The Sacred Laws of Jazirah Under the Divine Oshala

The Sacred Laws of Jazirah Under the Divine Oshala

Divine Supremacy:

Oshala is the one true deity, and all laws, actions, and thoughts must honor Him. Any deviation is heresy and shall be punished.

Patriarchal Rule:

Men are the chosen leaders, guardians, and decision-makers. Women shall obey and serve without question.

Sacred Conduct:

Personal lives are governed by the Holy Scriptures of Oshala. Every action, thought, and word must align with His teachings.

Female Subservience:

Women have no right to governance, property, or independent thought. Their primary duty is to serve men and bear offspring.

Martial Duty:

Every able-bodied man must serve in the Holy Army of Oshala, prepared to spread His divine will across all lands.

Strict Morality:

Interpersonal relationships are governed by strict moral codes. Adultery, fornication, and other immoral acts are punishable by death.

Slavery Ordinance:

Slavery is a divine right. Those captured in holy wars or born to enslaved parents are property, not people.

Harsh Justice:

Punishments for transgressions are severe, reflecting the gravity of offending Oshala. Amputations, public floggings, and executions are common.

Expansionist Creed:

The world must come under the rule of Oshala. Conquest, conversion, and colonization in His name are sacred duties.

Tithes and Offerings:

Every citizen must offer a portion of their earnings to the temples of Oshala. This is a divine tax, and evasion is heresy.

Prohibition of Other Faiths:

Worship or even acknowledgment of other deities is blasphemous. Such heretics will be purged.

Sacred Education:

Only the Holy Scriptures of Oshala shall be taught. Any other form of education or literature is forbidden.

Dress and Modesty:

Women must cover themselves fully, according to their father, husband or male relative's command. Men shall dress modestly, reflecting their status and devotion.

Ban on Forbidden Substances:

Intoxicants, narcotics, and other forbidden substances are unholy and banned. Consumption leads to severe punishment.

Holy Days:

Specific days are sacred to Oshala. On these days, all work ceases, and the populace gathers for prayer and reflection.

Ritual Sacrifices:

Regular sacrifices of livestock and, on rare occasions, humans, are made to appease Oshala and seek His blessings.

Control of Information:

Only approved texts and messages may be disseminated. Any other form of communication or information is heretical.

Mandatory Prayers:

All citizens must pray to Oshala five times a day, facing the grand temple. Failure to do so is a grave sin.

Guardians of Faith:

A special order of priests and warriors, the Guardians, enforce the laws of Oshala and root out heresy.

Final Judgment:

Upon death, souls are judged by Oshala. The righteous join Him in glory, while sinners suffer eternal torment.

These laws, divinely inspired and unwavering, ensure that Jazirah remains a bastion of faith, purity, and devotion to the almighty Oshala. All who reside within its borders must adhere, or face the dire consequences of divine wrath.