Geography and Landscape of Rockmount

Nestled high in the cradle of the Carpsonic Mountains, Rockmount is a marvel of engineering and natural beauty. The town is situated on a series of terraced plateaus, each offering a panoramic view of the surrounding peaks and valleys. The air is crisp and invigorating, carrying the scent of pine and mountain herbs.

As you ascend the winding roads leading to Rockmount, you're greeted by towering cliffs adorned with intricate carvings, showing off the town's stonemaking heritage. The mountains themselves seem to be a part of the town, their rocky faces seamlessly integrated into the architecture. Buildings made of local stone blend harmoniously with the landscape, as if they were sculpted by the mountains themselves.

The town's layout is a labyrinth of narrow, cobblestone streets and alleys, each leading to squares filled with fountains, statues, and public art installations. The craftsmanship is evident in every corner, from the ornate lampposts to the stone benches where locals and visitors alike can sit and admire the view.

Water is a precious commodity in this elevated locale, sourced from natural springs found deep within the mountains. Ingenious aqueduct systems channel this water into the town, filling public fountains and supplying homes and workshops. The sound of flowing water is a constant companion as you explore Rockmount, adding to the town's tranquil ambiance.

But it's the view from the highest plateau that truly takes your breath away. From this vantage point, you can see the entire town spread out below you, its terracotta rooftops glowing in the sunlight. Beyond the town, the Carpsonic Mountains stretch as far as the eye can see, their peaks dusted with snow even in the height of summer. It's a view that captures the essence of Rockmount—a harmonious blend of human endeavor and natural splendor.

People of Rockmount: A Symphony of Stone and Spirit

Economic Aspects

The economy of Rockmount is deeply intertwined with its geological wealth. The town is renowned for its stonemaking, an art form that has evolved into a lucrative industry. Nobles from distant lands commission statues, fountains, and architectural elements, providing a steady income for the local artisans. Additionally, the town benefits from the summer influx of nobles who own mountain retreats, boosting the local economy through tourism and trade.

Cultural Aspects

Rockmount is a melting pot of human and dwarven cultures. The town's architecture reflects this harmonious blend, with human innovation meeting dwarven precision in every carved stone and chiseled facade. The people take immense pride in their craftsmanship, and the town hosts annual festivals to celebrate their stonemaking heritage. These festivals are not just local affairs; they attract artisans and spectators from across the region, further enriching the town's cultural tapestry.

Religious Aspects

The town has a diverse religious landscape, but the most prominent deities are Caminus, the God of the Forge, revered by craftsmen and artisans, and Thulgard, The Hearth Guardian, who is considered the protector of homes and settlements. Temples dedicated to these gods are architectural marvels, showcasing the town's stonemaking prowess.

Rockmount in the Summer

Rockmount is unique for its summer transformation. When the nobles arrive for the season, the town takes on a festive air, with markets bustling with exotic goods and the streets filled with the melodies of wandering minstrels. This seasonal shift adds another layer to Rockmount's already rich cultural landscape.

Dwarven Ironhoof Steeds

Bred from the hardiest mountain horses, the Ironhoof was designed to navigate the treacherous terrain of the Irnan mountains. The Dwarven Ironhoof Steed is a robust and muscular horse, bred to endure the harsh mountainous conditions. Its most distinctive feature is its hooves, as hard and durable as forged iron, capable of striking sparks on stone and unharmed by the fiercest heat. The breed's coat is typically a deep, earthy color, mirroring the mountains it calls home.

History of Rockmount

Early Days/Foundation

Rockmount's origins are deeply intertwined with the discovery of rich mineral veins in the Carpsonic Mountains. Initially established as a mining outpost, the town attracted both human and dwarven settlers, eager to tap into the mountain's bounty. The early days were challenging, with harsh weather and difficult terrain testing the settlers' resolve. However, the indomitable spirit of collaboration between humans and dwarves laid the foundation for what Rockmount would become.

The Golden Age of Stonemaking

As the mines began to yield their treasures, a new form of artistry emerged—stonemaking. Skilled dwarven craftsmen taught their human counterparts the secrets of carving and sculpting, leading to a renaissance of sorts. This period, often referred to as the Golden Age of Stonemaking, saw Rockmount's reputation soar. Its artisans became renowned for their skill, attracting patrons from far and wide.

The Ascendancy of House Nolan

House Nolan's rise to power marked a turning point in Rockmount's history. Under their wise governance, the town diversified its economy, moving beyond mining to embrace its artistic heritage. Duke Wolfram's diplomatic acumen brought in valuable alliances, while Duchess Amara's patronage of the arts nurtured a new generation of craftsmen. Their combined efforts propelled Rockmount into an era of unprecedented prosperity.

Current State of the Settlement

Today, Rockmount stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and the enduring spirit of its people. It is a bustling hub of artistry and commerce, its streets filled with the sounds of chisels shaping the future, one stone at a time. The town continues to attract nobles seeking the finest craftsmanship, and young artisans eager to learn from the masters. Under the steadfast leadership of House Nolan, Rockmount looks forward to a future as enduring as the stone it cherishes.

Leadership of Rockmount: House Nolan

House Nolan stands as the cornerstone of Rockmount's prosperity and cultural richness. Their ancestral home, a marvel of stonework and artistry, reflects their deep connection to the town they govern. Under their rule, Rockmount has evolved from a humble mining settlement to a hub of craftsmanship and culture.

Governance Style and Relation to Citizens

Duke Wolfram and Duchess Amara lead with a blend of firmness and compassion. They are deeply involved in the community, often commissioning public works to showcase local talent and improve the town's infrastructure. Their approachable nature and genuine concern for the well-being of their subjects have earned them the respect and loyalty of the Rockmount community.

Duke Wolfram Nolan

Duke Wolfram stands tall with a broad, sturdy frame, a testament to his mountainous homeland. His hair, once a rich chestnut, now shows streaks of silver, and his deep-set blue eyes reflect the wisdom of his years. He often dresses in finely tailored clothes, adorned with subtle embroidery that hints at the wealth and prestige of Rockmount.

Born into the responsibility of leadership, Wolfram was groomed from a young age to take on the mantle of Duke. He spent years learning the intricacies of trade, diplomacy, and the art of stonemaking. His deep respect for the dwarven community and their craft has fostered a harmonious relationship, ensuring Rockmount's prosperity.

The Nolan Manor, a grand structure carved into the very heart of the Carpsonic Mountains, stands as a symbol of the unity between man and dwarf. Its halls echo with laughter and the melodies of mountain ballads, and its walls are adorned with art pieces from the finest stonemakers of Rockmount.

As the Duke of Rockmount, Wolfram oversees the town's economic ventures, ensuring the smooth export of stone and stonework. He also plays a pivotal role in maintaining peace and order, often mediating disputes and ensuring the well-being of his subjects.

Duchess Amara Nolan

Dutchess Amara possesses a grace that belies her mountainous roots. Her raven-black hair cascades in gentle waves, framing a face marked by sharp, intelligent eyes and a poised demeanor. Her gowns, while elegant, always incorporate elements of Rockmount's heritage.

Amara, originally from a neighboring town, brought with her a fresh perspective that has been instrumental in Rockmount's growth. Her keen intellect and diplomatic skills have forged alliances and opened new trade routes for the town.

Amara has a personal chamber within Nolan Manor, adorned with tapestries and artifacts from her ancestral home. It serves as a quiet retreat where she often indulges in her love for literature.

While Wolfram handles the economic aspects, Amara focuses on the cultural and social well-being of Rockmount. She organizes festivals, ensures education for the young, and often acts as a bridge between the human and dwarven communities.

Rosalind Nolan

Rosalind, with her flowing chestnut hair and striking blue eyes, is the spitting image of her father. However, her attire, a blend of traditional Rockmount designs and contemporary fashion, speaks of a young woman in touch with her roots yet eager to embrace the world.

Having traveled extensively, Rosalind brings a worldliness to Rockmount. Her journeys have given her insights into new trade opportunities and cultural exchanges.

Rosalind assists her parents in diplomatic endeavors and is being groomed to take over the leadership in the future. She has a particular interest in expanding Rockmount's cultural horizons, often hosting artists and performers from distant lands.

Maximilian Nolan

Maximilian, with his rugged charm, embodies the spirit of the Carpsonic Mountains. His attire often leans towards the practical, reflecting his hands-on approach to life in Rockmount.

Growing up, Maximilian was always fascinated by the art of stonemaking. He spent considerable time with the dwarves, learning the craft and understanding the intricacies of the trade.

While his sister delves into diplomacy, Maximilian is more involved in the town's economic ventures, especially the stonemaking business. He often leads expeditions into the mountains, seeking new quarries and ensuring the quality of Rockmount's exports.

Nolan Manor

Nolan Manor, a majestic edifice, stands tall against the backdrop of the Carpsonic Mountains. Constructed primarily from the finest granite mined from the very mountains it rests upon, the manor is an architectural marvel. Its high battlements offer a panoramic view of Rockmount and the surrounding valleys. The main entrance boasts a grand archway, with intricate carvings depicting the history of House Nolan and Rockmount. Inside, vast hallways lined with portraits of Nolan ancestors lead to spacious chambers, each designed with a blend of practicality and luxury. The heart of the manor is the grand hall, where a massive hearth provides warmth, and where House Nolan hosts their esteemed guests.

The gardens of Nolan Manor are a sight to behold. Terraced plots cascade down the mountain's slope, filled with vibrant flowers, medicinal herbs, and rare alpine plants. A serene pond, fed by a mountain stream, sits at the garden's center, its waters reflecting the manor's grandeur.


Master Cedric

The steward of Nolan Manor, Master Cedric oversees the day-to-day operations of the estate. A loyal servant of House Nolan for decades, his meticulous nature ensures that the manor runs like clockwork.


The head housekeeper, Elara is responsible for maintaining the pristine condition of the manor. With a keen eye for detail, she ensures that every corner of the residence reflects the dignity of House Nolan.

Brom and Lysa

The chief guards of Nolan Manor. Both are seasoned warriors, having served in the Rockmount militia before pledging their loyalty to House Nolan. They are responsible for the safety of the manor and its inhabitants.

Chef Gustave

Hailing from a distant city known for its culinary arts, Chef Gustave is the mastermind behind the delectable feasts that House Nolan is renowned for. His expertise in blending local ingredients with exotic flavors has earned him great respect.

Mistress Lyria

The head gardener, Lyria's magic touch is evident in the blooming gardens of Nolan Manor. An elf with a deep connection to nature, she communicates with plants, ensuring their health and vibrancy.

Scribe Alaric

Keeper of the Nolan records, Alaric documents the history, deals, and significant events associated with House Nolan. His chamber in the manor is filled with scrolls, books, and manuscripts.

Tutors and Maids

A team of tutors is employed to educate the younger members of House Nolan, ensuring they are well-versed in history, diplomacy, arts, and combat. The maids, led by Elara, assist in the upkeep of the manor, attending to the needs of the family and their guests.