
On Fuzat Island, on the Khambhat Sea. A very tropical island. Also borders the Andonia Sea. Both a port and a fishing city, Marwah also has a lot of tropical produce it harvests on the Fuzat island. Many of the local villages harvest the fruits and vegetables and bring them to Marwah to export. (search for tropical fruit export to be the only one)

Marwah is under Jazirah rule, but being so far out, it is a loose rule. The culture is a mix of Jazirah and Funta. Oshala is widely worshipped, but other gods are also worshipped and it is tolerated, although, in accordance with Oshala law, those temples of old aren't allowed to be upgraded or repaired.

The population is human, elven and a small set of dwarves who's families mine the butterfly mountains between the two larger sections of the Fuzat islands and they stay in Marwah to handle the mine's business.

It is hot and humid here and frequently during the mid day, most places shut down for several hours. Stores are open early morning till the break and again, dinner time for a short period. Mid day activities include the main meal for the day, people will meet and gather for discussion and otherwise do little physical activity. the pools and bath houses are largely utilized during this time.

The leader is a human named Rais Fardan Janar. He has a wife and 6 children. His oldest son Hamash is his pride and joy, he attends all of Fardan's official duties with him. Fardan has loyal followers in the guard, and appointed the leader, Hal-ta Walja who ensures law and order are followed (well, most of the time...)

The city's shipments are plagued by the Bloody Bitch and Fardan has requested additional resources to battle the piracy.

Historically, the city was founded as a way point between Funta and Jazirah before the rise of Oshala. As time passed, more and more people stayed in the seaside town Marwah and they started to look for more than servicing the trade ships and travelers as an industry. The dwarves came when the butterfly mountains where discovered. The elves for the forest, even if it is tropical, some find that soothing to the soul. A small patch of halflings came when they learned of the crop that could be grown, but have largely remained static in size since then. Humans, of course show up wherever there is space for them.