Welcome to the Second Lands

The Second Lands

The Second Lands: The Unyielding Frontier

The Second Lands, a vast expanse of uncharted territories, have long been the subject of both fascination and dread. Its history is shrouded in mystery, with tales of lost explorers and formidable creatures that roam its vast landscapes.

The Lost Expedition of 1350ME

The allure of the Second Lands first beckoned explorers around 1350ME. A brave group set sail, driven by curiosity and the promise of discovery. However, as time passed, no word came from them, and they were presumed lost. It wasn't until 1521ME that remnants of their settlement were discovered, painting a grim picture of their fate.

Tales from the Sea

Sailors navigating the waters south of Funta often whispered about the imposing aura of the Second Lands. The very silhouette of its shores seemed to deter even the most adventurous souls. Pirates, known to embellish their tales, spoke of nightmarish creatures and tribes with a taste for human flesh. These stories, passed down through generations, only added to the land's foreboding reputation.

The Land of Nightmares

The few who dared to venture into the Second Lands found that some pirate tales weren't mere fabrications. The land was indeed teeming with monstrous beings, malevolent humanoid races, and portals that seemed to bridge the gap between this world and hellish realms. Demons and devils were not uncommon sights, making every step in this land a perilous one.

The Tarrasque Enigma

Among the many dangers of the Second Lands, one stood out as particularly fearsome: the tarrasque. This legendary creature, believed by many scholars to be the doom of the first explorers, became synonymous with the land's dangers. Its mere existence was enough for many rulers to deem the Second Lands as a place best left untouched.

Settlements and Seekers

Despite its dangers, the allure of the Second Lands' unique resources drew the ambitious and the desperate. Two major fortified settlements emerged, acting as safe havens for those seeking the land's rare spices and unique fauna. These enclaves are the last bastions of civilization in a land that seems to reject it.

Two minor settlements exist as well, one a launching point for the adventurers looking for a less noticed embarking into the Second Lands from Wessen's Tower and the other now a pirate camp that doesn't have interest in the interior of the Second Lands, just an escape from the watchful eye of the navies in the seas, being Sir Mordin's Port

For those wishing to escape the confines of society, the Second Lands offers a brutal form of freedom. Many have ventured deep into its heart, seeking a new beginning or perhaps just the thrill of the unknown. Most of these souls remain unaccounted for, their stories forever lost to the wilds of this unforgiving land.

In the Second Lands, nature reigns supreme, and only the most resilient or foolhardy dare to challenge its dominion. It remains a testament to the indomitable spirit of exploration, a place where the unknown still holds sway, and where every journey is a dance with danger.