Geography and Landscape of Sarton: The Crustacean Crown of Fraulen Bay

Nestled on the edge of the picturesque Fraulen Bay, Sarton is a town that captures the essence of coastal beauty. The bay's azure waters stretch as far as the eye can see, their surface shimmering in the sunlight and reflecting the sky's ever-changing hues. The coastline is a blend of sandy beaches and rocky outcrops, providing a diverse habitat for the marine life that thrives here.

To the north of the town, gentle hills roll into the distance, their slopes covered in lush meadows and dotted with wildflowers. These hills serve as a natural barrier, protecting Sarton from harsh northern winds and providing an idyllic backdrop to the town's scenic vistas.

The Fraulen Bay itself is a geographical marvel, its depths home to a rich variety of sea creatures, including the prized crustaceans that have made Sarton famous. The bay is sheltered from the more tumultuous open sea, making it an ideal location for fishing and maritime activities. Several small islands can be seen from the shore, their silhouettes adding to the bay's mystique.

The Quinn River meanders through the southern part of the town, its banks lined with willow and alder trees. This freshwater river serves as a vital waterway for Sarton, connecting it to inland trade routes and providing a source of fresh water for the community.

As you move inland, the landscape transitions to fertile farmlands, where the town's secondary economy—agriculture—thrives. Fields of wheat, corn, and vegetables stretch out in a patchwork quilt of greens, yellows, and browns.

The town itself is a labyrinth of winding cobblestone streets, each turn revealing charming whitewashed cottages with blue shutters, reminiscent of a Mediterranean paradise. However, the architecture also pays homage to the town's maritime heritage, with many buildings adorned with nautical motifs and seashells.

In summary, the geography and landscape of Sarton are as diverse as they are beautiful, offering a harmonious blend of sea and land, nature and human ingenuity. Whether it's the rhythmic lapping of the bay's waters or the rustle of leaves along the Quinn River, every aspect of Sarton's geography contributes to its unique charm and allure.

People of Sarton: The Rhythm of Waves and Commerce

Economic Aspects

Sarton's economy thrives on its maritime resources, particularly its unparalleled seafood. The town is a bustling hub for the fishing industry, with its docks serving as the heart of its economic activities. Fishermen, merchants, and traders all contribute to a vibrant marketplace where the day's catch is sold, both for local consumption and for export to distant lands. The town's prosperity is further bolstered by Lord Ulric's shrewd trade agreements, ensuring that Sarton's seafood remains in high demand across various ports.

Cultural Aspects

The culture of Sarton is deeply tied to its maritime heritage. The town's fishermen, often seen in their striped shirts and berets, embody the spirit of the sea. The culinary scene is heavily influenced by the ocean's bounty, with seafood dishes being a staple in local cuisine. Festivals and traditions also revolve around the sea, including celebrations to honor the gods of the ocean.

Religious Beliefs

The people of Sarton are deeply spiritual, with a strong belief in the gods that govern the sea and maritime activities. Among the gods revered in Sarton are:

  • Thulgard, The Hearth Guardian: Given Sarton's focus on community and family, Thulgard's principles of protection and safety resonate deeply with the townsfolk. Small shrines to Thulgard can often be found in homes and at the docks, where fishermen pray for a safe and bountiful catch.

  • Raphma, the Goddess of Twilight and Arcana: As a town that thrives on trade and commerce, the people of Sarton also seek Raphma's wisdom in matters of negotiation and deal-making. Her unconventional temples, often located in libraries and studies, serve as places of learning and self-improvement.

  • Zopha, the goddess of knowledge: Given the town's focus on skilled trade and craftsmanship, Zopha's emphasis on intellect and wisdom is highly valued. Her temples, resembling educational spaces, are places where the youth of Sarton are taught the intricacies of maritime trade and navigation.

History of Sarton: The Legacy of Sea and Stone

Early Days/Foundation

Sarton's origins can be traced back to a small fishing village that sprang up along the serene shores of Fraulen Bay. The village was initially a seasonal settlement for fishermen who found the bay's waters to be rich in marine life. Over time, as word spread about the abundance of the bay, the settlement began to grow, attracting not just fishermen but also traders and craftsmen.

Maritime Accord

One of the most pivotal moments in Sarton's history was the signing of the "Maritime Accord" by the ancestors of Lord Ulric. This agreement established Sarton as a primary trading port, opening up routes to distant lands and significantly boosting its economy. Another significant event was the "Festival of the Blue Moon," a rare celestial occurrence that was believed to bring good fortune. The festival turned into an annual tradition, drawing visitors from across the region and becoming a cultural landmark for Sarton.


As the town grew, so did its reputation for exceptional seafood, particularly crustaceans. The docks expanded, and the marketplace became more structured, leading to the establishment of the Fishermen's Guild. The guild set quality standards and pricing, ensuring that Sarton's seafood remained competitive. The town also saw the rise of artisanal crafts, particularly pottery and textiles, adding another layer to its economic portfolio.

The Hurakons

Sarton has had its share of challenges, including a devastating storm that hit in the late several centuries ago, causing significant damage to the docks and fishing fleet. The town also faced economic hardship during times of political instability, affecting its trade routes. However, each time, under strong leadership and community spirit, Sarton managed to rebuild and recover.

Current State

Today, Sarton stands as a bustling maritime hub, its economy stronger than ever. Under the leadership of Lord Ulric and Lady Gunnhild, the town has not only maintained its traditional roots but has also embraced modernity, incorporating advanced fishing techniques and expanding its trade network. The town's cultural and religious fabric is as vibrant as its marketplace, making Sarton a unique blend of tradition and progress.

With its rich history, diverse economy, and strong sense of community, Sarton continues to thrive, its future as promising as the azure depths of Fraulen Bay.

Leadership of Sarton: House McCabe, The Guardians of the Bay

Lord Ulric of Sarton: The Sea's Stalwart Sentinel

Lord Ulric, the esteemed ruler of Sarton, is a man whose very presence evokes the essence of the sea. Standing tall with a broad frame, his skin is tanned from years of overseeing the docks, giving him the rugged appearance of a seasoned sailor. His deep-set blue eyes, reminiscent of the Fraulen Bay on a clear day, are always watchful, missing no detail. A neatly trimmed beard, peppered with gray, frames a face that has seen its share of both storms and sunshine.

Lady Gunnhild of Sarton: The Compassionate Matriarch

Lady Gunnhild, with her keen eye for detail, manages the town's internal affairs, ensuring that everything runs like clockwork. Her kindness and generosity have endeared her to the people of Sarton, and many a local tale speaks of her charitable deeds. She is often seen in the town's orphanage or hosting events for the less fortunate.

Einar and Rollo McCabe: The Heirs to the Legacy

Einar and Rollo, the sons of Lord Ulric and Lady Gunnhild, are formidable figures on the docks. Tall, broad-shouldered, and with a reputation that precedes them, they ensure that order is maintained. While they might be seen sharing a laugh or helping with the day's haul, everyone knows that they are their parents' right hand, ready to step in if disputes arise or if someone dares to cross the line.

Château de la Baie: The McCabe Family Estate

The family resides in Château de la Baie, a grand mansion overlooking Fraulen Bay. Built from white stone, the estate boasts ornate balconies, sprawling gardens, and a private dock. Inside, the château is a blend of luxury and comfort, with tapestries depicting Sarton's history, grand chandeliers, and cozy nooks perfect for family gatherings.

Marcel: The Trusted Steward

Among the estate's staff is Marcel, who has been with the family for decades and is Lord Ulric's trusted confidant. His responsibilities include managing the household's finances and ensuring the smooth operation of the estate.

Elise: The Culinary Artist

Elise, the head chef, is known for her exquisite seafood dishes that often feature the day's freshest catch. Her culinary skills are a point of pride for the family, and her creations are often the highlight of any McCabe-hosted event.

Luc: Captain of the Guards

Luc is responsible for the family's security and oversees a team of well-trained guards. His vigilance ensures that the estate and its inhabitants are well-protected at all times.

With a leadership style that blends firmness with compassion, Lord Ulric and Lady Gunnhild have made Sarton a beacon of prosperity and a testament to the enduring spirit of collaboration between the ruling family and the townspeople. Their legacy is not just in the wealth they've amassed or the trade routes they've established, but in the community they've nurtured and the future they're building for Sarton.