwen, where the waves of the Andonia Sea whisper tales of old, stands a figure both revered and mysterious - Mayor Althidon. With skin that mirrors the azure depths and eyes that hold the secrets of the ocean, Althidon is a sea elf whose leadership has been instrumental in shaping the town's destiny.

The Family

Althidon and Lysandra

Althidon's heart belongs to Lysandra, a human with a spirit as free as the wind. Their love story is one for the ages, a tale of two souls from different worlds finding solace in each other. Together, they have two children, both now grown and charting their own paths. Their son, Elandor, has inherited his father's affinity for the sea and is a renowned navigator. Their daughter, Serinelle, with her mother's grace and her father's determination, is a budding diplomat in Darwen's court.

The Estate

Nestled on the edge of the inlet, overlooking the vast expanse of the Andonia Sea, is the Althidon Estate. The manor, built with a blend of elven intricacy and human practicality, stands as a testament to the union of Althidon and Lysandra. The gardens are a mix of terrestrial flora and exotic marine plants, a reflection of the family's dual heritage. A private dock extends from the estate, where Althidon's personal ship, the "Sapphire Wave," is often anchored.

The Business and Employees

The Shadow Market

While Mayor Althidon's public persona is that of a just and fair leader, he has another side that few are privy to. He runs a lucrative side business, dealing in imported goods that often skirt the boundaries of legality. From exotic drugs that promise ethereal experiences to prohibited alcohols from distant lands, Althidon's "Shadow Market" is the place for those seeking the forbidden.


  • Thalor: A fellow sea elf and Althidon's right hand, Thalor oversees the operations of the Shadow Market. His loyalty to Althidon is unwavering, and he ensures that their dealings remain discreet.

  • Mirena: A human with a sharp mind and sharper instincts, Mirena is in charge of procuring the rare and often illegal items. Her vast network of contacts and her ability to blend into any crowd make her invaluable.

  • Dorvin: A dwarf with a nose for quality, Dorvin is the chief appraiser and quality checker. He ensures that every item that passes through the Shadow Market is of the highest standard.

Together, this tight-knit team ensures that Althidon's ventures, both legal and otherwise, run smoothly and profitably.