Journal of the Gods


In the time before time, when the cosmos was but a whisper in the void, there existed a solitary entity known as Ix. This being, content in its solitude, reveled in the vast expanse of its own thoughts. It dreamt of universes, of galaxies, of worlds yet to be born. As Ix slumbered, these dreams took form, blooming into existence like flowers in a cosmic garden. Upon awakening, Ix found its dreams had become reality. The universes it had imagined were now alive, teeming with life yet devoid of consciousness.

Ix, in its infinite wisdom, decided not to meddle in the affairs of these new universes. Instead, it birthed deities, primitive yet powerful, to oversee them. These gods were not like the ones we know today. They did not require worship to exist, nor did they seek to control their domains. They were the embodiment of the natural forces they represented, maintaining the balance of the universe without disturbing the mortals of the Primordial Plane. As they garnered followers, they began to interact with the mortals, evolving into the gods we recognize today.

Ix then breathed intelligence into its creation, giving rise to the first race, the Ancients. These beings, though slightly less powerful than the gods, possessed the freedom to shape their existence. However, their newfound power led to a thirst for more. They yearned for the omnipotence of Ix, and in their hubris, they sought to create life of their own. Ix, ever the observer, forbade this act, causing the Ancients to rebel.

Centuries turned into millennia as the Ancients grew in power, learning to hide their presence across the multiverse. By the time Ix discovered their treachery, it was too late. The Ancients had forged a weapon to challenge Ix. Though incomplete, they had no choice but to use it. Instead of destroying Ix, the weapon shattered the solitary entity into countless pieces, each fragment becoming a god of the present pantheon.

In Ix's final act, it bound the universes together, forming the Soul planes and physical and mystical realms, and trapped the Ancients in the Void. It is said that the Ancients still seek a way back into the universe, and that Ix could potentially reform. However, the means to achieve either remain a mystery, known only to the Ancients themselves.

Deity Alignment Suggested Domains Realm Worshippers Holy Symbol
Amador CG Light, Life Love, Passions Irna, Funta, Antaea Two entwined hearts
Amaterasu NG Light, Life Sun, life Funta, Irna, Antaea, Shoing A sun with a halo around it
Amnyth CE Death Death, Dying, Poison, Vengeance, Torture, Necromancy Irna, Funta Dual faced mask. Skeletal male, blood tears female
Anansi CG Trickery Trickery, Pranks, Story telling Funta, Irna, Antaea A triangle web with a spider in it
Bethsia LN Nature Order, Physics Irna, Antaea A Penrose Tribar (Triangle)
Bridhel NG Light, Life Music, Dance, Poetry Golden lyre with a quill feather
Caminus LG Forge Craftsmen, Artisans Funta, Irna, Antaea, Shoing Hammer
Chamastle NG Life Homestead, Hearth Funta, Irna, Antaea, Shoing Loaf of bread
Damballa AN Death Physical properties of death Everywhere Club
Echo LG Unity, Knowledge Rest, Peace, Stability, Fairness Everywhere Crowd of people
Fujin CN War, Nature Warfare, Storms, Tempests, Chaos Shoing, Antaea Black cloud with lightning bolts
Gormandus CE Trickery Gluttony, Feasts Irna, Funta, Shoing A Lavish banquet spread
Jula NG Peace, Life Peace Irna, Shoing Dove with a rose
Jusannia LN Life Motherhood, Women, Feminity Irna Two 12-point stars, overlapping 1/5th on each other
Kraut TN Nature Farmers Irna, Antaea, Shoing A pair of outstretched hands holding a cabbage
Mamaxa LE Death Pain, Pleasure, Torture Funta, Jazirah, Shoing A curled up whip
Martus CG Trickery Luck, Gambling, Fortune Irna, Antaea, Shoing, Funta Spinning coin
Morbina LE Death Disease, Plagues Funta, Shoing, Irna Wilted rose with encirlcled self consuming serpent
Nyxollox LN Grave, Life Passing to death Irna, Shoing Two clasped hands, one very old, one very young
Oshala LE Order, War Monolithic masculine Jazirah A rhombus with smaller rhombuses on the three bottom corners and a star in the center of the large rhombus
Pollaran CG War War Funta, Irna Vertical arm and fist with a burst around the fist
Qvalnx N/A None Insanity, Secrets Unknown None
Raphma NG Twilight, Arcane Magic, Nightmares Funta, Irna, Antaea A sun halfway Darkened by the Moon
Ryujin TN Nature Oceans Shoing, Antaea A dragon head submerged in water
Salvius NG Life Healing, Medicine Everywhere a radiant caduceus
Shen-Li LG Death, Life Ancestors, History Shoing scroll intertwined with a phoenix
Shinigami NE Death, Grave Death to undeath Shoing White decaying rose with black vibrant pedal
Talbar LN Knowledge Merchants, deals, trade Irna, Shoing, Antaea Pair of balanced scales with coin and gem on scales
Themela LN Knowledge Law, Justice Everywhere Two facing ravens
Thulgard LG Peace, Order Home and settlement Irna, Funta, Antaea Wooden sturdy shield hearth at its center
Zopha NG Knowledge Knowledge, Intellect, Wisdom, Growth, Understanding Funta, Irna, Antaea, Shoing A circle broken in arcs by a triangle and the center of the triangle is three dots
Primitive Gods
Deity Alignment Suggested Domains Holy Symbol
Friedhof TN Grave Black Circle
Cael TN Nature Cloud with lightning bolt
Lunis TN Nature Cresent moon
Solis TN Light Rising sun with sun rays
Tempus TN Nature Three eyes in a triangle
Demi Gods
Deity Alignment Region Suggested Domains Holy Symbol
Demergat LE Stormy Waters Tempest Raining Cloud
Erumpens CN Volcanos Nature Three mountains with volcanic tops
Fridon NG Frozen Lakes Nature Fish with a ice cube in mouth
Gramil TN Old Growth Trees Nature Very tall tree in forest

The Pantheon of Creation: A Chronicle of Divine Evolution

In the beginning, there was Ix, the Primordial One. A deity of unparalleled might and majesty, Ix simply was, existing beyond the confines of time and space. This deity, untouched by the needs of lesser beings, wielded the unparalleled power to breathe life into the void and to shape matter from the ethereal. Yet, in a twist of cosmic irony, Ix met its end, torn asunder by its very creation.

From the vast expanse of Ix's vision emerged the Primitive Gods. These were the stewards of the universe, birthed by Ix to oversee the vast cosmos, relieving the Primordial One from the minutiae of existence. Stoic and unyielding, they were untouched by the pleas of mortals, offering little in return for veneration. Their limitations were clear: they could neither breathe life into existence nor mold matter from nothingness.

Yet, from the remnants of Ix's cataclysmic end arose the Shard Gods. These deities, each a fragment of Ix's once boundless might, were tied to distinct domains. Their strength ebbed and flowed with the vitality of their dominion. Gifted with the ability to create life, they, however, lacked the prowess to mold matter from nothingness. Their existence was a delicate balance; devoid of worshipers, they would diminish, reverting to mere shards, waiting to be discovered and reborn.

In the ever-evolving tapestry of divinity, the Ex Nihilo Gods emerged, born from the very fabric of the universe. These deities, conceived for a singular purpose, thrived on championing their cause. Their existence was a reflection of the universe's will, and their sustenance depended on the propagation and success of their ordained mission. While they could mold matter to their whims, the spark of life eluded their grasp.

The Bound Gods were unique, tethered to the very land they arose from. Born from the cosmic dust of Ix, mingling with the volatile forces of nature, these deities drew strength from their geographical anchors. Their might was unparalleled within their domain, yet their influence was confined. Only by transcending their geological ties could they aspire to the grandeur of other gods.

Lastly, the cosmos witnessed the birth of Children Gods, offspring of divine unions. Their powers were a tapestry of their lineage. If born of a Shard and an Ex Nihilo, they would inherit the limitations of both, unable to shape matter or breathe life. Yet, if their lineage traced back to the Primitive Gods, their partner's traits dominated. Those with a Bound God parent were tethered to broader geographical concepts, granting them an easier path to transcendence. But one thing was certain, the Children Gods were eternal, immune to the fading that plagued others.