The Frankon Dynasty: A Legacy of Power and Ambition

In the annals of Frankton Island's history, few names resonate with as much reverence and awe as the Frankon dynasty. Their rise to power, marked by strategic brilliance and unyielding ambition, has left an indelible mark on the island's socio-political landscape.

King Harold Frankon I: The Architect of the Dynasty

The tale of King Harold Frankon I is one of audacious ambition. His ascent to the throne, famously known as the 'Blood Wedding,' is a testament to his strategic genius. On the day of his wedding to Grace Fellwar, with the island's nobility in attendance, Harold orchestrated a coup that would forever alter the island's power dynamics. As King Fellwar officiated the ceremony, Harold's decisive strike against him set off a chain reaction. With the Frankon family strategically positioned, they swiftly neutralized the island's warriors. The tragic climax saw Harold turning his blade on his bride, sealing his reputation as a ruler who would stop at nothing for power.

Three noble houses, Harn, Grallen, and Wonsi, recognizing the tide of change, pledged their allegiance to the new king. Their loyalty was immediately tested as Harold commanded them to eliminate the remaining attendees, solidifying their subservience to the Frankon rule.

King Harold I's reign was marked by consolidation. He monopolized the island's scarce metal resources and purged it of clerics not aligned with his family's temple. When the populace resisted these draconian measures, Harold's military prowess was on full display. His tactical acumen led to a decisive victory against the rebels, with many of the survivors condemned to the treacherous salt mines.

King Larsa Frankon: The Iron-Willed Successor

Larsa, the third son of Harold I, inherited his father's ruthlessness. On the occasion of Harold's 70th birthday, in a move reminiscent of his father's audacity, Larsa seized the throne. The swift and unexpected coup saw the elder king meet his end at the hands of his own progeny. The court, wary of history repeating itself, quickly pledged allegiance to the new king. Larsa's rule, though as iron-fisted as his father's, was shrouded in mystery, especially concerning his sudden illness and subsequent disappearance.

King Harold Frankon II: The People's Monarch

The current ruler, King Harold Frankon II, while inheriting the legacy of his forefathers, has sought to portray a different image. Often seen mingling with his subjects, he has endeavored to present himself as a 'man of the people.' Yet, beneath this veneer of benevolence, the mechanisms of power remain unchanged.

The Frankon dynasty's unique succession tradition, where the youngest adult heir ascends the throne, ensures prolonged reigns. Older siblings form a council, overseeing various kingdom aspects, from the military to agriculture. This system, while ensuring continuity, also maintains the dynasty's tight grip on power.


The Frankon dynasty's legacy is a complex tapestry of ambition, strategy, and power. Their reign, while marked by moments of brutality, has also seen the island's transformation into a centralized state.

Harold the Second: A Calculated Monarch

In the annals of Frankton Island's history, King Harold the Second emerges as a ruler who deftly balances the scales of power and benevolence. While his predecessors were known for their iron-fisted rule, Harold II has taken a more nuanced approach, blending the legacy of his forefathers with his own vision for the island.

A King of Calculated Moves

Harold II's demeanor is markedly different from his predecessors. Rarely given to outbursts of anger, he is a ruler who calculates every move, weighing the consequences and benefits of each decision. His reign is characterized by a desire to maintain control over the populace while offering them a semblance of choice and improved living conditions.

Reforms and Changes

One of Harold's most notable reforms is in the realm of education. Recognizing the power of an informed populace, he extended the education period from four to six years. This move not only empowers the island's youth but also ensures a more skilled workforce in the future.

In a bid to win the hearts of his subjects, Harold increased the frequency of meat meals, a luxury in the island's context, from two to three times a month. This gesture, while seemingly small, has a significant impact on the daily lives of the island's inhabitants, offering them a taste of luxury and improving their overall well-being.

Harold's approach to justice also reflects his calculated nature. Instead of the draconian measures of sending offenders directly to the salt mines, he introduced a tiered system of punishment. Minor offenses now result in 15 lashings, with the count doubling for a second offense. This move, while still strict, offers a more humane approach to justice and reduces the burden on the salt mines.

Engaging with the People

Harold's frequent visits to towns and villages are a sign to his commitment to being a 'people's king.' Riding his majestic grey horse, he becomes a figure of hope and celebration for many. Accompanied by a wagon of food and bards, his visits are eagerly anticipated, turning into grand celebrations that uplift the spirits of the island's inhabitants.

Furthermore, Harold's introduction of sports competitions between towns is a masterstroke. These weekly games, held during the spring and summer months, have become a focal point of community pride. Towns now rally behind their teams, with the promise of extra rations for the winners serving as a significant incentive. This initiative not only fosters community spirit but also subtly reinforces loyalty to the crown.

Dealing with the Old Races

However, Harold's reign is not without its challenges. The older races, particularly the elves and dwarves, remain a thorn in his side. Their long memories, filled with tales of a time before the Frankon rule, make them potential sources of dissent. In a strategic move, Harold has relegated them to positions away from the island's power centers. While they can join the protectorate, they are stationed far from the capital, ensuring they remain on the periphery of the island's political landscape.


King Harold the Second's reign is a blend of tradition and innovation. While he respects the legacy of his forefathers, he is not afraid to chart his own course. His calculated moves, combined with his genuine efforts to improve the lives of his subjects, make him a ruler to be reckoned with. As Frankton Island continues to evolve, Harold II's influence will undoubtedly shape its future for years to come.