
Nestled on the frigid northern coast of Irna lies the port town of Oldenburg. The town, with its sprawling docks and towering ships, is a beacon of life amidst the vast, snow-covered landscapes. Oldenburg is renowned for its intricate wood architecture and thriving fishing industry. The buildings feature steeply angled roofs to shed heavy snowfall, with intricately carved wooden facades that tell tales of ancient legends and maritime adventures.

The streets of Oldenburg are paved with cobblestones, and during the long winter months, they often shimmer under a blanket of frost. Lanterns hang from every corner, casting a warm, golden glow that contrasts starkly with the cold blue of the surrounding ice. The air is filled with the scent of burning wood from the numerous fireplaces and the distant sound of sea shanties sung by sailors returning from their voyages.

Oldenburg is currently ruled by Countess Katarina Romanov, an elegant but shrewd noblewoman descended from Irna's ancient dragonborn lineages and a direct descendant of the town's founders. Her residence, a grand stone manor overlooking the port, is a symbol of his family's enduring legacy and their commitment to the prosperity of Oldenburg. The countess ensures a steady stream of taxes and tithes from the fishing fleets and oversees the port commerce with an keen eye.

The lifeblood of Oldenburg is its fleet of sturdy fishing vessels that ply the frigid northern seas. Cod, herring, salmon, and other cold-water fish are bountiful in these waters, though only the hardiest crews can endure the icy storms. The fish are salted, smoked, or dried to preserve them before being exported inland via caravan or by ship. Ships laden with furs, whale oil, and rare arctic herbs dock at Oldenburg, exchanging their goods for grains, wines, and textiles from the south. The town is also renowned for its shipbuilders, who craft vessels designed to navigate the treacherous icy waters of the north. These ships are highly sought after, bringing considerable wealth to the town.

Despite the harsh climate, the people of Oldenburg have managed to cultivate hardy crops like barley, rye, and root vegetables, which form the staple diet of the locals. There are also a few distilleries in town that produce vodka and aquavit, spirits that not only warm the insides on cold days but are also traded extensively.

Oldenburg provides a strategic deep water port for northern Irna. Its shipwrights, carved from hardy northern oak, withstand even the harshest winter seas. The town has become a vital stopping point for merchants traveling between western Irna and the northern kingdoms beyond the mountains.

Countess Katarina Romanov

Race: White Dragonborn

Appearance: Countess Katarina boasts the pristine scales of a white dragon, shimmering like fresh snow under the sun. Her eyes, a piercing shade of icy blue, reflect both her noble heritage and the calculating intelligence behind them. Standing tall and regal, she carries herself with an elegance that belies her draconic strength.

Background: Descended from Irna's ancient dragonborn lineages, Countess Katarina Romanov is a direct descendant of Oldenburg's founders. Her lineage is a source of great pride, and she often references her ancestors' achievements to inspire loyalty and respect among her subjects.


  • Husband: Count Dimitri Romanov, also a White Dragonborn. Dimitri, with his alabaster scales and a more robust build, complements Katarina perfectly. He is known for his wisdom and often serves as an advisor on matters of trade and diplomacy. Together, they form a formidable pair, ensuring Oldenburg's prosperity and security.
  • Children:
    1. Prince Alexei Romanov: The eldest, Alexei, is being groomed to take over the reins of Oldenburg. He has inherited his mother's shrewdness and his father's diplomatic skills.
    2. Princess Natalia Romanov: The younger daughter, Natalia, is known for her adventurous spirit. She often accompanies the fishing fleets, learning the intricacies of the trade.

Residence: The Romanov Manor stands as a grand stone edifice overlooking the port. With its high battlements, ornate balconies, and sprawling gardens, it is a symbol of the Romanov family's enduring legacy. Inside, the manor is adorned with tapestries depicting Oldenburg's history, intricate chandeliers, and a grand hall where the Countess holds her court. A private library, filled with ancient tomes and scrolls, is Katarina's favorite retreat.

Main Employees:

  1. Sir Gregor Ivanovich: The Captain of the Guard. Loyal, brave, and unwavering in his duty, Sir Gregor ensures the safety of the Romanov family and the manor.

  2. Lady Elara: The Countess's personal handmaiden and confidante. Lady Elara is privy to many of the Countess's secrets and is trusted implicitly.

  3. Master Nikolai: The steward of the Romanov Manor. He oversees the day-to-day operations, ensuring that the manor runs smoothly.

Role in Oldenburg: As the ruler of Oldenburg, Countess Katarina ensures a steady stream of taxes and tithes from the fishing fleets. She oversees port commerce with a keen eye, ensuring that trade agreements are favorable to Oldenburg. Her leadership has brought prosperity to the town, and she is respected, if not loved, by all her subjects.