History of Dort

A Chronicle of Adventure, Conflict, and Divine Intervention in the Land of Dort


The Genesis of Existence

In the primordial epoch of existence, there was only Ix. Ix was the solitary entity in the vast expanse of the void, a singular consciousness in an otherwise empty cosmos. Time, as we understand it, did not exist. Ix's existence was an eternal moment, a state of being that transcended the concepts of beginnings and endings.

In this timeless void, Ix experienced the totality of his existence simultaneously. It could be said that eons passed, or merely seconds, but such measurements held no meaning in this timeless state.

In the midst of this eternal moment, Ix succumbed to a slumber, and in his sleep, he dreamed. His dreams were not mere figments of imagination but visions of multiple universes, each teeming with complexity and potential.

Upon awakening, Ix's dreams took form and substance, transforming from ephemeral visions into tangible realities. The universes he had dreamed of sprang into existence, birthed from the depths of his divine consciousness.

However, the complexity of these universes was beyond even Ix's singular management. Thus, he birthed the Primordial Gods, the first deities, to oversee the intricate operations of these newly formed universes. This marked the inception of the First Age, a period of divine stewardship and cosmic order.

And so, the grand narrative of existence unfolded, crafted from Ix's dreams and orchestrated by the Primordial Gods. This marks the origin of our world, a reflection of the limitless power of divine creativity and the elaborate splendor of the cosmos.

The First Age

During the First Age, the universe was a vast expanse where the primordial forces of creation and destruction played out on a cosmic scale. It was a time when the universe unfolded naturally, unimpeded by the influence of sentient beings. Planets teemed with nascent life, only to wither and die, succumbing to the relentless march of time. Celestial bodies collided in spectacular displays of cosmic power, giving birth to new planets amidst the chaos.

Life began to stir in this tumultuous period, initially in simple forms that barely hinted at the complexity and awareness of later sentient beings. These early life forms grouped into basic communities, their behaviors driven more by instinct than by any conscious thought. Their veneration of the Primordial Gods stemmed from a deep-seated fear and awe, a rudimentary form of worship born from an innate desire to survive in the face of the overwhelming mysteries and dangers of their world.

It was during this time that a profound discovery was made: deities who were the focus of worship saw their powers magnify with the growing number of their devotees. This realization marked a pivotal shift in the dynamics between the divine and the mundane, underscoring the symbiotic relationship between the worshippers and their gods. The more beings that offered their adulation and fear, the more potent the gods became, fueling a cycle of worship that would shape the destiny of the cosmos.

The chronology of the First Age defies the conventional understanding of time. Without the structure of dates or clear periods, this era remains a profound mystery, often referred to by scholars as "the era before time." This designation reflects the enigmatic nature of an age that exists beyond the boundaries of known history, a reminder of the vast unknown that precedes the annals of recorded time and the profound mysteries that continue to elude our grasp.

The Ancient Age

The Ancient Age marked the advent of intelligent life across the multiverse, as ordained by Ix. The Ancients were the first of these sentient beings, entities of immense power that could rival the deities worshiped in the present day. They possessed the ability to manipulate matter, distort time, and traverse the void. Immortal and ever-growing in power, they spread across the universes, with small groups often claiming entire planets as their own.

The Ancients shaped these planets to their whims, merging and altering life forms. They birthed the first monsters, domesticated animals, and a myriad of creatures adapted to survive in any environment. As eons passed, they mastered the manipulation of life on planets and even beyond, creating colossal creatures that roamed the cosmic expanse.

However, with mastery came ennui. The Ancients yearned for the omnipotence that Ix possessed. They sought to emulate his ability to create life, a power that had remained exclusive to Ix. Despite Ix's explicit prohibition, the Ancients, driven by pride and envy, rebelled.

Over millennia, they plotted and schemed, seeking ways to overthrow Ix. They used their ability to step into the void to conceal their machinations. By the time Ix discovered their hideout in the Void, the Ancients were on the brink of completing a weapon designed to destroy him. In a desperate act, they unleashed the unfinished weapon on Ix.

Instead of annihilating him, the weapon shattered Ix into countless shards, which became the gods we worship today. In his final act, Ix merged the multiple universes into the physical realm, the mystical realm and Soul planes and trapped the Ancients in the last remaining void pocket, effectively banishing them from the universe. Rumors persist that the Ancients are seeking a way back into the Universe, but these are mere speculations, as the Void separates them from the Universe.

Records from the Ancient Age are scarce, with only a handful of historical fragments surviving. Artifacts from this era, though rare, are incredibly powerful and pose a grave danger to those who dare to wield them. A dedicated sect within Zopha exists solely to locate and safeguard these artifacts, preventing them from falling into the hands of those who might use them to wreak havoc upon our world.

Before Echo

In the aftermath of Ix's shattering, the shards of his being coalesced into the gods we worship today, and they in turn birthed the modern races that populate our world. However, before the advent of Echo, who tamed the wilds of Dort and made it habitable, there existed a period shrouded in mystery. This era, known as the Pre-Echo Epoch, or called Before Echo - BE, is largely uncharted in our historical records. Yet, we have managed to glean some knowledge about the events that transpired a few millennia prior to Echo's ascension to godhood.

BE Dates
Date    Event
~9000 BE Stone Age
~9000 BE Elves were created
~9000 BE Dwarves were created
8200 BE Halflings and Gnomes were created
7800 BE Humans were created
7300 BE Agriculture Age
7700 BE Goblins, Orcs and Ogres were created
5500 BE Copper Age
4100 BE Bronze Age
3500 BE Writing Systems
3500 BE Wheel
3400 BE Dragonborn were created
2950 BE Sailing Age
2350 BE Mathematics
2100 BE Astronomy/Calendars
1700 BE Iron Age
600 BE The Primordial Conflict
400 BE The Great Schism
340 BE The Era of Isolation
180 BE The Emergence of Prophet Jolem
50 BE The People's Revolt
0 BE The Emergence of Echo

The Primordial Conflict (600 BE)

In the harsh and unforgiving landscape of pre-Echo Dort, the nascent races found their initial camaraderie giving way to tribal animosity. The elves and dwarves, who had been positioned as rivals for the scarce resources of the world, descended into a bitter feud. This animosity culminated in the First War of the Races, a brutal conflict that saw the elves and dwarves take perverse pride in the slaughter of their adversaries. The battlegrounds were strewn with the bodies of tens of thousands of these ancient warriors before the war finally abated.

The humans, through a combination of diplomacy and strategic alliances with the other races, emerged as the victors of this first racial conflict. However, their victory sowed the seeds of their own downfall. The fleeting nature of human life meant that the descendants of the original victors, those who had brokered alliances and shed blood for their triumph, grew complacent. They began to view themselves as superior to their allies, more deserving of the spoils they had collectively won.

This arrogance did not go unnoticed. The other races, once allies of the humans, found themselves marginalized and mistreated in the very cities they had helped to liberate. This growing resentment eventually ignited the flames of the Second War of the Races, a conflict that would further shape the destiny of Dort.

The Great Schism (400 BE)

In the years following the First War of the Races, a marked shift occurred in the relations between the various peoples of Dort. Flush with victory, the humans began to view the other races, even former allies like the elves and dwarves, as inferior. Over time, a social hierarchy emerged, with halflings, gnomes, and dragonborn relegated to second-class status, while goblins, orcs, and ogres were treated with outright contempt.

Bolstered by rapid population growth, the ambitious humans consolidated power through both military might and technological progress. Before long, they were imposing their will on the other races through force and coercion. This led to widespread hardship and oppression under human dominance.

In response, the non-human races gradually retreated into isolation. The elves withdrew to the forests, dwarves to the mountains, halflings to their shires, and gnomes folded themselves into interstitial spaces. Orcs, goblins and ogres were forced to eke out an existence in Dort's most inhospitable environments. Content with control of the most fertile lands, the humans continued expanding and encroaching, until the other races were effectively segregated.

Tensions escalated into the brutal Second War of the Races. The long conflict took an immense toll, with casualties from violence, starvation, and disease. In the end there were no real victors, only battered survivors on all sides. Exhausted by war, the races turned inward, retreating to their separate territories and severing contact. This period of isolation became known as the Great Retreat, closing one violent chapter in Dort's history, but seeding future conflicts to come.

The Era of Isolation (340 BE)

In the aftermath of the Second Great War, the races of Dort retreated to their respective territories, nursing their wounds and beginning the arduous process of rebuilding. The war had claimed the lives of the most aggressive and belligerent among them, leaving behind those who sought nothing more than survival and prosperity. However, the legacy of the war was a deep-seated mistrust and suspicion of other races, leading to an era of isolation and self-sufficiency.

As the land healed and the scars of war faded, the races experienced a surge in population. The elves and dwarves, typically known for their low birth rates, began producing twins and triplets, with new births occurring every three years. The humans, orcs, and goblins, known for their rapid reproduction, replenished their numbers within a few short decades. During this time, two neighboring villages, one elven and one human, maintained a wary peace, their interactions limited to occasional trades. However, amidst this climate of suspicion and isolation, a young human girl and an elven boy, overlooked by their busy parents, began to interact. Their union, unheard of in these times, resulted in the birth of a child. This child, a product of two worlds, would grow up to be known as the Prophet Jolem, a figure destined to change the course of Dort's history.

The Emergence of Prophet Jolem (180 BE)

When the young human girl fell pregnant, both she and the elven boy were consumed by fear of their communities' reactions. Fleeing their homes, they sought refuge in the wilderness, where they built a life for themselves and their unborn child. Their love for each other deepened, and they raised their son, Jolem, with values of compassion, love, and acceptance, irrespective of race or origin.

As Jolem grew, he noticed the stark contrast between the aging of his human mother and his elven father and himself. His father, unfamiliar with the swift passage of human life, was at a loss. Jolem's mother passed away due to old age, leaving him grief-stricken but resolute. He realized that he had been raised to spread her message of love and compassion, and he set out into the world to do just that.

Armed with the knowledge of both elven and human languages, Jolem ventured into their respective villages. However, he was met with hostility from both sides, treated as an outsider due to his mixed heritage. Undeterred, he managed to arrange a meeting with the leaders of both communities, pleading for peace and understanding. His origins and message were met with confusion and revulsion, but over time, he managed to gain a small following of both humans and elves.

Jolem's teachings, which emphasized coexistence and efficient use of resources, began to gain traction. However, his growing influence was seen as a threat by the human and elven leaders. In a chilling act of defiance, they conspired to execute Jolem, branding him a freak of nature. On a frigid winter morning, they dragged Jolem from his home and hanged him in the creek that separated the two villages.

Jolem's followers discovered his lifeless body the next day. His death served as a catalyst, radicalizing his followers and propelling them to spread his message far and wide. Despite the leaders' attempts to suppress this burgeoning movement, Jolem's teachings continued to resonate, his martyrdom serving as a beacon of hope in a divided world.

The People's Revolt (50 BE)

Jolem's teachings had permeated all corners of the world, reaching every race and people. His message resonated deeply with those oppressed by the harsh realities of their existence and the tyranny of their rulers. The more the leaders attempted to suppress this burgeoning movement, the more it flourished. It took several decades for Jolem's teachings to reach the remote wastelands, towering mountains, and even the shadowy depths of the Underdark. However, once it did, the momentum was unstoppable.

One of the original twenty disciples of Jolem proposed a day of global supplication to the gods for relief. As this day drew nearer, the leaders grew increasingly anxious, perhaps intuitively sensing a cosmic shift on the horizon. The world was on the cusp of a profound transformation, and the echoes of Jolem's teachings were about to reverberate louder than ever before.

The Emergence of Echo (0 BE)

In a span of just five decades, the movement had reached its zenith. On the designated day of global supplication, the world cried out in unison for relief. From this collective plea, Echo was born. He made his presence known swiftly, amassing followers and power at an unprecedented rate. Echo began to reshape the world, responding to the cries of those who had long yearned for relief.

The other gods, however, were not pleased with Echo's actions. They saw him as a disruptor, one who had encroached upon their playground where they toyed with the beings of Dort. In response, they united against Echo. But Echo, ever the diplomat, proposed a bargain. He asked for a mere century, a fraction of the millennia they had enjoyed, promising that he would create a world where all gods would have more followers. This period came to be known as Echo's Century.

Echo's Century

Echo materialized from the void as a fully formed deity, prepared to heed the calls of all the peoples of Dort. As he tempered the harsh world, created opportunities, and fostered the advancement of the races, the other gods grew discontented. They had become accustomed to their playground, and Echo's alterations were unwelcome. In response, they conspired to confine him, to banish him from their celestial realm.

However, Echo, instead of meeting their hostility with hostility, proposed a pact. He asked for a century to reshape Dort. If he could increase their worshippers and enhance the world such that each god grew in power, they would allow him to remain as he was, unbanished from the heavens. Echo dedicated himself to ensuring his success. This period became known as the Years of Echo (YE).

YE Dates
Date    Event
-30 YE Echo was born
-26 YE Echo removes birth deformities
-21 YE Echo removes some airborn illnesses
-18 YE Echo hardens up the constitution of peoples
-12 YE Echo lessens the sun's impact on peoples
-5 YE Echo expands temperate lands
0 YE The gods bargain with Echo
15 YE The Taming of Predators
22 YE The Purification of Waterways & Introduction of Sanitation
61 YE The Revolution of Self-Care

The Pre-Echo Years (-30 YE to 0 YE)

Echo began his transformative work without the approval of the other gods, addressing the most grievous afflictions that plagued the people. Prior to Echo's intervention, one in three infants born suffered from some form of birth defect. Parents mourned as they were often unable to care for these children, leaving them exposed to the elements as offerings to the gods, where they would inevitably perish.

Plagues were a common occurrence, decimating regions of the world with mortality rates often reaching 80 to 95%. The people lacked adequate protection from the harsh sun and the unforgiving land, and many suffered under its relentless rays. Echo, in his benevolence, shielded Dort from the sun's most harmful rays and enhanced the resilience of the people, improving their ability to survive injuries and illnesses.

The Taming of Predators (15 YE)

The annals of history are littered with tales of monstrous predators, creatures of such formidable power that they could obliterate entire cities with minimal effort. It often required the combined might of entire armies to fell even a single one of these behemoths. Echo perceived these creatures as a blight upon the land, causing untold environmental damage and claiming the lives of tens of thousands in their relentless assaults. In response, Echo culled all but the weakest of these predators. The Tarrasque, the last of its kind, still roams the world today. However, the centuries that pass between its resurgences serve as a stark reminder of the horrors that once plagued the world before Echo's intervention.

The Purification of Waterways & Introduction of Sanitation (22 YE to 35 YE)

In the years prior to Echo's intervention, towns and villages had a rather rudimentary approach to waste management. They would simply discard their refuse into the nearest river, which would then carry it off to the oceans. This practice, while seemingly harmless in the early days when the population was sparse, became increasingly problematic as the population burgeoned. The pollution levels in the waterways escalated beyond what the natural environment could handle.

Echo initially responded by purifying the waterways himself. However, the humans quickly resumed their old habits, and the waterways were once again teeming with waste. Frustrated but undeterred, Echo took a different approach. He imparted the knowledge of proper sanitation and waste management to the people, teaching them how to care for their waterways. He then tasked them with the responsibility of cleaning up their own mess, instilling in them a sense of stewardship over their environment.

The Revolution of Self-Care (61 YE to 99 YE)

In the final phase of his transformative century, Echo turned his attention to the well-being of the individuals themselves. He recognized that the key to a thriving society was its people, and their ability to care for their own physical and mental health. He began by eliminating some of the most debilitating mental disorders that plagued the populace, thereby alleviating a significant portion of their suffering.

Next, Echo imparted the knowledge of healthcare to the people. He taught them how to treat physical ailments and injuries, and how to provide emotional support and care for each other's mental well-being. This led to a significant improvement in the overall health and happiness of the populace.

Lastly, Echo addressed the issue of overwork. He observed that the people were working themselves to the point of exhaustion, with no time for rest or leisure. To rectify this, he decreed that the seventh day of each week would be a day of rest for all, a time for relaxation and rejuvenation.

The final year of Echo's Century Gambit was a resounding success. The other gods, witnessing the remarkable transformation Echo had brought about, acknowledged his achievements and deemed them good. With his freedom now secured, Echo concluded his century of change and took his rightful place among the pantheon of gods.

The Post-Echo Epoch

The contemporary period, the epoch succeeding Echo's transformative century, is known by various designations across the globe. Scholars and academics refer to this era as the Modern Era (ME). However, many common folk, particularly among the longer-lived races, still refer to it as Since Echo (SE), a tribute to the monumental changes Echo brought about.

Despite the passage of time, no event as world-altering as Echo's Century has occurred since. Consequently, the timeline remains anchored at the conclusion of Echo's transformative hundred years, marking the commencement of this Post-Echo Epoch.

Modern Era

ME/SE Dates
Date    Event
30 ME Irna was founded
350 ME Funta was founded
540 ME Jazirah was founded
660 ME Rhodar discovers Passhall island
700 ME Rhodar discovers the Western lands
980 ME Shoing was founded
1190 ME Irna falls into civil war
1244 ME Antaea was founded
1320 ME The Emergence of the Animal-lings
1480 ME Halfling families form around crops
1599 ME The Heavens floating city is founded
1635 ME Gnome families form around products
1788 ME Irna builds the first teleport circles
1900 ME Passhall declares its independance
1920 ME The war over Passhall
2000 ME The Year of Immortality & Year of Mortality
2300 ME The Fall of Izon
2400 ME Shoing falls into civil war and splits
2576 ME Oshala followers conquer Jazirah
2712 ME The Crimson Scourge
2657 ME Flying ships are created
2818 ME The Adronian Sea War
2925 ME First meeting of the Kings
2927 ME The peace accords of the Kings
3181 ME The Rape of Chaslia at Frosthaven
3398 ME Dragons appear to become extinct
3428 ME The age of spies begins
3485 ME The exodus of the Chollians
3510 ME Magus Zendar finds planetary portals
3561 ME The Year of the Crimson Sun
3587 ME Intra-state cabal of cannibles uncovered
3591 ME King Walram comes to power in Irna
3646 ME War of the Blood Sea
3823 ME The Great Drought
4220 ME The War of Shadows
4561 ME The Miracle of Harken
4998 ME The Rise of The 9 Eyes
5214 ME The Cleansing

The Voyages of Rhodar (660 ME to 700 ME)

Rhodar, an intrepid explorer with an insatiable thirst for discovery, embarked on a series of daring voyages to uncharted territories. She assembled crews of outcasts and misfits, those whom society had rejected, and set sail on ships in pursuit of lands untouched by civilization. After a series of unfortunate losses of both ships and crews, Rhodar found herself unable to secure further support from the monarchs of Irna. Undeterred, she resorted to audacious measures, commandeering a ship with a band of brigands, convinced of the existence of an undiscovered island in the North Sea.

Armed with an unconventional navigational method involving a flock of birds, Rhodar set sail into the vast, uncharted waters. After weeks of aimless drifting, she released the birds, observing their flight paths. When the birds that flew northward failed to return, she followed their direction, leading her to the discovery of Passhall. Later, she employed the same technique to uncover the western lands.

Upon her return to Irna, Rhodar faced the consequences of her illicit actions. However, she negotiated her freedom with the Lords of Harken, offering them the routes to both Passhall and the western lands. She cleverly refrained from promising them exclusive access, and subsequently amassed a fortune by selling the navigational information to as many interested parties as possible. Thus, Rhodar's daring exploits not only expanded the known world but also reshaped her own destiny.

The Emergence of the Animal-lings (1320 ME)

In the year 1320 ME, a significant event unfolded that would forever alter the biological and societal landscape of the newly discovered western world. This was a time when the western lands were largely unexplored, a vast expanse of untamed wilderness that beckoned to those who sought new beginnings or refuge from the established societies of Irna and beyond.

Among the pioneers who ventured into these new lands were wizards who practiced the arcane arts, some of which were considered dark or forbidden in their homelands. These individuals, driven by a desire for freedom and a thirst for knowledge, sought to push the boundaries of magic and life itself.

Their experiments centered around the fusion of humanoids and animals, a controversial practice that aimed to create new forms of life. These wizards, working in isolation and free from the constraints and judgments of their former societies, conducted their experiments with a single-minded determination. Their efforts, while ethically questionable, yielded results. Through their arcane practices, they managed to create stable hybrids of humans and animals, giving birth to new races that came to be known as the Animal-lings. These new beings, bearing traits of both their humanoid and animal progenitors, represented a significant breakthrough in arcane biology.

The emergence of the Animal-lings was met with a mixture of fascination, fear, and revulsion. Their existence challenged established norms and beliefs, sparking debates about the ethics of such magical practices and the nature of life itself. Despite the controversy, the Animal-lings carved out a place for themselves in the new western world, their existence a testament to the boundless possibilities of magic and the audacity of those who dared to defy the natural order.

The creation of the Animal-lings marked a significant milestone in the history of the western lands, a testament to the lengths to which individuals would go in their pursuit of knowledge and power. This event continues to resonate in the annals of history, serving as a reminder of the profound and often controversial impact of arcane experimentation on the world.

The Year of Immortality & Year of Mortality (2000-2001 ME)

In the annals of Dort's history, the year 2000 ME stands out as an anomaly, a year when the specter of death was inexplicably absent. This was a time when wounds healed instantaneously, diseases lost their deadly grip, and the ravages of old age ceased. Even the horrors of war were rendered futile as soldiers, though injured, refused to succumb. This inexplicable suspension of mortality led to a surge in reckless behavior as individuals, emboldened by their newfound invincibility, indulged in death-defying acts. The thrill of surviving what would have been fatal circumstances led some to embrace pain and danger, engaging in activities such as leaping from towering heights, consuming lethal substances, or exploring the ocean's depths without the need for air.

However, this era of invulnerability ended as abruptly as it had begun, giving way to the year 2001 ME, a year marked by an alarming fragility of life. Those who had grown accustomed to their indestructibility during the previous year were caught off guard, and many perished in the first week due to their reckless habits. As the year progressed, a culture of extreme caution took hold. People subsisted on bland food, traveled only when necessary, and abstained from any potentially hazardous activities such as construction. The risk of death was simply too great to ignore. Even after this year of heightened mortality passed, its impact lingered, with people maintaining their cautious habits for several years thereafter.

The Fall of Izon (2300 ME)

In the year 2300 ME, on the day of his own feast, Izon, the deity of winter and snow, chose to descend from his divine realm and celebrate amongst his followers at his grand temple. Unbeknownst to him, the followers of Amnyth, the god of death, had learned of his impending manifestation. Intent on demonstrating that even the gods were not immune to death, they laid an ambush for Izon.

The ensuing battle was of epic proportions. Izon, despite his divine might, was not invincible. He fought valiantly, taking thousands of Amnyth's followers with him, but ultimately succumbed to the onslaught. His death marked his journey to the realm of the deceased, a fate previously thought impossible for a god.

Amnyth, in his hubris, declared victory over the gods themselves, a proclamation that sent shockwaves through the divine community. The realization that they too could be slain incensed the other gods. In response, they forged a pact, decreeing that no god would henceforth manifest on the Prime Plane, thus preventing a repeat of Izon's fate.

The exact location of Izon's demise remains a subject of speculation and debate. With Izon's followers also perishing in the battle, there were no survivors to bear witness to the event. Today, numerous charlatans claim to know the true location of Izon's death, asserting that it is a place where godstones - physical remnants of a god's presence - can be found in abundance.

The Crimson Scourge (2712 ME)

In the year 2712 ME, the world was reminded of the horrors it had once known. The people, lulled into complacency by Echo's benevolent interventions, had forgotten the harsh realities of global calamities. Then, the Crimson Scourge, also known as the Red Plague, descended upon them.

This insidious disease turned the skin of the afflicted a ghastly red, as their blood, tainted by the infection, rose to the surface. The plague had a particularly gruesome effect on those who suffered any form of cut or wound - their blood refused to clot, leading to uncontrolled bleeding. Women, especially, bore the brunt of this affliction, with their monthly cycles becoming a perilous ordeal.

The Red Plague was merciless in its onslaught, claiming the lives of one in three women and one in four men. This reign of terror lasted for two harrowing years. Speculation abounds that the plague was the result of a rogue sorcerer's malevolent experiments, an attempt to weaponize the blood of adversaries through the dark arts. The Crimson Scourge served as a grim reminder of the world's vulnerability to such devastating afflictions.

The Rape of Chaslia at Frosthaven (3181 ME)

Princess Chaslia, the youthful daughter of King Yukan of Irna, was known for her rebellious spirit. During a family vacation in Frosthaven, each member of the royal family pursued their own interests. The king was hunting in the local forests, the queen was out on the sea racing sailboats, the eldest prince was enjoying the company of the ladies of the court, while the younger prince was hunting with his father.

Meanwhile, a sorcerer attempted to bend a demon from the lower planes to his will, seeking to learn the dark secrets of the ancients. It is unknown how he lost control or how his binding spell failed or how the circle was broken, some say it was the influence of the ancients, others say he was careless, but in any case he lost control of the demon. This demon summoned minions to aid in the destruction of Frosthaven and anyone else he could find.

Chaslia, bored in the castle, often escaped the watchful eyes of her guards. On one such occasion, she slipped out of the castle and ran to the town's marketplace. Unfortunately, this coincided with the demon's rampage. The demons wasted no time in attacking the people, terrorizing them, running everywhere. Chaslia, seeing a young boy cut in half, screamed in anger at the demons, demanding that they stop.

The lead demon, amused by her audacity, confronted her. When the guards arrived, they were overwhelmed by the sight and fled. Chaslia, showing remarkable courage, insisted that the demons return to their plane. They refused and instead took her captive abusing and raping her, causing a commotion that lasted until nightfall. The town's clerics and nobles, paralyzed by fear, did nothing to help her.

For a nightmarish span, none intervened until her parents, the king and queen, arrived to witness the barbaric slaying of their daughter.

In his fury, King Yukan vanquished the demons with his enchanted sword and established the Order of Chaslia, devoted to eliminating such supernatural threats. After appointing his sons as knights of the order, the broken-hearted Yukan abdicated his crown to pursue this new crusade. The queen took up rulership in his stead, directing the kingdom's resources to support the fledgling order.

Princess Chaslia's senseless demise at the hands of demonic forces catalyzed the founding of a righteous order that would purge the land of those who would treat with otherworldly evil. Her brave sacrifice is remembered and revered to this day.

The Year of the Crimson Sun (3561 ME)

In the year 3561 ME, the first full moon was succeeded by an unusual phenomenon - the sun rose as a vibrant red orb, replacing its usual golden hue. This spectacle instilled a sense of dread among the populace, with many interpreting it as an ominous sign, possibly heralding the return of the dreaded Red Plague. As weeks turned into months, the initial panic gradually subsided, despite the scarcity of common commodities caused by the widespread fear-induced hoarding. The year was marked by heightened tensions and frequent conflicts, as people's tempers flared easily and reconciliation seemed a distant prospect. However, as the year drew to a close, the societal atmosphere began to regain its normalcy, the memory of the crimson sun slowly fading into the annals of history.

War of the Blood Sea (3646 ME)

The War of the Blood Sea, a conflict of epic proportions, was a pivotal event in the history of Dort. It was a naval war that unfolded in the Bay of Blood, a body of water located next to the Second Lands. The war was primarily fought between the naval forces of Irna and Shoing, two powerful nations with a history of rivalry and territorial disputes.

The conflict was sparked by rumors of powerful magic items and treasures hidden beneath the crimson waters of the bay. These rumors, whispered in taverns and royal courts alike, spoke of artifacts of immense power, capable of turning the tide of any conflict. Both Irna and Shoing, eager to claim these treasures for themselves, mobilized their navies and set sail for the Bay of Blood.

The war was a grueling one, lasting several months. The Bay of Blood, already known for its treacherous waters, became a deadly battleground. Ships clashed in fierce naval battles, cannons roared, and sailors fought tooth and nail on the decks of their ships. The waters of the bay, already red from the iron-rich soil of the surrounding lands, turned a darker shade as they were stained with the blood of fallen sailors.

Adding to the chaos and terror of the war were tales of undead sailors and mystical sea creatures joining the fray. These tales, while dismissed by some as mere sailor's yarns, were corroborated by numerous eyewitness accounts. Reports spoke of ghostly galleons crewed by the spectral forms of fallen sailors, their eyes glowing with an eerie light. There were also accounts of sea serpents and other monstrous creatures rising from the depths to attack ships, seemingly drawn to the conflict by the magic of the rumored artifacts.

Despite the ferocity of the fighting, the war ended inconclusively. After months of heavy losses, both Irna and Shoing were forced to withdraw their forces. The treasures of the Bay of Blood, if they ever existed, remained undiscovered. The war, however, left a lasting impact on the region. The Bay of Blood, already feared for its treacherous waters, became a place of dread and superstition. Sailors spoke in hushed tones of the cursed bay and the ghostly ships that haunted its waters.

The War of the Blood Sea served as a stark reminder of the destructive power of greed and ambition. It also highlighted the dangers of unchecked rumors and the potential for conflict they can create. The war, while a dark chapter in the history of Dort, provided valuable lessons that continue to resonate in the present day.

The Great Drought (3823 ME)

The Great Drought, which began in the year 3823 ME, was one of the most severe environmental crises in the history of Dort. This catastrophic event primarily affected the agricultural heartlands of Irna, a region known for its fertile lands and bountiful harvests. The drought, which lasted for three grueling years, had far-reaching impacts on the region's economy, society, and inter-racial relations.

The heartlands of Irna, dominated by human and halfling communities, were the breadbasket of the region. The fertile lands, blessed by the rivers and the temperate climate, yielded a variety of crops that fed the populace and fueled the economy. However, the onset of the drought transformed the verdant fields into barren landscapes. The rivers ran dry, the crops withered, and the once bustling farmlands fell silent.

The drought led to severe food shortages across Irna. The scarcity of food and the skyrocketing prices led to widespread civil unrest. Protests and riots broke out in several cities, and the local authorities struggled to maintain order. The crisis threatened to tear apart the fabric of Irna society.

However, in the face of adversity, the races of Irna displayed remarkable resilience and unity. The crisis forced humans, halflings, and other races to put aside their differences and work together. Communities shared their dwindling resources, wealthy merchants opened their granaries to the public, and magic users pooled their abilities to summon water and nourish the parched lands.

This unprecedented era of cooperation and mutual aid led to the strengthening of inter-racial relations in Irna. The crisis served as a stark reminder of their shared vulnerability and the need for unity in the face of adversity. The races of Irna, despite their differences, realized that they were stronger together.

The Great Drought ended in the year 3726 ME, but its impacts were felt for many years after. The event led to significant changes in agricultural practices, with a greater emphasis on sustainable farming and water conservation. The spirit of cooperation and unity fostered during the crisis also had a lasting impact on Irna society, leading to a more inclusive and harmonious coexistence among the races.

The Great Drought, while a period of hardship and suffering, also served as a testament to the resilience and unity of the people of Irna. It is remembered not just as a time of crisis, but also as a time when the people of Irna came together and emerged stronger from adversity.

The War of Shadows (4220-4225 ME)

In the year 4220 ME, the tranquility of Dort was disrupted by a clandestine organization known as the "Veiled Hand." Operating from the shadows, this group sought to seize control of Dort's major cities through a campaign of subterfuge, manipulation, and covert operations. This marked the beginning of a five-year conflict that would come to be known as the War of Shadows.

The Veiled Hand, composed of skilled spies, assassins, and manipulators, infiltrated the political and social structures of Dort's cities. They sowed discord, incited unrest, and manipulated events to their advantage, all while remaining hidden behind a veil of secrecy. Their ultimate goal was to seize power and control the destiny of Dort.

However, the races of Dort were not so easily subdued. As the Veiled Hand's actions became more apparent, the various races put aside their differences and united against this common enemy. Elves, humans, dwarves, halflings, and others joined forces in an unprecedented show of unity. They pooled their resources, shared intelligence, and coordinated their efforts to resist the Veiled Hand's machinations.

The War of Shadows was not a war of open battles and grand armies. Instead, it was a war of secret meetings, coded messages, and hidden daggers. It was a war fought in the shadows, with each side striving to outmaneuver the other. The cities of Dort became chessboards, with the Veiled Hand and the united races of Dort as the players.

The war came to an end in 4225 ME, with the defeat of the Veiled Hand. Their plots were exposed, their agents captured, and their organization dismantled. The united races of Dort celebrated their victory, but the War of Shadows had left its mark.

In the aftermath of the war, Dort's political landscape underwent significant changes. Security measures were heightened, and espionage became a crucial aspect of politics. The races of Dort, having seen the damage that could be done by hidden enemies, remained vigilant against future threats.

The War of Shadows serves as a reminder of the dangers that can lurk in the shadows, but also of the strength that can be found in unity. It is a significant chapter in Dort's history, a testament to its resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

The Miracle of Harken (4561 ME)

In the year 4561 ME, the bustling city of Harken in Irna was struck by a deadly plague. The disease spread rapidly, leaving a trail of despair and fear in its wake. The city's healers and alchemists worked tirelessly, but the plague proved relentless, claiming the lives of hundreds of citizens and leaving many more in its cruel grip. In the midst of this crisis, a beacon of hope emerged in the form of a young priestess named Eladora. A devout worshipper of Echo, the god of the people, Eladora was known for her compassion and her unwavering faith. As the plague ravaged Harken, she prayed fervently for her city, pleading with Echo to spare her people from the deadly disease.

One night, as Eladora knelt in prayer, a divine miracle occurred. The priestess was imbued with a radiant energy, a tangible manifestation of Echo's divine grace. The following morning, Eladora walked among the sick, her touch bringing relief and recovery to those afflicted by the plague. Hundreds of citizens were cured overnight, their symptoms vanishing as if they had never been.

News of the miracle spread rapidly, and Eladora was hailed as a living saint. Her humble monastery became a place of pilgrimage, attracting the faithful from all corners of Irna and beyond. People flocked to hear her teachings and receive her blessings, and her followers grew in number with each passing day.

Under Eladora's leadership, the monastery grew into the seat of a major religion, its influence sweeping across Irna and beyond. Echo's worship became more widespread, and her teachings of healing, mercy, and compassion resonated with many, especially those who had witnessed or heard of the Miracle of Harken.

The Miracle of Harken marked a significant turning point in the religious landscape of Irna. It served as a testament to the power of faith and the divine intervention of Echo, forever immortalizing Eladora as a symbol of hope and healing. The event continues to inspire and influence the faithful, serving as a reminder of Echo's mercy and the miracles that can occur when one's faith is unwavering.

The Rise of The 9 Eyes (4998 ME)

The year 4998 ME marked a significant turning point in the history of Dort, as it saw the emergence of a sinister cult known as "The 9 Eyes". This clandestine group had been operating in the shadows for years, slowly gaining influence and followers. However, it was in this year that they made their presence known to the world in a series of shocking and audacious acts.

In a single week, cells of The 9 Eyes spread across the entire world executed a coordinated plan that sent shockwaves through the societies of Dort. They kidnapped numerous wealthy individuals, ranging from influential merchants to high-ranking nobles. The victims were stripped of their wealth, their gold melted down and returned to the world in an act of symbolic redistribution. This audacious act served as a chilling introduction to the cult's radical ideology and their willingness to act upon it.

The 9 Eyes continued their campaign of terror for over two centuries. They orchestrated a series of attacks that targeted the pillars of society, sowing chaos and fear. Their actions were not random acts of violence but were instead calculated moves designed to destabilize and disrupt. They sought to undermine the existing order and pave the way for the reign of their god, Qvalnx.

Qvalnx, known as the prophetic god of insanity, was the central figure of The 9 Eyes' worship. The cult believed that through chaos and destruction, they could bring about the prophesied reign of Qvalnx. Their devotion to this deity was absolute, and they were willing to commit unthinkable acts in his name.

Rumors circulated that The 9 Eyes were involved in horrific rituals, including the sacrifice of infants and the consumption of their blood. These rumors, while never definitively proven, added a layer of horror to the cult's reputation. The elites of society used these rumors to their advantage, turning the general population against The 9 Eyes. The threat of their children being targeted was far more effective in rallying the people against the cult than the loss of wealth.

The rise of The 9 Eyes was a dark chapter in Dort's history. Their reign of terror left a lasting impact on the world, and their legacy continues to be a source of fear and intrigue. The cult's devotion to Qvalnx and their willingness to commit horrific acts in his name serve as a chilling reminder of the power of belief and the lengths some are willing to go in the name of their god.

The Cleansing (5214 ME)

The year 5214 ME marked a pivotal moment in the history of Frosthaven, as it was the year of the infamous event known as "The Cleansing". This was a brutal campaign waged by the then King of Frosthaven, Lord Frost, against the insidious cult of The 9 Eyes. Despite its seemingly righteous name, The Cleansing was far from a clean or straightforward affair.

The 9 Eyes, under the guidance of their prophetic god Qvalnx, had proven to be a slippery and elusive enemy. Qvalnx's prophetic abilities allowed him to warn his followers of impending attacks, enabling them to evade capture and continue their reign of terror. This posed a significant challenge to Lord Frost, who was determined to eradicate the cult and end their influence once and for all.

In response to this challenge, Lord Frost assembled a specialized strike force composed of war mages and paladins. This elite group was tasked with acting on tips and leads about potential cult cells. Their strategy was one of swift and brutal force - they would teleport directly into the suspected locations and unleash a barrage of destructive magic and martial prowess. The aim was to eliminate the cult members before they had a chance to escape, and in this, they were largely successful.

However, this approach came with a heavy cost. The extreme violence used by the strike force often resulted in significant collateral damage. Innocent lives were lost, and properties were destroyed in the process. This led to a wave of public outcry and criticism. Yet, Lord Frost defended these actions, arguing that the extreme measures were necessary to prevent the cult cells from escaping and continuing their reign of terror. The Cleansing continued in this manner for several months, with the strike force systematically targeting and eliminating suspected cult cells. By the end of the campaign, it was believed that all of The 9 Eyes' cells had been eradicated. The streets of Frosthaven were finally free from the shadow of the cult.

However, one significant figure remained unaccounted for - the leader of The 9 Eyes. Despite the apparent success of The Cleansing, the failure to capture or confirm the death of the cult's leader left a lingering sense of unease. The Cleansing of Frosthaven, while a significant victory, was a brutal and costly campaign. Its legacy serves as a stark reminder of the lengths to which leaders will go to protect their people, and the heavy price that often comes with such protection.