
Frosthaven Map

Frosthaven is currently ruled by the Frost family. In the past, other noble families have ruled over Frosthaven, it is a much sought after location to rule. The epicenter of trade for the interior lands, especially trade from Funta. It is second only to the Crown, but much less worldly in inhabitants. As most commoners who visit Frosthaven, it is called the true Irna capitol as the people mirror Irna as a whole.

The city is walled and many millennia ago (~2500ME), the eastern side was attacked by a dragon. Since then, the damaged areas have been rebuilt. The people come from all over Irna and there are a few foreigners here as well. The city is largely orderly, while there is a criminal enterprise, it isn't significant or, at least, not a major concern of the city guard. There are several major established religious sites here including Zopha, Pollaran, Caminus, and Echo. The surrounding farm to forest lands are largely peaceful with an occasional goblin or orc tribe moving in on the outskirts of the city. With plenty of adventurers in the city, the raiding parties from these tribes find that having an entire camp destroyed isn't worth the few cows they'd plunder.

The wharf has several dock sections, one for the cargo ships and passenger ships, one for the yachts of the rich and one for the military vessels. Frosthaven has become the central place for the Irna navy. Most of the navy is out patrolling for pirates and for incursions from other lands, but the headquarters are here. The last part of the docks includes the shipyards which produce all the navy ships plus a few commercial ships as well.

One more notable fact about Frosthaven is it has a regional court. Most cities and towns manage their own legal courts, Frosthaven is one of the first cities to have a court that is above the courts in the surrounding towns and cities. It gives the people a way to appeal the decision of the courts or nobles to a higher court which will rule on the matter and Frosthaven enforces that ruling.

Frosthaven Guards

Frosthaven has three guard levels. The Castle Guard, they wear red cloaks and patrol the castle, the naval shipyard, and the new portal gate. The Red Cloaks, as they're referred to, are the highest trained guards with the most experience in dealing with problems. They're often called out when the regular guards are overwhelmed or when there is a large disturbance. Also, when adventurers who believe they're above the law break the laws, the Red Cloaks come out and put them in their place.

The Blue Cloaks are the regular city guard, and they patrol the city to keep the peace. They have a heavy presence next to the docks and the trade area as that's where most of the visitors, especially sailors, come into Frosthaven. When dealing with larger disturbances, they'll call in more guards and if overwhelmed, will call in the Red Cloaks. Most of the guard is honest and hard working. There are always a few guards who are willing to accept bribes or look the other way.

Finally, the Grey Cloaks. These guards are stationed at the gates and monitor the walls. It is the place where all new guards are assigned and where the guard ready to leave the Red or Blue Cloaks retire to, for the most part, this is a symbolic station. The gate guards deal with questioning visitors and taxing them, commoner, noble and adventurer. They can turn away people who obviously are looking to cause problems, but otherwise, all are welcome. The wall guards haven't been called into service in over 100 years, but because of tradition and the past, they remain.

Noble Houses

These are the noble houses that have a presence in Frosthaven and are significant in the operation of Frosthaven. There are a few minor nobles who are really glorified merchants who no longer have estates to gain taxes from.

Family Name Trade Notes
House Frost Farming Founding Family
House Kronsta Shipping Delivery anywhere
House Groff Shipwright Admiral in Navy
House Sethan Orchards Half-elf
House Junah Bakers Owns baker's guild
Clan Fullik Stoneworker Dwarven master workers
Baroth Tribe Farming Animal husbandry
House Walram Hunters Dragonborn

House Kronsta


This house is focused on shipping, either via caravan or, mostly, by shipping on seaborne vessels. They are starting to ship via flying ships, but that is extremely expensive and are for the most urgent, usually government, packages. This family rose to prominence as Irna becomes more and more settled and less wild wilderness. They started with a single coach between Frosthaven and The Crown and have, in the past few centuries grown to a worldwide business.

House Groff


The Groff family has long been in the shipwright business making plenty of the ships on the seas today. They pride themselves in making solid, fast, and capable ships. They make ships for general commercial and naval purposes. They'd tried to do yachts; however, it didn't prove profitable with their business model. As the first wars broke out, House Groff provided the fleets to The Crown and offered them barely over material costs. The emperor granted them the writ of nobility for their sacrifice for the war effort. Many of the family serve as officers in the Irna navy and the current leader of the family is a retired admiral.

House Sethan


The Sethan is exclusively half elven. The house is unusual as it adopts half elvens into the fold, especially those with no real families or if the elven parent rejects the child after their human side has passed. They're almost as old as House Irna being recongized as a noble family from the earliest days. The house is content to manage the nation’s main orchards for a variety of fruits. They do their best to stay out of most politics and just manage their crops. They do have a good relationship with House Kronsta whom they ship all their products through.

House Junah


The Junah family updated it's crest when it merged with the Fallop house, which was an older noble house. Fallop house was down to a single lady left who had great wealth and didn't want her family's memory to be forgotten. She searched for a noble family to merge with and found the Junah house willing to do so. Her family's crest had a lion on the blue background. When merged with the Junah family, her crest became the top left corner. She turned over her lands and wealth to the house and bore several heirs for the family.

The family is famous for its master chefs in baking. From everything to breads to desserts, the recipes are family secrets. They've expanded to all of Irna's lower cities, shipping their dough across the land for baking locally. Frosthaven is their test bed for all new creations, much to the joy of the citizens.

Clan Fullif


Clan Fullif, a dwarven clan, are the premier stoneworkers in all of Dort. This family exemplifies everything about dwarven stereotypes, stoic workers, hardy drinkers, perfectionists with stone, fiercely loyal and little tolerance for frivolous endeavors. As one of the few dwarven noble families, much of the family marries heroic dwarven maidens of note from pillars of the dwarven community. Making it one of the healthiest stocks of nobility.

Baroth Tribe


Most tribes reside in the northern portion of Irna. The Baroth tribe migrated to lower Irna following their herds and eventually settled in the southern portion of Irna. As Frosthaven became more and more a center of business, the tribe spent more and more time there until they realized being in the, then, town would be better than losing animals in the commute. As Irna law, all tribal leaders are counted as noble without needing the normal paper work. The tribal elders affirm the leaders and that's sufficient. Baroth is a hybrid of both tribal and traditional nobility as the cheif is from the Baroth family and his ancestors continue the line.

House Walram


One of the only dragonborn noble houses in the world, a young house that earned its right to be called noble from the actions of a wealthy dragonborn family just over a millenium ago. Like House Sethan, House Walram adopts dragonborn into its family from time to time to strengthen and increase the house itself. The house is famous for hunting, from animals to fugatives. They can track and trace any being and return with it alive, if needed.

House Ravenswood

Lord Cedric Ravenswood, known for his expertise in horse training, is the head of the noble family. The Ravenswood country estate boasts vast lands where they breed and train exceptional horses renowned for their speed, strength, and grace. They have stables in Frosthaven where they sell their steeds. For generations, the Ravenswood family has been sought after by royalty and aristocracy for their exceptional equestrian skills, and they take great pride in their equestrian heritage. Their loyalty to the crown and their dedication to the art of horsemanship have earned them respect and admiration throughout the realm. House Ravenswood operates the Burning Horse Stables in Frosthaven.


Notable Inns

  1. The Rusty Anchor

    • Owner: A burly dwarf named Thoren Ironbeard.
    • Description: A cozy, dimly lit tavern located near the docks. The interior is filled with worn wooden tables and a large fireplace. The walls are adorned with old nautical maps and artifacts, giving the place a rustic charm.
    • Signature Dish: "Thoren's Hearty Stew," a filling and affordable dish made with local seafood and root vegetables.
  2. The Weary Traveler

    • Owner: A kind-hearted human woman named Mabel.
    • Description: A small, homely inn located near the city gates. The rooms are simple but clean, and the common area has a warm, welcoming atmosphere. The inn is popular among travelers and merchants looking for a cheap place to rest.
    • Signature Dish: "Mabel's Meat Pies," a simple but delicious dish made with minced meat and vegetables, wrapped in a flaky pastry.
  3. The Silver Chalice

    • Owner: A charismatic elf named Elara Swiftwind.
    • Description: A well-kept tavern located in the heart of the city. The interior is tastefully decorated with polished wooden furniture and silver accents. The tavern is known for its wide selection of ales and wines.
    • Signature Dish: "Elara's Roasted Pheasant," a succulent dish served with a side of roasted vegetables and a rich gravy.
  4. The Frosted Hearth

    • Owner: A friendly dwarf couple, Balin and Dagna.
    • Description: A comfortable inn with a warm, inviting atmosphere. The rooms are spacious and well-furnished, and the common area features a large hearth that is always lit, providing a cozy ambiance.
    • Signature Dish: "Balin's Braised Beef," a tender, flavorful dish served with mashed potatoes and a side of fresh bread.
  5. The Golden Goblet

    • Owner: A refined human gentleman named Geoffrey.
    • Description: An opulent inn located in the wealthier part of the city. The rooms are luxurious, featuring fine linens and private baths. The common area is grand, with high ceilings, chandeliers, and a large marble fireplace.
    • Signature Dish: "Geoffrey's Lobster Thermidor," a decadent dish made with fresh lobster, creamy sauce, and served with a side of saffron rice.
  6. The Crystal Chandelier

    • Owner: A sophisticated elf lady named Seraphine.
    • Description: A lavish tavern that exudes elegance and sophistication. The interior is adorned with crystal chandeliers, silk drapes, and plush velvet furniture. The tavern is known for its extensive wine list and gourmet cuisine.
    • Signature Dish: "Seraphine's Truffle Risotto," a luxurious dish made with Arborio rice, fresh truffles, and a generous sprinkle of Parmesan cheese.


  1. Name: Thoren Ironhand
    • Description: Thoren Ironhand is a dwarf with a reputation for being the best blacksmith in Frosthaven. His forge, "Ironhand's Anvil," is located near the city center. Thoren is known for his skill in crafting everything from horseshoes to intricate ironwork for the city's buildings. He is a burly dwarf with a bushy beard, always seen in his leather apron and protective gear.


  1. Name: Elara Swiftwind

    • Description: Elara Swiftwind is an elf weaponsmith known for her skill in crafting finely balanced swords. Her shop, "Swiftwind Blades," is in a busy part of the city. Elara's blades are sought after by the city's guards and adventurers alike. She is a slender elf with long silver hair, always seen in her leather apron and protective gloves.
  2. Name: Balin Stonecrusher

    • Description: Balin Stonecrusher is a dwarf weaponsmith who specializes in crafting sturdy axes and hammers. His shop, "Stonecrusher's Forge," is located near the city gates. Balin's weapons are known for their durability and heft, making them popular among the city's guards and mercenaries. He is a stocky dwarf with a bald head and a thick beard, always seen in his leather apron and protective gear.

Frostbound Stables

Lord Thorgeir, a high-ranking member of Irna's noble class, is a formidable figure in Frosthaven's economic landscape. He is a tall and robust human, known for his keen interest in livestock trade, though his responsibilities limit his direct involvement in the business. Thorgeir's piercing blue eyes reflect his astute business acumen.

Frostbound Stables is nestled on the edge of Frosthaven, encompassing a large, snow-dusted field surrounded by a series of well-constructed stables and barns. Here, animals from horses to mules, and other beasts of burden find their shelter. The stables are sturdy, warm, and designed to protect the animals from Frosthaven's harsh weather.

The stable specializes in the sale, care, and training of various beasts of burden, primarily horses and mules, but also includes other hardy animals.

Frostbound Stables is renowned for its Frost-Mares, horses bred specifically for endurance and resilience in the harsh Irna northern land weather. They also boast a range of imported animals, carefully acclimatized under the watchful eyes of the stable's experienced handlers.


  1. Manager: Elva Frostborn - A stern and dedicated Dwarf, Elva is a knowledgeable beast handler who keeps the stables running smoothly.
  2. Lead Handler: Erik Snowstride - Erik is a young and energetic Half-Orc with a natural affinity for animals. His primary duty involves training the beasts and preparing them for sale.
  3. Veterinarian: Sigrun Iceheart - A dedicated Goliath, Sigrun's gentle demeanor and expert knowledge ensure the health and well-being of all animals in Frostbound Stables.

Price List:

  1. Frost-Mare (Horse): 120 Gold
  2. Regular Horse: 75 Gold
  3. Mule: 50 Gold
  4. Yaks: 60 Gold
  5. Oxen: 40 Gold
  6. Riding Lessons: 10 Gold per lesson
  7. Boarding Service: 2 Gold per day
  8. Animal Care Class: 15 Gold per class

Bumblefoot’s Bouquets Perfume shop

"Bumblefoot’s Bouquets Perfume shop" is a quaint little shop located in a quieter part of Frosthaven. The shop is filled with a myriad of scents from the various perfumes Jon creates. The interior is tastefully decorated with shelves of beautifully designed perfume bottles, and a small workstation where Jon crafts his perfumes. Jon himself is a gnome with a warm smile, twinkling eyes, and a well-groomed mustache. He dresses in colorful waistcoats and always has a flower in his lapel. He speaks with a charming southern drawl that puts customers at ease.

Jon "Sweet Scent" Bumblefoot
Jon is a middle-aged gnome with a height of 3 feet 2 inches. He has a plump figure with a weight of around 40 pounds. His hair is a light shade of brown, often slicked back and tied into a small ponytail. He has bright green eyes that sparkle with mischief. His face is adorned with a well-groomed beard, which he takes great pride in. He is often seen wearing a colorful vest over a white shirt, brown trousers, and a pair of polished boots. He carries a cane adorned with a crystal top, which he uses more for style than support.

Products: The shop offers a wide range of perfumes, each crafted with a unique blend of scents. Prices range from 5 silver pieces for a small vial of perfume to 50 gold pieces for a large, intricately designed bottle of their finest scents.


  1. Lily "Quick Fingers" Greenbottle: A halfling woman with a keen nose for scents and an even keener ability for picking pockets.
  2. Bram "Shadowfoot" Ironhand: A dwarf man who assists in the creation of perfumes but is also an expert locksmith.
  3. Evelyn "Silent Whisper" Windwalker: An elf woman who serves as a sales assistant in the shop and is also a skilled information broker.


The shop offers a wide range of perfumes, each crafted with a unique blend of scents. Prices range from 5 silver pieces for a small vial of perfume to 50 gold pieces for a large, intricately designed bottle of their finest scents.


  1. Whispering Frost: A custom perfume that captures the essence of Frosthaven. The top notes are of crisp winter air and pine, the heart notes are of sweet winter berries, and the base notes are of warm spices and a hint of woodsmoke. It's a scent that reminds one of a winter's day in Frosthaven, making it a favorite among the locals and visitors alike. Price: 30 gold pieces.
  2. Thieves' Essence: A special perfume that is only known to members of the thieves guild. It has a unique scent that helps mask the wearer's presence, making it easier for them to blend into crowds or shadows. Price: Only available to guild members.

The Gilded Gnome

The Gilded Gnome is a charming establishment by the South Gate of Frosthaven. The exterior is a whimsical blend of gnome architecture and natural elements, with a roof that looks like a mushroom cap and walls that seem to be made from intertwined tree trunks. A signboard with a grinning gnome, holding a mug of frothy ale, swings gently above the entrance.

Upon entering, visitors are greeted by a warm, inviting atmosphere. The ceiling is low, as is typical in gnome establishments, adorned with hanging lanterns that cast a soft, golden glow. The walls are lined with shelves holding an array of colorful bottles, and the air is filled with the comforting scent of hearty food and spiced ale.

The bar itself is a long, polished counter, behind which stands an impressive array of kegs and casks. There are several small tables scattered around the room, each one just the right size for a group of gnomes. The chairs are comfortable, and the tables are always kept clean.

In one corner of the bar, there's a small stage for live performances. Local musicians often come to play, filling the bar with lively music and laughter. On quieter nights, Fizzwick might share a tale or two from his adventuring days.

At the back of the bar, there's a door leading to the kitchen, from which delicious smells constantly waft. There's also a staircase leading to a few rooms that Fizzwick rents out to travelers.

Despite its small size, The Gilded Gnome is always bustling with activity. It's a place where everyone knows your name, and you're always greeted with a smile. Whether you're a local looking for a place to unwind after a long day or a traveler seeking a warm meal and good company, The Gilded Gnome is the place to be.

Fizzwick Sparklebeard

Fizzwick is a jovial gnome with a bushy white beard that sparkles with tiny, embedded gems. He's a former adventurer who decided to settle down and open a bar after years of traveling. He's known for his infectious laughter, his knack for telling tall tales, and his ability to mix a mean cocktail.


  1. Tink Brightbottle: Tink is a young gnome with a bright smile and an even brighter personality. She's quick with a joke and even quicker with a drink, making her a favorite among the bar's regulars. Her hair is a vibrant pink, and she often wears it in elaborate braids adorned with tiny bells that jingle when she moves.
  2. Nissa Quickfoot: Nissa is a spry gnome with a quick wit and even quicker feet. She's known for her ability to dart around the bar, serving customers with efficiency and a smile. She has a playful nature and often engages in friendly banter with the patrons.
  3. Bumble Stoutpot: Bumble is a rotund gnome with a love for food that's as big as his belly. He's a master of traditional gnome cuisine and is always experimenting with new recipes. His dishes are a hit with the patrons, and his gnome-sized portions are known to be surprisingly filling.
  4. Gruff Hardknuckle: Gruff is a burly gnome with a gruff exterior but a heart of gold. He's responsible for keeping the peace in the bar and ensuring that everyone behaves themselves. Despite his tough job, he's well-liked by the patrons and is known to have a soft spot for the bar's stray cat, Whiskers.

Drink List:

  1. Frosthaven Frost Ale: A crisp, light ale with a hint of frosty mint. Price: 2 silver pieces.
  2. Gilded Gnome Stout: A rich, dark stout with notes of chocolate and coffee. Price: 3 silver pieces.
  3. Elven Wine: A sweet, fruity wine imported from the elven lands. Price: 5 silver pieces.
  4. Dwarven Fire Whiskey: A strong, fiery whiskey known for its warming properties. Price: 4 silver pieces.
  5. Gnome's Grog: A sweet, spiced rum drink. Price: 3 silver pieces.

Meal List:

  1. Roasted Boar: A hearty serving of roasted boar, served with a side of roasted vegetables. Price: 5 silver pieces.
  2. Stuffed Trout: Fresh trout stuffed with herbs and lemon, served with a side of wild rice. Price: 4 silver pieces.
  3. Vegetable Stew: A hearty stew made with fresh, local vegetables. Price: 3 silver pieces.
  4. Cheese and Bread Platter: A selection of local cheeses served with freshly baked bread. Price: 2 silver pieces.
  5. Berry Tart: A sweet tart made with fresh, local berries. Price: 1 silver piece.

House Specialties:

  1. Gnome's Delight: This is a special cocktail made with Gnome's Grog, honey, lemon, and a dash of cinnamon. It's sweet, spicy, and packs a punch. Price: 4 silver pieces.
  2. Gilded Boar: This is a special dish where the roasted boar is glazed with a sweet and tangy sauce made from honey, mustard, and herbs. It's served with a side of golden roasted potatoes. Price: 7 silver pieces.

Starshimmer Gems (Jeweler)

Starshimmer Gems is a high-end jewelry store located in the noble marketplace of Frosthaven. The exterior of the shop is unassuming, but the interior is a different story. The walls are lined with glass display cases filled with glittering jewels and intricate pieces of jewelry. The lighting is soft, making the gems sparkle and the gold shimmer. There is a quiet elegance to the place that speaks of wealth and refinement. At the back of the shop, there is a workshop where Eldrin and his craftsmen work on their creations.

Eldrin Starshimmer
Eldrin Starshimmer is a middle-aged, male High Elf with a keen eye for precious stones and metals. He has a slender build, silver hair, and piercing blue eyes that seem to sparkle with an inner light. Eldrin is known for his impeccable taste, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of the art of jewelry making. He is a master jeweler himself and has a reputation for creating some of the most exquisite pieces in all of Irna. Eldrin is a bit aloof, as many of his kind are, but he is also fair and treats his employees with respect.


  1. Liliana: Liliana is a young human woman who serves as the shop's main salesperson. She is charming, friendly, and has a knack for helping customers find exactly what they're looking for. Liliana is also responsible for maintaining the displays and ensuring that each piece of jewelry is presented in the best possible way.
  2. Thorn: Thorn is a male dwarf and one of the craftsmen in the shop. He is a master at working with precious metals and is responsible for creating many of the shop's exquisite pieces. Thorn is gruff and serious, focusing intently on his work, but he is also fiercely loyal to Eldrin and takes great pride in his craft.
  3. Nimble: Nimble is a female gnome who serves as the shop's gem cutter. She has a keen eye for detail and an uncanny ability to bring out the best in each gem she works with. Nimble is cheerful and energetic, bringing a touch of brightness to the shop.
  4. Zephyr: Zephyr is a male Aarakocra who serves as the shop's courier. With his ability to fly, Zephyr is responsible for delivering high-value orders to customers and suppliers. He is quiet and reserved, but he is also reliable and takes his duties very seriously.


  1. Jewelry Cleaning: 10 gold pieces
  2. Jewelry Repair: 20-50 gold pieces (depending on the complexity of the repair)
  3. Custom Jewelry Design: 100-500 gold pieces (depending on the complexity of the design and materials used)
  4. Gem Cutting: 50-100 gold pieces (depending on the size and type of gem)
  5. Engraving: 15-30 gold pieces (depending on the complexity of the engraving)


  1. Starshimmer Necklace: This is a signature piece of Glimmering Gems. It features a large, perfectly cut diamond that hangs from a delicate chain of white gold. The diamond is cut in such a way that it seems to shimmer with an inner light, hence the name. Price: 1,000 gold pieces.
  2. Eldrin's Elegance Ring: This is a beautifully crafted ring made of platinum. It features a large emerald surrounded by smaller diamonds. The design is elegant and timeless, making it a popular choice for engagements and anniversaries. Price: 800 gold pieces.
  3. Liliana's Locket: Named after the shop's charming salesperson, this locket is made of rose gold and features a small ruby in the center. The locket opens to reveal a space for a small portrait or keepsake. Price: 300 gold pieces.
  4. Thorn's Torque: This is a solid gold torque bracelet, crafted by the dwarf craftsman Thorn. It features intricate knotwork designs, a nod to traditional dwarven craftsmanship. Price: 500 gold pieces.
  5. Nimble's Nose Stud: This is a small nose stud, featuring a perfectly cut sapphire. It's a testament to Nimble's gem cutting skills. Price: 200 gold pieces.
  6. Zephyr's Zircon Earrings: These are a pair of drop earrings, each featuring a sparkling blue zircon. They're light and comfortable to wear, much like Zephyr himself. Price: 350 gold pieces.

Echon's Elegance (High end clothes)

Echon's Elegance is a high-end boutique located in the heart of Frosthaven's noble marketplace. The shop is known for its exquisite selection of luxurious fabrics and custom-tailored garments. The interior of the shop is as elegant as its offerings, with polished wooden floors, high ceilings, and tastefully arranged displays of the latest fashions. A private fitting area ensures that clients can try on garments in comfort and privacy.

Lady Seraphina Echon
Lady Seraphina Echon, a human woman of Irna descent, is the proprietor of "Echon's Elegance". She is a tall, elegant woman with a keen eye for fashion and a reputation for impeccable taste. Her warm personality and expert advice have made her a favorite among Frosthaven's elite. She is known for her ability to create stunning outfits that perfectly suit her clients' tastes and personalities.


  1. Maelis: Maelis is a half-elf male and the lead tailor at "Echon's Elegance". He is known for his meticulous attention to detail and his ability to create perfectly fitted garments. His expertise in combining different fabrics and styles to create unique pieces is highly valued by the shop's clientele.
  2. Thalia: Thalia, a human female, is the shop's assistant manager and a skilled seamstress. She assists Lady Echon in managing the shop and also handles alterations and minor repairs. Her friendly demeanor and professionalism make her popular among the shop's clients.
  3. Brom: Brom is a dwarf male who specializes in working with heavy fabrics and creating sturdy, yet stylish clothing. His craftsmanship is particularly appreciated by those looking for durable, high-quality garments.
  4. Olive: Olive, a gnome female, is the shop's apprentice. She assists the other employees in their work and is currently learning the art of tailoring under Maelis's guidance. Despite her young age, her enthusiasm and talent for fashion are evident.


  1. Custom-Tailored Suits: Starting from 150 gold pieces, depending on the fabric and design.
  2. Luxury Dresses: Ranging from 200 to 500 gold pieces, depending on the complexity of the design and the rarity of the materials used.
  3. Fine Silk Robes: Priced at 100 gold pieces.
  4. Velvet Capes: Starting from 75 gold pieces.
  5. Leather Boots: Ranging from 50 to 100 gold pieces, depending on the quality of the leather.
  6. Exotic Fur Coats: Starting from 250 gold pieces, depending on the type of fur.
  7. Accessories: Including belts, gloves, hats, and scarves, priced individually.


  1. Custom Tailoring: Starting from 50 gold pieces, depending on the complexity of the design.
  2. Alterations: Priced based on the extent of the alterations needed, starting from 10 gold pieces.
  3. Fashion Consultation: Lady Echon offers personal fashion consultations for 25 gold pieces per session.
  4. Wardrobe Planning: For a fee of 100 gold pieces, Lady Echon will help clients plan a complete wardrobe for a season, special event, or lifestyle change.
  5. Express Service: For an additional 50% of the cost, clients can have their orders prioritized and completed in half the usual time.

The Lorekeeper's Trove (Book shop)

The Lorekeeper's Trove is a grand two-story building, with a façade of polished stone and large, arched windows. The interior is a maze of towering bookshelves, filled with books, scrolls, and maps from all corners of Irna. The air is filled with the scent of parchment and old ink, and the quiet is only broken by the occasional rustle of turning pages. The shop has a few cozy reading nooks for customers who wish to peruse the books before purchasing.

Eledrin Loreweaver
Eledrin is a tall, slender half-elf with a mane of silver hair and piercing green eyes. He is known for his vast knowledge and his love for books. He is always seen in his spectacles and a robe of deep blue, with a quill tucked behind his ear. Eledrin is patient and kind, always ready to help a customer find the book they're looking for. #### Employees: - **Rosemary**: A young human woman who assists Eledrin in managing the shop. She is responsible for cataloging the books and helping customers. - **Torlag**: A burly dwarf who is in charge of acquiring new books for the shop. He often travels to various parts of Irna to find rare and valuable books. - **Sarah**: A human who is responsible for restoring and preserving the older books in the shop. Her gentle touch and meticulous nature make her perfect for the job. #### Products: 1. **Rare Books**: These are the main attraction of the shop. They include ancient texts, first editions, and books on obscure topics. Prices vary greatly depending on the rarity and condition of the book, ranging from 10 to 1000 gold pieces. 2. **Maps**: The shop offers a variety of maps, from local city maps to detailed maps of distant lands. Prices range from 5 to 50 gold pieces. 3. **Scrolls**: These include historical documents, magical scrolls, and scholarly works. Prices range from 10 to 500 gold pieces. 4. **Journals and Diaries**: These are personal accounts and memoirs from various individuals, offering unique insights into different periods and events. Prices range from 5 to 100 gold pieces. #### Services: 1. **Book Restoration**: Led by Sarah, the shop offers book restoration services to repair damaged books and preserve them for future generations. Prices depend on the extent of the damage and start from 50 gold pieces. 2. **Book Finding**: If a customer is looking for a specific book, Torlag and Rosemary can help locate it. If the book is not in their collection, they can use their network to find it. This service costs 20 gold pieces, plus the cost of the book. 3. **Reading Space**: The shop offers cozy reading nooks where customers can peruse books before purchasing. This service is free of charge. 4. **Book Appraisal**: Eledrin offers book appraisal services for those who want to know the value of their books. This service costs 15 gold pieces per book. ### Harvest of Delights (High End Grocer) Harvest of Delights is a high-end grocery store located in the noble marketplace of Frosthaven. The shop is filled with the finest and rarest food items from all over Irna. The interior is elegantly designed with polished wooden shelves filled with a variety of goods. The smell of fresh produce, exotic spices, and fine wines fill the air. ##### Bungo Goodbarrel. Bungo Goodbarrel is a plump Halfling with rosy cheeks and a warm smile. He is known for his exceptional taste in food and his ability to source the rarest ingredients. He is always seen in a well-tailored vest and a clean apron. Bungo is a friendly and talkative individual who loves to share cooking tips and recipes with his customers. #### Employees: 1. **Milo Greenbottle (Halfling, Male, Cashier)**: A quick-witted and friendly individual, Milo is the first face customers see when they enter the shop. 2. **Ivy Underbough (Halfling, Female, Stocker)**: Ivy is responsible for keeping the shelves stocked. She has a keen eye for quality and ensures only the best products are displayed. 3. **Thistle Caskbelly (Dwarf, Male, Butcher)**: Thistle is the shop's butcher. He is an expert in his craft and provides the finest cuts of meat to the customers. 4. **Lily Tealeaf (Halfling, Female, Produce Manager)**: Lily is in charge of the produce section. She has a deep knowledge of fruits and vegetables and can suggest the best produce for any dish. #### Products: 1. **Exotic Fruits and Vegetables (5-50 gp each)**: Rare and exotic fruits and vegetables sourced from all over Irna. 2. **Fine Wines (20-200 gp per bottle)**: A selection of the finest wines from renowned vineyards. 3. **Rare Spices (10-100 gp per ounce)**: A variety of rare and exotic spices to elevate any dish. 4. **Premium Meats (10-50 gp per pound)**: The finest cuts of meat, expertly butchered by Thistle. 5. **Artisanal Cheeses (5-30 gp per pound)**: A selection of the finest cheeses, both local and imported. 6. **Gourmet Breads (2-10 gp each)**: Freshly baked breads of various types, including rare grains and unique flavors. 7. **Luxury Sweets (5-25 gp each)**: A variety of luxury sweets and chocolates, perfect for a special treat. #### Services: 1. **Personal Shopping (50 gp per hour)**: For a premium, Bungo or one of his expert staff will personally assist you in selecting the best products for your needs. 2. **Home Delivery (10 gp + 10% of total purchase)**: "Harvest of Delights" offers home delivery for those who prefer the convenience of shopping from home. 3. **Gourmet Gift Baskets (100-500 gp)**: Customizable gift baskets filled with a selection of gourmet products. Perfect for special occasions or as a thoughtful gift. 4. **Cooking Advice (Free)**: Bungo and his staff are always ready to provide cooking tips and recipe suggestions to their customers.

The Majestic Canvas (Gallery/Artist)

The Majestic Canvas is a grand establishment located in the heart of the noble district. The exterior is adorned with intricate carvings and gold leaf accents, while the interior is a vast, open space filled with natural light. The walls are adorned with a variety of artworks, from grand oil paintings to delicate watercolors, all displayed in ornate frames. Elandra, the owner, is a tall, elegant high elf with silver hair and bright blue eyes. She dresses in flowing gowns of the finest silk and has a soft, soothing voice. She is well-respected in the art community and is known for her discerning eye and impeccable taste.

Elandra Starbrush.
Elandra Starbrush is a high elf of striking beauty and elegance. Standing tall with a slender figure, she carries herself with an air of grace and sophistication that is characteristic of her race. Her long black hair is usually pulled back into a neat bun, revealing her sharp, angular features and bright hazel eyes that seem to sparkle with a keen intelligence. She dresses in flowing gowns of the finest silk, often in shades of blue and black that complement her complexion and hair. Her voice is soft and soothing, often captivating those who engage in conversation with her. Elandra is well-respected in the art community for her discerning eye and impeccable taste. Her passion for art is evident in the way she talks about each piece in her gallery, often sharing fascinating stories about the artists and the inspiration behind their work. Despite her refined appearance, Elandra is approachable and has a warm, welcoming demeanor that makes visitors to her gallery feel at ease. #### **Employees**: 1. **Ciara Nightblossom** (Female Wood Elf): Ciara is the gallery's curator. She is responsible for acquiring new pieces and organizing exhibitions. She has a keen eye for art and a deep understanding of its history. 2. **Garnash Anvilmar** (Male Dwarf): Garnash is the gallery's head of security. He is a former soldier and takes the protection of the artworks very seriously. 3. **Phoebe Sweetberry** (Female Halfling): Phoebe is the gallery's administrator. She handles the financial aspects of the business, including sales and acquisitions. 4. **Faelar Silverfrond** (Male High Elf): Faelar is the gallery's resident art restorer. He is skilled in the delicate work of repairing and preserving artworks. #### Products and Services: 1. **Artwork Sales**: The gallery sells a variety of artworks, including paintings, sculptures, and rare prints. Prices vary greatly depending on the artist and the piece, ranging from 500 to 50,000 gold pieces. 2. **Art Commissions**: Customers can commission custom artworks from a network of associated artists. Prices start at 1,000 gold pieces and can go up to 10,000 gold pieces depending on the complexity of the work and the reputation of the artist. 3. **Art Restoration**: The gallery offers art restoration services, performed by their resident restorer, Faelar. Prices depend on the extent of the damage and the complexity of the restoration, typically ranging from 100 to 5,000 gold pieces. 4. **Art Appraisal**: For a fee of 50 gold pieces, customers can have their own artworks appraised by the gallery's experienced staff. 5. **Exhibitions**: The gallery regularly hosts exhibitions showcasing the works of both established and emerging artists. Entry fees for these exhibitions are typically 10 gold pieces per person.

Elixir's Essence (Potions)

Elixir's Essence is a high-end apothecary located in the noble district of Frosthaven. The shop is a haven for those seeking rare and potent concoctions. The interior is filled with shelves of meticulously labeled jars and bottles, each containing ingredients or potions of varying rarity. The air is filled with a complex aroma of herbs, flowers, and other less identifiable scents. At the back of the shop is a well-organized workstation where Thalion and his team prepare their remedies and brew their potions.

Thalion Brightblossom.
Thalion Brightblossom is a half-elf with a keen mind and a charming personality. He has a deep understanding of herbs and their medicinal properties, a knowledge he uses to create potent remedies and potions. Thalion is known for his blue tinted hair, bright green eyes, and the ever-present smile on his face. He dresses in elegant robes of deep green and gold, reflecting his status and the high-end nature of his shop. #### Employees: 1. **Eldon Quickleaf** (Male, Halfling): Eldon is the assistant manager of the shop. He is responsible for managing the inventory and assisting Thalion in brewing potions. He is a jovial halfling with a quick wit and a quicker smile. 2. **Nissa Shadowbrook** (Female, Wood Elf): Nissa is the shop's herbalist. She is responsible for identifying and procuring the herbs used in the shop's potions. She is a quiet elf with a deep love for nature and a vast knowledge of plants. 3. **Grimm Stoutbeard** (Male, Dwarf): Grimm is the shop's alchemist. He is responsible for creating the more complex potions and remedies sold in the shop. He is a gruff dwarf with a heart of gold and a meticulous attention to detail. #### Specialties: 1. **Potion of Superior Healing**: A potent healing potion that can restore a significant amount of health. 2. **Elixir of Health**: A powerful elixir that can cure any disease and remove conditions like blinded, deafened, paralyzed, and poisoned. 3. **Potion of Invisibility**: A rare potion that can render the drinker invisible for a period of time. 4. **Potion of Mind Reading**: A unique potion that allows the drinker to read the thoughts of others. #### Notable Services: 1. **Custom Potion Brewing**: Customers can request custom-made potions tailored to their specific needs. 2. **Herbal Consultation**: Customers can consult with the shop's herbalist to learn about the medicinal properties of various herbs. 3. **Alchemy Lessons**: The shop offers lessons in basic alchemy for those interested in learning the craft. #### Product and Services Price List: 1. **Potion of Superior Healing**: 500 gold pieces 2. **Elixir of Health**: 1200 gold pieces 3. **Potion of Invisibility**: 1800 gold pieces 4. **Potion of Mind Reading**: 1500 gold pieces 5. **Custom Potion Brewing**: Price varies based on the complexity of the potion, starting at 200 gold pieces 6. **Herbal Consultation**: 50 gold pieces per session 7. **Alchemy Lessons**: 100 gold pieces per lesson ### Time's Relics Time's Relics is a high-end shop located in the heart of the noble district of Frosthaven. The shop is filled with a variety of rare and ancient items, each with its own unique history and story. The interior of the shop is tastefully decorated with antique furniture and display cases showcasing the various items for sale. Elysia herself is a half-elf with a keen eye for detail and a deep love for history. She is always seen in elegant attire, her hair neatly tied up, and a pair of spectacles perched on her nose. She is known for her vast knowledge of ancient artifacts and her ability to tell the story of each item in her shop. ##### Elysia "Timekeeper" Thorne. Elysia "Timekeeper" Thorne is a half-elf woman of refined elegance and scholarly demeanor. Standing at a medium height, she carries herself with a grace that reflects her noble upbringing. Her long, auburn hair is usually tied up in a neat bun, revealing her sharp, green eyes that sparkle with curiosity and intelligence. A pair of round spectacles rests on her nose, further accentuating her scholarly appearance.

Elysia is always seen in tasteful attire, favoring long, flowing dresses of rich fabrics and muted colors, often adorned with antique brooches and pendants from her collection. Her voice is soft yet firm, and she speaks with a measured cadence that commands attention. Her conversations are often filled with historical anecdotes and fascinating trivia about the items in her shop.

Despite her scholarly disposition, Elysia is far from aloof. She is known for her warm hospitality and the genuine interest she shows in her customers' stories. Her passion for history and antiquities is infectious, often inspiring those around her to see the beauty and value in preserving the past. Her shop, "Time's Relics", is a testament to her dedication to her craft, and she is respected in Frosthaven not just as a successful businesswoman, but also as a preserver of history and culture.


  1. Nerida: A human woman who serves as the shop's main appraiser. She has a keen eye for detail and is well-versed in the history of various cultures and civilizations.
  2. Grommash: A dwarf man who serves as the shop's security. He is a former soldier and is highly skilled in combat.
  3. Erevan: An elf man who serves as the shop's acquisitions expert. He travels to various parts of the world to procure rare and valuable items for the shop.

Notable Items for Sale:

  1. Ancient Dwarven Battle Axe: A beautifully crafted battle axe believed to be from the early days of the dwarven civilization. Price: 5000 gold pieces.
  2. Elven Scroll of Ancient Lore: A scroll containing ancient elven lore and knowledge. Price: 3000 gold pieces.
  3. Dragonbone Necklace: A necklace made from the bones of a dragon. Price: 8000 gold pieces.


  1. Item Appraisal: Elysia and her team offer item appraisal services for those who wish to know the value of their items. Price: 50 gold pieces per item.
  2. Item Acquisition: If a customer is looking for a specific item, Erevan can be commissioned to find it. Price: Varies depending on the item.
  3. Item Restoration: The shop also offers item restoration services for damaged or worn-out items. Price: Varies depending on the item and the extent of the damage.

Ivankov's Provisions (Grocer)

In the commoners Market in the heart of Frosthaven, Ivankov's Provisions is a well-known grocery store catering to the diverse population of the city. The store is a charming blend of Irna and Russian architecture, offering a warm and inviting atmosphere. It offers a wide variety of goods, from local Irna produce to exotic spices and ingredients from foreign lands, reflecting the city's status as a major trade hub.

Ivan Ivankov

A stout and jovial human of Irna descent, Ivan is well-respected in the community for his fair prices and commitment to quality. Known for his deep knowledge of food and ingredients, he often offers cooking advice and recipe suggestions to his customers.


  1. Sergei: Sergei, a human, is Ivan's loyal assistant and a skilled grocer. He is responsible for managing the store's inventory and ensuring the freshness of the produce.
  2. Natalia: Natalia, Ivan's daughter, is the friendly face at the checkout counter. She is known for her warm smile and excellent customer service.


  1. Home Delivery: Ivankov's Provisions offers home delivery services for a small fee of 5 silver pieces, ensuring that customers can receive their groceries without leaving the comfort of their homes.


  1. Fresh Produce: Ivankov's Provisions offers a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables sourced from local farms. Prices vary depending on the season and availability, typically around 1-2 silver pieces per pound.
  2. Exotic Spices: The store boasts an impressive selection of exotic spices from foreign lands, perfect for adventurous cooks looking to experiment with new flavors. Prices vary depending on the rarity of the spice, typically around 5-10 gold pieces per ounce.
  3. Bakery Items: Ivankov's Provisions also has a small bakery section, offering freshly baked bread and pastries every day. Prices vary depending on the item, typically around 2-3 silver pieces per item.

Kuznetsov's Forge

Situated in a bustling corner of Frosthaven, Kuznetsov's Forge is a testament to the city's industrious spirit. The building, a sturdy stone structure with a high, vaulted ceiling, is always filled with the rhythmic clanging of metal and the warm glow of the forge. The interior is a maze of workbenches, anvils, and racks of tools, with a large bellows and forge at the heart of it all. The air is thick with the smell of hot metal and coal smoke.

Boris Kuznetsov

Boris Kuznetsov, a burly dwarf with a fiery beard and a heart to match, is the master blacksmith and owner of Kuznetsov's Forge. Known for his exceptional skill and meticulous craftsmanship, Boris is a respected figure in Frosthaven's artisan community.


  1. Yuri: Yuri, a human apprentice, is a diligent worker under Boris's tutelage. He handles the day-to-day tasks of the forge and is learning the trade quickly.
  2. Anya: Anya, a half-elf, manages the business side of the forge. She handles customer relations, orders, and finances.


  1. Custom Weapon Forging: Kuznetsov's Forge offers custom weapon forging services. Boris's craftsmanship ensures a weapon tailored to the customer's specifications. The price starts at 50 gold pieces, depending on the complexity and materials used.
  2. Armor Repair: The forge provides armor repair services, ensuring adventurers are always ready for their next encounter. The price for this service starts at 10 gold pieces, depending on the extent of the damage.


  1. Hand-forged Swords: Kuznetsov's Forge is renowned for its hand-forged swords, each one a masterpiece of balance and sharpness. Prices start at 20 gold pieces.
  2. Dwarven Steel Axes: The forge offers axes made from high-quality dwarven steel, known for its durability and sharpness. Prices start at 25 gold pieces.
  3. Protective Armor: The forge also sells protective armor, crafted to withstand the rigors of adventuring. Prices vary depending on the type and materials used, starting at 30 gold pieces.

LeBlanc's Fine Footwear (Cobbler)

Nestled in a bustling street of Frosthaven, LeBlanc's Fine Footwear is a quaint, two-story building with a charming, rustic facade. The exterior is adorned with a beautifully carved wooden sign depicting a pair of elegant boots. Upon entering, the rich scent of leather and polish greets the nostrils. The interior is a cozy space filled with rows of shelves showcasing a variety of footwear, from sturdy boots to delicate slippers. The walls are adorned with tools of the trade, and a large workbench occupies the back of the shop where the magic happens.

Pierre LeBlanc

Pierre LeBlanc, a middle-aged human with a warm smile and a twinkle in his eye, is the owner of LeBlanc's Fine Footwear. Known for his impeccable craftsmanship and attention to detail, Pierre is a well-respected figure in Frosthaven's artisan community.


  1. Elsa: Elsa, a young and energetic halfling, is Pierre's apprentice. She assists in the shop, learning the craft under Pierre's guidance.
  2. Gustav: Gustav, a stoic dwarf with a keen eye for quality, manages the store's inventory and customer service.


  1. Custom Footwear Crafting: LeBlanc's Fine Footwear offers custom footwear crafting services. Pierre's expertise ensures a perfect fit tailored to the customer's specifications. The price starts at 15 gold pieces, depending on the complexity and materials used.
  2. Footwear Repair: The shop provides footwear repair services, ensuring the longevity of your favorite pair. The price for this service starts at 5 gold pieces, depending on the extent of the repair needed.


  1. Leather Boots: LeBlanc's Fine Footwear is renowned for its durable leather boots, perfect for the rugged adventurer. Prices start at 10 gold pieces.
  2. Elegant Slippers: The shop offers delicate slippers, ideal for formal occasions. Prices start at 8 gold pieces.
  3. Comfortable Sandals: The shop also sells comfortable sandals, perfect for casual wear. Prices start at 6 gold pieces.

Threads of Frosthaven (Clothes)

A quaint clothing shop nestled between two large inns in the heart of Frosthaven's marketplace. The interior is cozy and warm, with rows of fabric, clothing racks, sewing stations, and a large cobblestone fireplace.

Marzi Stitcher

Marzi is a cheerful, middle-aged halfling woman who inherited Threads of Frosthaven from her parents. She oversees the day-to-day operations with boundless energy and a keen eye for fashion trends. Marzi is never seen without a measuring tape around her neck.


  1. Wilfred Bobbins: A tall, slender elf who creates fine dresses and gowns. Wilfred has an impeccable sense of style.
  2. Dugan Stonebreaker: A gruff dwarf specializing in rugged trousers, shirts, and coats. Dugan prefers function over form in his creations.
  3. Jaxom: A brooding dragonborn who crafts leather garments and armor. Jaxom is quiet but his work speaks volumes about his skill.


  1. Tailoring: Adjustments and custom-fitting for any garment. 5 silver pieces.
  2. Alterations: Restyling, taking in or letting out seams, and repair work. 3 silver pieces.
  3. Special Orders: Unique outfits designed to your specifications. Price varies.


  1. Everyday Attire: Simple tunics, breeches, and dresses for common folk. 5-15 gold pieces.
  2. Travel Wear: Durable adventuring clothes designed for the road. 10-25 gold pieces.
  3. Formalwear: Elegant gowns, dress robes, and tailored suits. 25-100 gold pieces.

Busy Needle Tailoring (Clothes)

This charming tailor's shop is situated between the Red Drake Inn and Marlowe's Bakery. A wooden sign depicting a spool of thread and needles hangs above the red-painted door. Inside, the interior is warm and inviting, with wooden floors and rays of sunlight filtering in through large front windows. Bolts of fabric in a rainbow of colors line the walls. Mannequins display the shop's latest fashions. Tailors sit at stations surrounded by scraps of cloth, working on garments in progress.

Talia Embershield

Talia is a friendly half-elf in her 60s, slim with silver hair worn in a bun. As owner, she handles customers with grace and cheerfully oversees her employees. Talia's clever eye for style and insistence on quality are evident in every garment sewn at the Busy Needle. She can often be seen at her worktable, spectacles perched on her nose, stitching delicate embroidery onto a new dress.


  1. Garron: A tall, muscular human man who specializes in durable adventuring outfits. Garron's brown hair is tied back from his weathered face as he works. His keen attention to detail ensures his creations allow maximum mobility.
  2. Nissa: A cheerful young halfling woman who crafts whimsical dresses and skirts. Nissa's curly red hair bounces as she dances between bolts of colorful fabrics. Her designs are beloved for their elven influences.
  3. Ulfgar: A burly dwarf focused on formal suits and coats. Ulfgar's intricate stitching and use of fine materials produce remarkable results. His fiery red beard is neatly braided close to his face as he concentrates.


  1. Alterations: Taking in seams, letting out waists, hemming, and other adjustments. 5 sp.
  2. Custom Orders: Unique outfits tailored specifically to your measurements and style. Price varies.
  3. Specialty Work: Reinforcing adventuring garb, adding hidden pockets, etc. 2 gp and up.


  1. Everyday Wear: Simple yet well-made tunics, trousers, dresses, and robes. 5-15 gp.
  2. Traveling Outfits: Hardwearing clothing designed for the rigors of the road. 15-40 gp.
  3. Formal Attire: Elegant gowns and stylish suits for special occasions. 50-150 gp.

Marlowe's Bakery

The delicious aroma of freshly baked breads and pastries wafts out onto the street from this charming bakery. Large front windows allow passersby to glimpse the displays of baked goods and sweets within. A sign painted with a piping bag hangs over the green door.

Inside, the bakery is warm and cozy. Displays and shelves along the walls brim with loaves of bread, trays of cookies, cakes, pies, and more. A long counter runs along the back, where customers can order and watch the bakers at work.

Silas Marlowe

Silas is a portly, jovial halfling with a thick beard kept neatly braided. As head baker, he oversees the kitchen, develops new recipes, and proudly serves customers. Silas inherited the bakery from his father and intends to pass it to his own children one day.


  1. Adela: A friendly gnome woman who crafts decadent cakes and pies. Adela's talent with fruit fillings and custards is renowned. Her curly grey hair is always tucked under a flour-stained cap.
  2. Erik: The bakery's strapping dragonborn breadmaker. Erik's mighty hands need no help kneading even the sturdiest dough. His loaves are perfectly crusty on the outside, soft and airy within.
  3. Gretta: A bubbly halfling girl who makes cookies, tarts, eclairs and other petite treats. Gretta's ginger braids bounce as she pipes icing and sprinkles with care.


  1. Custom Cakes: Unique cakes baked for special occasions. Price varies by size and complexity.
  2. Party Platters: Assortments of cookies, pastries, and desserts arranged on platters. 5 sp per person.
  3. Wedding Cakes: Elaborate multi-tiered cakes decorated with flowers and intricate designs. Starts at 10 gp.


  1. Breads: Rustic sourdough, braided challah, seeded loaves, rolls, and more. 2-5 cp each.
  2. Pastries: Danishes, croissants, tarts, galettes, scones, and other baked goods. 1-5 cp each.
  3. Desserts: Pies, cakes, strudels, cupcakes, and cookies of all sorts. 3-10 cp each.

The Red Drake Inn

This three-story inn is built of dark timber and stone, with a soaring roof and large windows that allow light to fill the spacious interior. A carved wooden sign depicting a red dragon hangs by the front door.

Inside, the main floor houses a large dining area filled with tables and a long bar. A grand stone fireplace dominates one wall. The upper floors contain private rooms for lodging.

Talmor Firesmith

Talmor is a bald, heavy-set dwarf who owns the Red Drake Inn. He is easygoing with a hearty laugh, and delights in sharing ale and tales with his patrons in the common room. Talmor's family has run the inn for generations.


  1. Merna: The friendly halfling barmaid. Merna is beloved for remembering customers' names and drink orders. Her curly auburn hair bounces as she weaves between crowded tables.
  2. Regis: A lanky elf waiter who glides smoothly around the dining room. Regis has an incredible memory for complex orders and requests. His long brown hair is pulled neatly back from his angular face.
  3. Ulwun: The hulking bugbear cook renowned for his mastery of meat. Ulwun's sheer size allows him to expertly turn the spits loaded with entire beasts in the kitchen's huge fireplaces.

Unique Dishes

  1. Dragonsteak: Pan-seared steak glazed with Talmor's secret "dragonfire" pepper sauce. 8 sp.
  2. Manticore Kabobs: Cubes of succulent meat skewered with exotic vegetables. 7 sp.
  3. Phoenix Eggs: Poached eggs nestled in toasted bread bowls. 3 sp.
  4. Wyvern Wings: Crispy baked wings brushed with zesty herbs and garlic. 5 sp.


  • Simple Rooms: 5 sp/night
  • Common Rooms: 8 sp/night
  • Luxury Suites: 25 sp/night

Zarina's Divinations (Tarot Reader)

This tiny shop is tucked away down a narrow alley draped with purple curtains rather than a door. The exterior is a faded blue, with a sign hanging above the entrance that features an intricately painted eye. The windows are covered with heavy velvet curtains, giving the shop an air of mystery. Upon entering, the scent of incense and old parchment fills the air. Inside, the interior is dark with most of the light coming from flickering candles and a glowing crystal ball on the round table. The walls are draped with exotic patterned fabrics and shelves hold jars of herbs, bones, crystals, and cards etched with arcane symbols. Thick incense hangs in the air.


Zarina is an exotic tiefling woman with long raven hair braided with gold charms that chime when she moves. Her eyes are completely white, yet she seems to stare into one's very soul. She wears flowing silk robes of deep crimson adorned with gold jewelry from her horns to her fingers. Her movements are slow, elegant and deliberate as she guides customers through readings of the cards, palms, or stars. Her voice is soft and melodic as she reveals insights in cryptic terms, allowing the seeker to decipher their own meaning. An ancient deck of engraved cards is always close at hand, the cards seeming to whisper as they are turned over. Zarina claims her gift came from her great grandmother, who was said to consort with demons and see the threads of fate. Though her divination skills are uncanny, the full truth of her abilities remains veiled in mystery.


  1. Card Reading: Zarina uses a unique deck of cards, each beautifully illustrated with symbols and images. She uses these cards to provide insights into one's past, present, and potential future. The price for a card reading is 3 gold pieces.
  2. Palm Reading: With a gentle touch, Zarina reads the lines on the client's palm, interpreting their meaning to reveal truths about their life and personality. The price for a palm reading is 5 silver pieces.
  3. Star Reading: Using her knowledge of the stars and celestial bodies, Zarina provides guidance and predictions based on their movements and alignments. This service is priced at 5 gold pieces.


  1. Incense: Zarina's Divinations offers a variety of incense, each with its own unique scent and purpose. Some are used for meditation, others for relaxation, and some are believed to attract certain energies. Each stick of incense is priced at 1 silver piece.
  2. Crystals: Zarina's collection of crystals is quite extensive. Each crystal is believed to possess certain properties, from healing to protection to enhancing psychic abilities. The price of each crystal varies depending on its size and type.
  3. Books: The shop also sells a variety of books, mostly related to astrology, divination, and other mystical topics. The prices for these books vary.

Zarina provides expert divinations using cards, palms, crystals, and the stars. Her tools may be unconventional, but her accuracy is undeniable. Seek her guidance when you need to make sense of the fog enshrouding your path ahead.

The Jade Serpent Theater

The Jade Serpent Theater is a grand establishment, radiating an aura of elegance and sophistication. The exterior of the building is adorned with intricate carvings of mythical creatures, and the entrance is framed by two large, jade serpent statues. Inside, the theater is a spectacle of opulence. The walls are draped in rich, emerald-green velvet, and the stage is framed by a grand, golden arch. The seating area is filled with plush, comfortable chairs, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of exotic incense.

Madame Ling Shaoyao
Madame Shaoyao is the stately elven owner of the Jade Lotus. Her long black hair is streaked with silver and often worn in an elegant bun pinned with jade combs. She is a former dancer herself and has a deep appreciation for the art. Her embroidered robes sweep the floor as she graciously greets patrons. Madame Shaoyao treats her employees like family and ensures her theater provides only the finest entertainment. #### Employees 1. **Meili**: An exquisite elf dancer renowned for her graceful fan dances. Meili's raven hair and porcelain skin give her an otherworldly beauty as she performs. 2. **Yue**: A charming halfling singer with a voice like velvet. Yue's renditions of folk ballads never fail to dazzle the crowd. She wears flower pins in her stylish bob. 3. **Mingzhu**: A talented gnome musician playing the guzheng in the house band. Mingzhu's fingers dance across the ancient stringed instrument to provide magical accompaniment. 4. **Lan**: The lovely half-elf hostess who seats guests and ensures their satisfaction. Her long auburn hair is partially pinned up, complementing her green silk gown. 5. **Jia**: A cheery halfling waitress who delivers drinks and food to tables with speed. Jia is a favorite with patrons thanks to her bubbly personality. 6. **Yali**: The mysterious dragonborn bartender mixing elaborate cocktails. Yali says little but observes all with piercing emerald eyes. #### Services 1. **Live Performances**: The theater offers live performances that include dancing, singing, and live music. The performances are a blend of various cultural influences, creating a unique and mesmerizing experience for the patrons. Cover: 5 gold pieces. 2. **Private Shows**: For patrons seeking a more personalized experience, the theater offers private shows where a dancer puts on a show exclusively for them. Price: 20 gold pieces. 3. **Beverage Service**: The theater has a well-stocked bar that serves a variety of drinks, from fine wines to exotic cocktails. Price: Varies depending on the drink. #### Products 1. **Jade Serpent Special**: A signature cocktail made with a blend of exotic spirits and a hint of magical essence. It is served in a glass shaped like a jade serpent, which patrons can take home as a souvenir. Price: 2 gold pieces. 2. **Theater Merchandise**: The theater sells a variety of merchandise, including miniature jade serpent statues, theater posters, and costume replicas. Price: Varies depending on the item.

Mystical Wonders (Magic shop)

This impressive three-story shop is built of stone, with towering pillars carved with arcane runes flanking the entrance. The large front windows gleam, displaying mysterious artifacts, potion bottles, candles, and crystal balls. A sign depicting an unfurling scroll hangs over the oak door.

Inside, the interior is illuminated by glowing orbs hovering beneath the high ceiling. The ground floor contains shelves, cases, and displays packed with all manner of magical wares. A spiral staircase leads up to the second floor office and workspace, and down to the basement filled with bulky inventory.

Archmagus Talia Silverweave
Talia is an elegant high elf and experienced wizard who owns the Mystical Wonders. Her long silver hair is partially braided back, revealing her circlet inlaid with a large blue gem. Talia is extremely knowledgeable about all things arcane. She takes pride in procuring only the finest magical goods to sell in her shop. #### Employees 1. **Josiah**: A studious human wizard's apprentice. Josiah assists customers in finding what they need. His wire-rimmed spectacles frequently slide down his nose while explaining an item's enchantments. 2. **Nissa**: A bubbly young gnome who maintains merchandise displays and stocks shelves. Nissa is still studying basic cantrips, but hopes to be a great enchantress someday. Her wild purple hair is barely restrained by her hat. 3. **Brogan**: The burly dwarf responsible for security and protecting the more dangerous magical wares. Brogan's warhammer and intimidating presence deter any foolish enough to consider thievery. His braided red beard reaches his belt. 4. **Bran Copperbeard**: A dwarf cleric, Bran is responsible for the healing potions and magical scrolls. His jovial nature and hearty laughter bring a sense of warmth to the shop. 5. **Liliana Nightshade**: An elf rogue, Liliana is in charge of the more exotic and dangerous items. Her mysterious aura and sharp eyes deter any potential thieves. #### Services 1. **Item Identification**: Talia and her team offer item identification services, helping customers understand the magical properties of their items. Price: 100 gold pieces. 2. **Potion Brewing**: Custom potion brewing service is available, where customers can request specific potions that are not readily available in the shop. Price: Varies based on the potion. #### Products 1. **Healing Potions**: These potions come in various sizes and can heal minor to severe wounds. Price: Ranges from 50 to 500 gold pieces. 2. **Magical Scrolls**: Scrolls with various spells that can be used by magic users. Price: Ranges from 100 to 1000 gold pieces. 3. **Enchanted Weapons**: Weapons imbued with magical properties. Price: Varies based on the weapon and enchantment. 4. **Magical Artifacts**: Rare and powerful artifacts with unique magical properties. Price: Varies based on the artifact. 5. **Magical Musical Instruments**: Instruments that can produce magical effects when played. Price: Ranges from 200 to 2000 gold pieces.

The Carnivore's Delight (Butcher Shop)

The Carnivore's Delight is a bustling butcher shop located in the heart of Frosthaven. The exterior of the shop is a rustic blend of stone and wood, with a large wooden sign hanging above the entrance, featuring a carving of a cleaver. The shop's windows are adorned with displays of the day's freshest cuts, enticing passersby with their quality and variety. Upon entering, customers are greeted by the rich, savory aroma of smoked and cured meats. The interior is clean and well-organized, with a large counter displaying an array of meats, and shelves lined with jars of house-made sauces and marinades. The back of the shop houses a large cold room, where the meats are stored and prepared.

Boris Kuznetsov

Boris Kuznetsov, a burly dwarf with a hearty laugh and a warm smile, is the proud owner of The Carnivore's Delight. His hands are calloused from years of work, and his apron is often stained with the day's work. Despite his gruff exterior, Boris is known for his kindness and his passion for providing the highest quality meats to his customers. He is a master of his craft, with a keen eye for quality and a deep understanding of how to prepare and present each cut of meat to highlight its unique qualities.


  1. Anya Petrova: A human woman with a sharp wit and a sharper knife, Anya is Boris's right hand. She handles the day-to-day operations of the shop, ensuring that everything runs smoothly.
  2. Ivan Smirnov: A half-elf with a friendly demeanor, Ivan is responsible for preparing and packaging the meats. He is meticulous in his work, ensuring that each cut is presented at its best.
  3. Nadia Sokolova: A halfling woman with a knack for customer service, Nadia manages the shop's front of house. She is always ready with a smile and a helpful suggestion for customers unsure of what to buy.
  4. Yuri Orlov: A gnome with a keen eye for detail, Yuri is responsible for maintaining the shop's inventory and ensuring that the cold room is always stocked.
  5. Elena Ivanova: A human woman with a passion for cooking, Elena creates the shop's selection of house-made sauces and marinades.
  6. Mikhail Vasilyev: A dwarf with a strong work ethic, Mikhail assists Boris in sourcing and selecting the highest quality meats.


  1. Beef: From tender filet mignon to hearty ribeye, The Carnivore's Delight offers a wide range of beef cuts. Each cut is carefully selected and prepared by Boris and his team to ensure the highest quality. Prices vary depending on the cut.
  2. Chicken: The shop offers both whole chickens and individual cuts. The chickens are sourced from local farms, ensuring freshness and quality. Prices vary depending on the cut.
  3. Pork: From succulent pork chops to flavorful sausages, the shop's selection of pork products is extensive. Prices vary depending on the cut.
  4. Goat: Goat meat is a specialty of The Carnivore's Delight. The meat is lean and flavorful, perfect for stews and roasts. Prices vary depending on the cut.
  5. Exotic Meats: For the more adventurous eaters, the shop offers a selection of exotic meats, including rodent and snake. These meats are sourced responsibly and prepared with care. Prices vary depending on the type of meat.
  6. House-Made Sauces and Marinades: To complement their selection of meats, the shop offers a variety of house-made sauces and marinades, created by Elena. Each sauce and marinade is designed to enhance the flavor of the meat. Prices vary depending on the sauce or marinade.

Bronn's Butchery (Butcher Shop)

This butcher shop stands out with its pristine white walls and large glass windows displaying cuts of meat. A wooden sign engraved with a cleaver and pig hangs over the red door. Inside, the black and white checkered floor stays free of stains thanks to the spotless countertops and tables. Tools and carcasses hang from hooks behind the counter.

Reg Bronn

Reg is a burly middle-aged human who runs the butchery with military efficiency. His white apron stretched over his barrel chest stays neat, and his close-cropped salt and pepper hair is tucked under a cap. Reg inspects all the meat personally and keeps his knives razor sharp. He expects his employees to maintain his impeccable standards.


  1. Adela: An elderly halfling woman who prepares sausages and cured meats. Her skill with spices makes her smoked hams and salamis customer favorites. She wears her long grey hair in a tight bun.
  2. Barret: A muscular dragonborn butcher who can cleave through bone with a single swing. Barret's crimson scales and intense focus while carving carcasses intimidate some customers. He keeps his claws filed blunt.
  3. Gretta: A dimpled half-elf girl who assists customers at the counter. Gretta's cheerful demeanor puts patrons at ease while she slices their order. She wears a blue kerchief over her curly auburn hair.


  • Butchering wild game brought in by hunters
  • Salting, curing, and smoking meats
  • Carving roasts, chops, and steaks to order


  • Fresh cuts of beef, pork, lamb, poultry
  • Sausages, cured ham, salami
  • Ground meat, meat pies, soup bones
  • Exotic meats from game like boar and venison

Frosthaven's Finest: Lustrous Playthings

A grandiose façade with ornate wooden carvings and gilded edges welcomes patrons. Large bay windows showcase the most exquisite toys, drawing the attention of passersby. The interior is adorned with dark mahogany shelves, each holding a variety of toys, illuminated by soft candlelight from ornate silver sconces.

Lord Cedric Woodworth

Lord Cedric Woodworth, a tall, slender man with a meticulously groomed beard and sharp blue eyes. He wears tailored suits of the finest materials and always has a monocle, which he uses to inspect the intricate details of his toys. A former craftsman, he has a keen eye for quality and ensures only the best products grace his store.


  1. Elara: A skilled craftswoman who specializes in creating intricate wooden toys. She has a gentle demeanor and a passion for her craft.
  2. Brom: A burly man with a talent for molding metals into delicate toy structures. His hands, though large, work with surprising precision.
  3. Lilith: The shop's charismatic saleswoman. With her eloquent speech and vast knowledge of the toys, she can convince any noble of the worth of Lustrous Playthings' creations.

Products and Prices

  1. Golden Carousel: A miniature carousel made of gold, with tiny wooden horses that move up and down. Detailed engravings adorn its base.

    • Price: 50 gold coins.
  2. Silver Dragon Automaton: When wound up, this silver dragon flaps its wings and breathes out a tiny puff of smoke. Its eyes are made of sapphire.

    • Price: 40 gold coins.
  3. Mahogany Puppet Theater: A small theater with velvet curtains. Comes with wooden puppets of kings, queens, and jesters.

    • Price: 30 gold coins.
  4. Bronze Knight Chess Set: A chess set where each piece is a meticulously crafted bronze knight with ruby and emerald eyes for the two sides.

    • Price: 45 gold coins.
  5. Rosewood Music Box: When opened, a delicate ballerina made of tin dances to a soft lullaby. The box is adorned with mother-of-pearl inlays.

    • Price: 35 gold coins.

Special Services

For an additional fee, Lord Cedric offers customization options, allowing nobles to have toys tailored to their specific desires, be it engraving initials, using specific gemstones, or even crafting a completely unique toy based on a noble's design.