Geography and Location of Savisqa

Nestled between the iconic hill formations of TSAH-kwoo Ah-JEE (Fat Older Sister) and Gi-LEE Ah-JEE (Thin Older Sister), Savisqa is a living tapestry woven into the vast, untamed plains. The landscape is a sprawling canvas of golden grasses that sway in the wind like an ocean of wheat, stretching as far as the eye can see. Patches of wildflowers—vivid blues, purples, and yellows—dot the fields, adding bursts of color to the monochromatic palette of the plains.

The hills themselves are more than mere geographical features; they are the spiritual anchors of Savisqa. Rising majestically from the flatlands, they appear as ancient sentinels, their rocky faces etched with the wisdom of ages. At sunrise and sunset, their silhouettes cast long shadows over the town, as if providing a protective embrace.

To the east, a small but vital water well marks the location of a permanent farming settlement. This oasis is surrounded by a modest grove of trees, their leaves a lush green contrast to the surrounding arid landscape. The well serves as both a lifeline and a gathering point, its cool, refreshing water a precious commodity in this land of extremes.

The sky above Savisqa is an ever-changing mural, its hues shifting with the moods of the seasons. In the daytime, it's a vast expanse of azure, often dotted with fluffy, white clouds that cast fleeting shadows over the plains. As evening descends, the sky transforms into a kaleidoscope of colors—fiery oranges, soft pinks, and deep purples—before giving way to a blanket of stars, so clear and numerous they seem almost within reach.

The air in Savisqa is crisp and invigorating, tinged with the earthy scent of grass and the occasional hint of floral sweetness from blooming wildflowers. A constant breeze flows through the town, a gentle reminder of the land's untamed nature.

In this setting, Savisqa exists in a state of harmonious flux, its tents and tee-pees rising and falling with the rhythm of the land. It's a place where the boundaries between the natural world and human endeavor blur, each one influencing and shaping the other in an eternal dance of coexistence.

Savisqa: The Nomadic Heartbeat of the Plains

Savisqa is a unique, ever-changing settlement that embodies the spirit of adaptability and unity. Situated between the distinctive hill formations known as the TSAH-kwoo Ah-JEE (Fat Older Sister) and Gi-LEE Ah-JEE (Thin Older Sister), the town flows across the land in harmony with nature's rhythms. Its foundations are not of stone and mortar, but of the unbreakable spirit of togetherness that its diverse residents share.

The People of Savisqa: A Tapestry of Faith, Culture, and Unity

Economic Aspects

The economy of Savisqa is primarily based on a nomadic lifestyle that revolves around hunting and gathering. The town's inhabitants follow wild herds across the vast plains, relying on their skills as hunters and gatherers for sustenance. Additionally, the town is known for its intricate handicrafts, particularly woven goods and carved trinkets, which are traded with other settlements.

Cultural Aspects

Savisqa is a melting pot of various cultures and races, bound together by the shared challenges and joys of their unique lifestyle. The residents are generally welcoming of outsiders, especially those who respect their way of life. Leadership in the town is fluid, often changing due to the unpredictable nature of their nomadic existence. Religion holds a significant place in the community, serving as both a spiritual guide and a unifying force.

Religious Aspects

The primary gods worshiped in Savisqa include Echo, revered for teachings of rest and fairness; Damballa, overseeing the physical aspects of death; Jula, the goddess of peace and life; Kraut, the deity of vegetation; Zopha, the goddess of knowledge; and Qvalnx, an enigmatic deity communicating with society's outliers. Each of these gods has a unique following and influence, shaping the spiritual tapestry of the town.

The Lifeline: The Water Well

One of the most unique aspects of Savisqa is its singular water well, located at a small, permanent farming location. This well serves as the town's lifeline, providing a vital resource in the vast expanse of the plains. It is also a gathering spot, a place where stories are shared, and community bonds are strengthened.

History of Savisqa

Early Days/Foundation

Savisqa's origins are deeply rooted in the nomadic traditions of the Pomo tribe. The tribe, initially a small group of families, roamed the plains in search of sustenance and shelter. Over time, they discovered the unique hill formations, TSAH-kwoo Ah-JEE (Fat Older Sister) and Gi-LEE Ah-JEE (Thin Older Sister), which became their spiritual and navigational landmarks.

The Great Drought

A significant event in Savisqa's history was the Great Drought that lasted for several years. Water sources dwindled, and the herds they followed began to scatter. It was during this time that the community's unity was truly tested. Elder Tala Moonwhisper led the tribe in a series of rituals and prayers, asking the gods for relief. Miraculously, a new water source was discovered, solidifying the tribe's faith and unity.


As the years passed, Savisqa grew both in size and reputation. The Pomo tribe's expertise in hunting and their deep understanding of the land attracted others to their lifestyle. Humans, elves, and even outcasts from other races found a home among the Pomo, contributing to the town's diversity and enriching its culture. The introduction of the water well and the small permanent farming location marked a significant milestone, allowing the community to sustain a larger population and engage in trade.

The Arrival of Chief Jaqui Running Foot

The arrival of Chief Jaqui Running Foot marked a turning point for Savisqa. His leadership brought stability and a renewed sense of purpose to the community. Under his guidance, the tribe strengthened its bonds with neighboring settlements and expanded its trade routes, bringing prosperity and recognition to Savisqa.

Current State of the Settlement

Today, Savisqa thrives as a unique and vibrant community. Its nomadic lifestyle continues to be its defining feature, but it's the spirit of unity and adaptability that truly sets it apart. Under the leadership of Chief Jaqui Running Foot and the Pomo Tribe Council, Savisqa looks forward to a future of continued growth, cultural enrichment, and spiritual fulfillment.

Leadership of Savisqa: Chief Jaqui Running Foot and the Pomo Tribe Council

The leadership of Savisqa is as fluid and adaptable as the town itself. At the helm is Chief Jaqui Running Foot, a half-elf who serves as a bridge between the diverse cultures within the community. Assisting him is the Pomo Tribe Council, a group of respected elders and skilled hunters who offer wisdom and guidance.

The leadership style in Savisqa is communal and participatory. Decisions are often made through open discussions and consensus, reflecting the town's emphasis on unity and togetherness. Chief Jaqui and the council are deeply involved in the daily lives of the residents, often leading hunting expeditions, overseeing trade, and participating in religious ceremonies.

Chief Jaqui Running Foot

Chief Jaqui Running Foot is a half-elf with a deep connection to both his elven heritage and the nomadic spirit of the Pomo tribe. He embodies the best of both worlds, serving as a unifying figure in a diverse community. His leadership is characterized by strength, resilience, and a deep respect for the traditions and beliefs of all residents.

Mate: Lila Whispering Wind

Lila, a human with a keen sense for the changing winds and a voice that can calm even the wildest of storms, is Jaqui's trusted partner. Together, they navigate the challenges of leading a nomadic tribe. Lila's wisdom and intuition have often guided the tribe through difficult times, making her a revered figure in her own right.


  • Tara Swiftfoot: The elder of the two, Tara, has inherited her father's adventurous spirit. Quick on her feet and with an uncanny ability to read the plains, she is already showing promise as a future leader.
  • Eron Gentle Stream: The younger son, Eron, takes after his mother, Lila. With a calm demeanor and a deep love for the stories and songs of the tribe, he is the tribe's budding bard, preserving their history and legends through his melodies.

The Estate

The Chief's Tee-Pee

While Savisqa is a town of temporary structures, the Chief's tee-pee stands out. Larger than the rest and adorned with symbols of leadership and tales of legendary hunts, it serves as both a home for Jaqui's family and a gathering place for tribal meetings. Inside, the tee-pee is divided into sections, with a central area for communal gatherings and private spaces for the family.

Other Prominent Figures

Elder Tala Moonwhisper

Elder Tala Moonwhisper is a prominent figure due to her role as the spiritual guide of the community. She is revered for her deep knowledge of the gods and her ability to interpret their will through signs and omens. Tala is a wise and compassionate elder, often sought out for advice on both spiritual and mundane matters.

Hunter Koda Swiftfoot

Koda Swiftfoot is known for his unparalleled skills as a hunter and tracker. His ability to read the land and locate game has made him an invaluable member of the community. Koda is also a mentor to younger hunters, passing on the skills and traditions that have been the backbone of Savisqa's nomadic lifestyle.

The Pomo Tribe

Lifestyle and Reputation

The Pomo, the heartbeat of Savisqa, are a tribe unlike any other in Irna. Their nomadic lifestyle, closely tied to the rhythms of the plains, has earned them a reputation of being 'uncivilized' among the more settled nobles of Irna. However, what they lack in permanent structures, they make up for with a deep understanding of the land and its creatures.

Leadership: A Test of Survival

The Pomo's leadership is as fluid as the town itself. Chiefs are elected, but their tenure is often cut short by the unpredictable nature of the hunt. Accidents and injuries are common, leading to frequent changes in leadership. The current Chief, Jaqui Running Foot, is a beacon of strength and resilience, guiding the tribe with a steady hand.

The Sacred Fire

Adjacent to the Chief's tee-pee is the Sacred Fire, a constant flame that symbolizes the enduring spirit of the Pomo tribe. It is here that ceremonies, dances, and important tribal decisions take place.

Tribal Advisors

Nala Redfern: The Chief's Advisor

Nala, an elder elf with centuries of wisdom, serves as Jaqui's right hand. Her deep knowledge of ancient traditions and her understanding of the wider world beyond the plains make her an invaluable asset to the Chief.

Boro Thunderclap: Head of the Hunt

Boro, a robust human with a booming voice, leads the tribe's hunting parties. His keen eyesight and deep understanding of the plains' creatures make him the perfect leader for the tribe's most crucial activity.

Sela Softgrass: Keeper of the Sacred Fire

Sela, a young human with a gentle touch, is entrusted with maintaining the Sacred Fire. Her duties include ensuring the flame never goes out and preparing the space for tribal ceremonies.