Greywall: Sentinel of the North

Perched just south of the forbidding Swarg Mountains, the fortified town of Greywall stands as a bastion separating mainland Irna from the untamed northern wilds. Behind its towering stone bulwarks and peaked rooftops lies a fusion of culture, commerce, and unyielding courage.

Founded ages ago, Greywall's very architecture echoes the character of its people - hardy, disciplined, yet not without flourishes of beauty. Intricate dwarven carvings adorn facades, and vibrant mosaics line the cobblestone streets, adding hints of color to the stout granite structures. The scent of woodsmoke and echo of smiths' hammers fill the mountain air.

For centuries, stalwart Greywall has been home to Clan McCabe, a lineage of audacious dwarves whose legacy is deeply woven into the town's storied past. Tales are told of Lord Hrothgar routing entire frost giant armies with his thunderous hammer. Lady Eira's keen aim is said to find any foe's weakness, no matter how cleverly concealed. Their family crest flies on banners across the town, a symbol of steadfast protection.

The People of Greywall


Greywall values solidarity, courage, and perseverance against daunting odds. Songs tell of ancestors' valor. Dwarflings train in weaponry from a young age to carry on the traditions. Festival days honor past heroes with re-enactments of great battles.


Most dwarves follow Segojan, the Mountain Father. But Moradin the All-Father and other gods are also honored, their shrines scattered throughout the streets. Dwarven clerics chant sombre hymns that resonate through the very bedrock.

Founding Day

The most revered holiday, Founding Day celebrates Greywall's mythic origins with feasting, ale, and bardic tales of the first dwarven settlers led by Clan McCabe to tame the rugged north.


Lord Hrothgar McCabe

The boisterous Hrothgar whistles folk tunes as he hefts his enormous hammer over one shoulder. His braided fiery beard and piercing eyes intimidate any who would test him. Hrothgar takes his role as guardian of the north with the utmost sincerity.

Lady Eira McCabe

Hrothgar's insightful wife sees threats long before they appear. Eira's silver hair billows in the mountain winds as her keen gaze scans the bleak northern horizon. Her compassion and wisdom balance Hrothgar's zeal.



In Irna's early era, only the McCabe clan dared settle the hostile northern frontier. Their courage and cunning allowed them to build Greywall despite fierce beasts and biting winds.


Savage humanoids, giants, and beasts attacked frequently over the centuries. But Greywall repelled every assault, earning renown as a bastion against darkness. Songs are still sung of the McCabes' defiant stands.

Current Era

Greywall remains a crucial shield, its beacons guiding travelers through mountain passes to warmer climes. The McCabes keep vigil so others may rest easy. Come what may, their hammers remain ready.


Ironworks Foundries

Smelt ore from the McCabes' mines into ingots for smithing fine arms and armor.

Stonecutters' Guild

Expert dwarven masons responsible for quarrying building stone and ornamental carvings.

Greywolf Armory

Renowned weapon and armor smiths and leatherworkers, run by Clan Greywolf.

The Bleeding Axe Inn

Rowdy tavern decorated with axes, pelts, and trophies from vanquished beasts.

Mountaineer's Lodge

Rustic lodging house that provides expert guides and gear for travelers through the peaks.

McCabe Mining Company

The McCabes' intensive mining operation is the lifeblood providing metal and stone.

High above the distant southern valleys, a lone watchman's horn sounds from Greywall's frigid ramparts. Invaders beware - winter is coming. And the McCabes are ready.