Lux and Nox

Lux & Nox: Guardians of Justice

High-Level Tabaxi Wizards

Early Life and Origin

Lux and Nox were born in the diverse land of Shoing, known for its acceptance of the arcane and the unusual. However, their early life was marked by hardship and struggle. As kittens, they were taken by a mad wizard who was obsessed with enhancing magical abilities and intelligence through arcane experimentation.

The Experiments: The twins were subjected to relentless magical experiments aimed at forcibly elevating their innate arcane abilities. This harsh period was marked by both pain and awakening, as the experiments, while cruel, did exponentially increase their magical prowess and intellect.

Escape and Awakening: As the experiments progressed, Lux and Nox realized their growing powers surpassed even their captor's understanding. Keeping their full capabilities hidden, they meticulously planned their escape. One fateful night, using their newly honed skills, they outsmarted the wizard and fled.

Vow of Justice

After their escape, they discovered the local governor of Shoing was complicit in their suffering, having turned a blind eye for political gain. This betrayal ignited a fierce resolve in them to fight against such injustices.

Code of Conduct: In their journey, Lux and Nox developed a strict code of conduct:

  1. Work Towards the Greater Good: Always aim to bring about positive change.
  2. No Harm to Innocents: Ensure actions do not inadvertently harm those not involved.
  3. Defend the Oppressed: Stand against oppressors and protect the vulnerable.
  4. Help Willingly: Assist only those who desire and accept their help.
  5. Commitment: Remain dedicated to their cause until stability and justice are restored.
  6. Determining Closure: They decide when their job is done, which is typically when peace and order have been reestablished.

Journey Across Irna

Lux and Nox have since traveled across Dort, seeking to right wrongs and champion the downtrodden. They intervene in situations where they perceive injustice, using their formidable powers to influence outcomes, often disregarding local laws if they conflict with their moral compass.

Notable Interventions:

  • Overthrowing Tyrants: Toppling oppressive rulers and liberating the oppressed.
  • Exposing Corruption: Unveiling and bringing down corrupt officials and nobles.
  • Aiding Revolutions: Supporting just causes and revolutions that align with their principles.

Reputation and Perception

Their actions have earned them both reverence and notoriety. While many see them as champions of the common folk, others view them as meddlesome and dangerous, particularly those in positions of power who feel threatened by their interventions.

Allies and Enemies:

  • Allies: Those who have been helped by them, various rebellious groups, and other like-minded individuals.
  • Enemies: Corrupt officials, tyrants, and anyone who benefits from the oppression of others.

Current Status

Lux and Nox continue their quest for justice, always on the move, always seeking the next cause to champion. Their bond as twins and their shared experiences have made them an indomitable team, feared by the corrupt and loved by the oppressed.

Lux, the Lightbringer

Tabaxi Wizard 15

Alignment: Neutral Good
Hit Points: 82 (15d6 + 30)
Speed: 30 ft.

8 (-1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 10 (0)

Saving Throws: Intelligence +9, Wisdom +5
Skills: Arcana +9, History +9, Insight +5, Investigation +9
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.
Languages: Shoing Common, Irna Common, Antaea Common
Spell DC Save: 18

Features and Traits

  • Feline Agility: Can move double speed
  • Spellcasting: Arcane spellcaster, primarily light-based spells
  • Arcane Recovery: Recover spell slots during a short rest
  • Arcane Tradition: School of Evocation
  • Potent Cantrip: Cantrips cause half damage on a save
  • Empowered Evocation: Add INT modifier to evocation spell damage
  • Overchannel: Maximize spell damage, at the risk of self-harm


Cantrips (at will): Light, Fire Bolt, Ray of Frost, Mage Hand
1st level (4 slots): Faerie Fire, Chromatic Orb, Shield, Magic Missile
2nd level (3 slots): Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, Continual Flame
3rd level (3 slots): Daylight, Fireball, Counterspell
4th level (3 slots): Wall of Fire, Greater Invisibility
5th level (2 slots): Dawn, Wall of Light
6th level (1 slot): Sunbeam
7th level (1 slot): Prismatic Spray
8th level (1 slot): Sunburst


  • Robes of the Archmagi (White): Increases AC and spell save DC, advantage on saving throws against spells
  • Staff of Power: Versatile weapon and spellcasting focus
  • Bag of Holding: For carrying spellbooks and components


Lux is a beacon of hope and a bastion against darkness. Fiercely protective and warm, yet fierce in combat, using her radiant spells to guide, defend, and inspire.

Nox, the Shadow Weaver

Tabaxi Wizard 15

Alignment: Neutral Good
Hit Points: 82 (15d6 + 30)
Speed: 30 ft.

8 (-1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 10 (0)

Saving Throws: Intelligence +9, Wisdom +5
Skills: Arcana +9, History +9, Stealth +6, Investigation +9
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.
Languages: Shoing Common, Irna Common, Funta Common
Spell DC Save: 18

Features and Traits

  • Feline Agility: Can move double speed
  • Spellcasting: Arcane spellcaster, primarily darkness-based spells
  • Arcane Recovery: Recover spell slots during a short rest
  • Arcane Tradition: School of Illusion (to enhance her control over shadows and darkness)
  • Illusion Savant: Halved gold and time cost for illusion spells in spellbook
  • Malleable Illusions: Can change the nature of illusions while they are active
  • Illusory Self: Can create an illusory duplicate to avoid an attack
  • Illusory Reality: Can make parts of her illusions real for a minute


Cantrips (at will): Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Frostbite, Chill Touch
1st level (4 slots): Disguise Self, Sleep, Silent Image, Shadow Armor (homebrew)
2nd level (3 slots): Darkness, Invisibility, Mirror Image
3rd level (3 slots): Shadow Blade, Fear, Major Image
4th level (3 slots): Greater Invisibility, Shadow of Moil (Xanathar's Guide to Everything)
5th level (2 slots): Mislead, Creation (shadow materials)
6th level (1 slot): Mass Invisibility
7th level (1 slot): Mirage Arcane
8th level (1 slot): Demiplane (shadow-themed)


  • Cloak of Shadows: Grants advantage on Stealth checks and resistance to necrotic damage
  • Wand of the War Mage +3: Increases spell attack bonus and spell save DC
  • Bag of Holding: For carrying spellbooks and components


Nox is the counterbalance to her sister, embodying the mysteries of the night. She is introspective and strategic, using her mastery over shadows and illusions to protect and obscure. Despite her affinity for darkness, she shares her sister's good nature, focusing her powers for benevolent purposes.